Europe in the Time of crisis
Europe in the Time of crisis

Contributor(s): Stanisław Konopacki (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Sociology, EU-Legislation
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: crisis;European Union;Europe;Polish Constitutional Court;China;Ukraine;Russia;Gayropa;Common University Policy;USA;regional movements
Summary/Abstract: This volume, prepared in conjunction with the academic course European Integration at the Turn of the Twentieth and Twenty-first Century, features a collection of papers delivered during a series of lectures and seminars organized by the Faculty of International Studies and Political Science at the University of Lódz from 2011 to 2014. Some essays in the volume argue that the European Union is the most successful model of supranational governance since the rule of history's largest empires. Other works focus on various aspects of the European Union that have contributed to almost ten years of crisis.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-7969-269-9
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-7969-268-2
  • Page Count: 216
  • Publication Year: 2014
  • Language: English
The writers’ Europe: an imagined community

The writers’ Europe: an imagined community
(The writers’ Europe: an imagined community)

Approaching Europe. Conceptions of German intellectuals in the 20th and 21st centuries

Approaching Europe. Conceptions of German intellectuals in the 20th and 21st centuries
(Approaching Europe. Conceptions of German intellectuals in the 20th and 21st centuries)

German and European experiences in developing national identity and patriotism – sheer resemblances or mutual inspirations?

German and European experiences in developing national identity and patriotism – sheer resemblances or mutual inspirations?
(German and European experiences in developing national identity and patriotism – sheer resemblances or mutual inspirations?)

Identity and differentiated integration in Europe

Identity and differentiated integration in Europe
(Identity and differentiated integration in Europe)

European Union citizenship and member state nationality: rethinking the link?

European Union citizenship and member state nationality: rethinking the link?
(European Union citizenship and member state nationality: rethinking the link?)

Exploring the European constitutional sphere. Centre – periphery perspective

Exploring the European constitutional sphere. Centre – periphery perspective
(Exploring the European constitutional sphere. Centre – periphery perspective)

European integration in the light of the Polish Constitutional Court’s judgments

European integration in the light of the Polish Constitutional Court’s judgments
(European integration in the light of the Polish Constitutional Court’s judgments)

Lingual performance and attitude towards regional movements: Silesia

Lingual performance and attitude towards regional movements: Silesia
(Lingual performance and attitude towards regional movements: Silesia)

Rise of Asia: implications for Europe and the United States

Rise of Asia: implications for Europe and the United States
(Rise of Asia: implications for Europe and the United States)

The impact of the current economic crisis on the Chinese position in Europe

The impact of the current economic crisis on the Chinese position in Europe
(The impact of the current economic crisis on the Chinese position in Europe)

Ukraine – EU relations: modernisation context and the present tasks

Ukraine – EU relations: modernisation context and the present tasks
(Ukraine – EU relations: modernisation context and the present tasks)

Challenges and opportunities of the common EU energy market

Challenges and opportunities of the common EU energy market
(Challenges and opportunities of the common EU energy market)

Hidden parallels transformation research and European studies in dialogue

Hidden parallels transformation research and European studies in dialogue
(Hidden parallels transformation research and European studies in dialogue)

GAYROPA and the bear: how gender discourse shapes the contemporary Russians’ attitudes to Europe

GAYROPA and the bear: how gender discourse shapes the contemporary Russians’ attitudes to Europe
(GAYROPA and the bear: how gender discourse shapes the contemporary Russians’ attitudes to Europe)

Towards a real Common University Policy

Towards a real Common University Policy
(Towards a real Common University Policy)

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