Historijski revizionizam, govor mržnje i nasilje prema Srbima u 2016.
Historic Revisionism, Hate Speech and Violence Against Serbs in 2016
Author(s): Tamara Opačić
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Political Theory, Sociology, Politics and communication, Politics and society, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies
Published by: Srpsko narodno vijeće, Arhiv Srba u Hrvatskoj
Keywords: Hate Speech; historical revisionism; Hate Speech against Serbs; Violence Against Serbs;
Summary/Abstract: Hate speech in right wing media, angry shouting at stadiums and hate graffiti in the streets, public gatherings of Ustasha supporters as well as discriminatory and revisionist statements by senior state officials, became a part of political reality in Croatia in 2016. What is truly wor¬rying for the security of certain individuals and groups, and especially for representatives and members of the Serb community, is that the number of verbal and physical attacks against them rose last year and that hatred against Serbs and other individuals and groups of liberal and leftist orientation became more intense.
Series: SNV Bilten
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-953-7442-35-4
- Page Count: 148
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: English, Croatian