Priče iz izbjeglištva: Više od tragedije
Tales From the Exile: More Than a Tragedy
Author(s): Bojan Munjin
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Sociology, Military history, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Migration Studies, Wars in Jugoslavia
Published by: Srpsko narodno vijeće, Arhiv Srba u Hrvatskoj
Keywords: Operation “Storm”; Serb refugees;
Summary/Abstract: For years it has been emphasised that after the Operation “Storm” at the start of August 1995, some 250 000 Croatian citizens of Serb nationality were expelled from Croatia, probably in order to highlight the sheer scale of the drama of that moment and of the people who fled. Unfortunately, the number is far greater: more than 400,000 Serbs left Croatia during the 1991-1995 war that raged on the territory of this former Yugoslav Socialist Republic. In the beginning, ever since the HDZ party came to power in 1990, they had been coming in Serbia quietly ”with two suitcases and a back¬pack“. They started coming after the first layoffs, after threats below their windows and nasty looks from their neighbors, from anonymous tele¬phone calls and graffiti on the walls containing the letter “U”. It was a time of nationalist triumphalism, a time of invoking ”Croatia within its historic and ethnic borders”, a time when (the first Croatian president) Franjo Tuđman cried out a sentence that is still quoted today, that the ”NDH was also an expression of the Croatian people’s historic will”.
Series: SNV Bilten
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-953-7442-32-3
- Page Count: 80
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: English, Croatian