Neostvarena prava i promašene politike 2: Zastupljenost nacionalnih manjina u državnoj upravi, pravosuđu i policiji
Unrealized rights and failed policies 2: Representation of national minorities in the state administration and judiciary

Author(s): Ljubomir Mikić
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Political Theory, Sociology, Politics and law, Politics and society, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies
Published by: Srpsko narodno vijeće, Arhiv Srba u Hrvatskoj
Keywords: national minorities; Representation of national minorities; state administration;
Summary/Abstract: Relying on the fact of by law guaranteed right on proportional representation of national minorities members in public authorities that has for years presented a big problem and challenge for the Republic of Croatia, Serb National Council (SNC) published the analysis Unrealized Rights and Failed Policies: Representation of National Minorities in State Administration, Judiciary and Police in March of 2014. The analysis was based on competent authorities’ data about the representation of national minorities in stated institutions, highlighting the representation of Serbs followed and collected by SNC and the Independent Democratic Serbian Party Club in the Croatian Parliament between the middle of 2008 and the middle of 2013, respectively until the beginning of the EU membership of Republic of Croatia in July of 2013. The results of the analysis were devastating. It has been noticed that during the analysed period, despite the specific measures of the Government of Republic of Croatia, not only there was no improvement in realization of the rights, but previously achieved level of representation demonstrate tendencies of moderate to significant degradation. Former politics of the Government directed towards increasing the number of national minorities’ members in competent authorities have been rated as useless, and stated reasonable doubt they were only fulfilling the form in order to meet the criteria of the EU entry negotiations. The conclusion, among other, stated the necessity for the Government and other competent authorities to undertake decisive, comprehensive and concrete measures in collaboration and with participation of national minorities’ representatives and independent experts in the following period in order to implement the corresponding guaranteed rights.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-953-7442-36-1
  • Page Count: 61
  • Publication Year: 2015
  • Language: English, Croatian
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