Within the scope of Professor Jan Szczepański’s thought. Volume V Cover Image
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W kręgu myśli Profesora Jana Szczepańskiego. Tom 5
Within the scope of Professor Jan Szczepański’s thought. Volume V

Contributor(s): Karol Daniel Kadłubiec (Editor), Ewa Ogrodzka-Mazur (Editor), Andrzej Kasperek (Editor)
Subject(s): Philosophy, Education, Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Jan Szczepański; culture; Polish national ethos; values; ethos of work; etos narodowy; etos pracy; świadomość kulturowa; mniejszość etniczna; mniejszość kulturowa; dziedzictwo kulturowe
Summary/Abstract: Volume V of W kręgu myśli Profesora Jana Szczepańskiego [Within the scope of Professor Jan Szczepański’s thought] is a continuation of the discussion which presents the scientific and writing output of Jan Szczepański in the (re)interpretation of the representatives of humanistic and social sciences as well as other scientific disciplines. The authors of particular texts refer to such fundamental values as: the feeling of belonging to a group, the instilling of respect, bonds with the own region – its traditions and achievements, its cultural heritage, the local dialect and its inhabitants. In the current social and cultural contexts, due attention is drawn to the national ethos, the ethos of work, the values which are highly ranked by youth in daily life, and the significance of regional culture in cross-generation transmission. The undertaken discussion enables the reader to familiarize with the cultural heritage, tradition and values which determine the specificity of the Polish-Czech borderland in Cieszyn Silesia. Moreover, the reader is offered a chance to open to other communities, other cultural environments and/or other regions. All the authors concordantly express their opinion that both the life and the scientific and writing output of Jan Szczepański confirm the thesis on „the life-giving effect of the borderland”.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-592-6
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-591-9
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Polish
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