Celebration of Language: Studies in Relations between the World, the Word and the Human Mind Cover Image
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Święto języka. Szkice o relacjach między światem, słowem a umysłem ludzkim
Celebration of Language: Studies in Relations between the World, the Word and the Human Mind

Author(s): Paweł Majewski
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: modern literature; atomism; skepticism; psychosis, anthropology of literature
Summary/Abstract: The book consists of seven chapter-studies. The first one features an extensive analysis of Genezis z Ducha by Juliusz Słowacki, the second is an interpretation of letters written by Arthur Rimbaud from Africa, the third deals with The Letter of Lord Chandos by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, the fourth – with The Bald Soprano by Eugène Ionesco, the fifth – with the Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille, the sixth – with some rarely noted aspects of the philosophy of Democritus and of Greek skepticism, while the seventh is an attempt at comparing the account of the psychosis of the elderly Daniel Paul Schreber with the mystical states of Emanuel Swedenborg.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-3971-1
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-3963-6
  • Page Count: 300
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Polish
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