Technologies of Innovative Management of Organizations. Monograph
Technologies of Innovative Management of Organizations. Monograph
Contributor(s): Turekulova Dametken (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: ASERS Publishing
Keywords: technology; innovative management; organization;
Summary/Abstract: The organization of business on a fundamentally new basis makes it possible to solve a number of important tasks for a competitive enterprise: from reducing unproductive expenditures and using resources on the basis of optimal organization of work to managing the range and pricing of products on the basis of complete, accurate and timely information in a single information system of the enterprise. To achieve maximum efficiency, managers need to overcome not only the stage of ‘managerial stagnation’, but also fundamentally change the philosophy, style and mentality of management, to achieve constant dynamics of improving the basic performance of the enterprise. One of the effective technologies for managing modern organizations isengineering, reengineering and outsourcing of business processes.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-606-8689-34-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-8689-32-6
- Page Count: 218
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Elaboration and Formation of the Company Development Strategy
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Elaboration and Formation of the Company Development Strategy
(Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Elaboration and Formation of the Company Development Strategy)
- Author(s):Dametken M. Turekulova, Lyazzat Mukhambetova, Bekarshyn Zhumanova, Gulnara T. LESBAYEVA, Zhanna Nurgaliyeva, Ainura Omarova, Doshan Almagul, Gaukhar Saimagambetova, Aibek IMASHEV, Galymzhan KARIMOV, Yerzhan Zhussupov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:11-49
- No. of Pages:39
- Keywords:strategy; company; management; development structure;
- Summary/Abstract:In terms of building an innovative economy, Kazakhstan enterprises face a problem, on the one hand, of a flexible, rapid response to the instability of the market environment, and on the other hand, the task of creating a long-term competitive policy for companies. One of the most effective ways to improve the management efficiency of a modern enterprise is the strategic management system.
- Price: 25.00 €
Business Process Reengineering as an Innovative Technology of Organization Management
Business Process Reengineering as an Innovative Technology of Organization Management
(Business Process Reengineering as an Innovative Technology of Organization Management)
- Author(s):Dametken M. Turekulova, Lyazzat Mukhambetova, Bekarshyn Zhumanova, Gulnara T. LESBAYEVA, Zhanna Nurgaliyeva, Ainura Omarova, Doshan Almagul, Gaukhar Saimagambetova, Aibek IMASHEV, Galymzhan KARIMOV, Yerzhan Zhussupov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:50-77
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:business; innovations; management; organization;
- Summary/Abstract:At the present stage of development of society, business technologies are characterized by high dynamism, which is associated with the ever-changing market needs. Therefore, enterprises shift their emphasis from managing the use of individual resources to the organization of business processes.
- Price: 25.00 €
Technology of Reengineering the Business Processes of Organizations
Technology of Reengineering the Business Processes of Organizations
(Technology of Reengineering the Business Processes of Organizations)
- Author(s):Turekulova Dametken, Lyazzat Mukhambetova, Bekarshyn Zhumanova, Gulnara T. LESBAYEVA, Zhanna Nurgaliyeva, Ainura Omarova, Doshan Almagul, Gaukhar Saimagambetova, Aibek IMASHEV, Galymzhan KARIMOV, Yerzhan Zhussupov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:78-103
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:technology; reengineering; business; process;
- Summary/Abstract:It is clear that in modern conditions, the survival of companies is possible only with their adaptation and constant adaptation to the external environment. It is these strategic tasks that are solved in the design and development of a business and organization. These kinds of tasks of innovative transformation of enterprises have received the name of engineering. Engineering activities can be carried out by the companies themselves or by numerous engineering consulting firms.
- Price: 25.00 €
Theoretical and Instrumental-Methodical Aspects of Elaboration of Outsourcing Business Model of the Organization
Theoretical and Instrumental-Methodical Aspects of Elaboration of Outsourcing Business Model of the Organization
(Theoretical and Instrumental-Methodical Aspects of Elaboration of Outsourcing Business Model of the Organization)
- Author(s):Turekulova Dametken, Lyazzat Mukhambetova, Bekarshyn Zhumanova, Gulnara T. LESBAYEVA, Zhanna Nurgaliyeva, Ainura Omarova, Doshan Almagul, Gaukhar Saimagambetova, Aibek IMASHEV, Galymzhan KARIMOV, Yerzhan Zhussupov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:104-133
- No. of Pages:30
- Keywords:outsourcing; model; technology; business;
- Summary/Abstract:Generalization of the concept of ‘outsourcing’ allows, on the one hand, to get closer to the understanding of the common features of the various options of outsourcing project: outsourcing always means attracting resources of specialized organizations instead of developing their own competencies in specific activities. On the other hand, outsourcing should be considered comprehensively, taking into account all its aspects. Firstly, outsourcing is a company's use of external resources instead of using its own internal resources. Secondly, outsourcing is an effective model of management. At the same time, the essence of the outsourcing mechanism lies in the fact that all the activities that are not dominant in this company are subcontracted with the enterprises that specialize in them. Thirdly, outsourcing is limited to the allocation of individual organizational elements of the company to third-party firms that, for a fee, manage these elements and perform specially specified tasks. Fourth, outsourcing emerges as a new strategy for the management of the company.
- Price: 25.00 €
Analysis of Activities of NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC as a Formed Business System
Analysis of Activities of NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC as a Formed Business System
(Analysis of Activities of NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC as a Formed Business System)
- Author(s):Turekulova Dametken, Lyazzat Mukhambetova, Bekarshyn Zhumanova, Gulnara T. LESBAYEVA, Zhanna Nurgaliyeva, Ainura Omarova, Doshan Almagul, Gaukhar Saimagambetova, Aibek IMASHEV, Galymzhan KARIMOV, Yerzhan Zhussupov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:134-180
- No. of Pages:47
- Keywords:government; business administration; business process;
- Summary/Abstract:The Republican State Enterprise ‘Kazakhstan Temir Zholy’ is a holding company with assets of more than $ 13.5 billion, which is based on ensuring the functional integrity and manageability of the railway industry in the transportation process. The company carries out such activities as performing the functions of the operator of the main railway network, transportation of passengers and goods by rail.
- Price: 25.00 €
Improving the Business Model of NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC on the Basis of Application of Innovative Technologies of Management
Improving the Business Model of NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC on the Basis of Application of Innovative Technologies of Management
(Improving the Business Model of NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC on the Basis of Application of Innovative Technologies of Management)
- Author(s):Turekulova Dametken, Lyazzat Mukhambetova, Bekarshyn Zhumanova, Gulnara T. LESBAYEVA, Zhanna Nurgaliyeva, Ainura Omarova, Doshan Almagul, Gaukhar Saimagambetova, Aibek IMASHEV, Galymzhan KARIMOV, Yerzhan Zhussupov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:181-218
- No. of Pages:38
- Keywords:innovation; business model; company; government;
- Summary/Abstract:Currently, JSC NC KTZ enters into a period of serious tests, which are caused by the completion of the life cycle of production assets formed before the beginning of the 90s. For example, by 2020, according to the terms of service should be charged more than 54% of freight cars of the existing fleet of the Company, 68% of main-line locomotives, 82% of shunting locomotives and passenger cars. At the same time, the public importance of unprofitable passenger transportation and transportation of certain low-profit and unprofitable cargo categories imposes significant restrictions on the implementation of commercial strategies of JSC NC KTZ.
- Price: 25.00 €