Съвременната святост: история, образи, символи, практики
The Contemporary Holiness: History, Models, Symbols, Practices
Contributor(s): Maria Schnitter (Editor), Eva Kovacheva (Editor)
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Theology and Religion, Religion and science
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: teology; holiness; history; anthropology
Summary/Abstract: The subject of holiness and its historical and contemporary dimensions has proven to be a cross point for the research interests of academics with a different academic background profile - theologians and historians, anthropologists and sociologists, art historians and pedagogues. This allowed the discussions to cross the boundaries of the single disciplines and to outline a rich and multidimensional image of research phenomenon. The vast variety of positions proved how beneficial could be the "Scientific diversity" and the lack of paradigmatic dogmatism outlined by the academic tolerance has turned this first conference into a forum for free exchange of views and opinions. This was particularly important for young scientists involved, for which the access to such scientific forums is often limited by institutional ones or other reasons. The collection we bring to the attention of readers reflects the current state of scientific thought on the theme of holiness.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-7249-42-2
- Page Count: 288
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Bulgarian, Russian, Polish, Greek, Modern (1453-)
Встъпително слово
Встъпително слово
(Introductory Words)
- Author(s):Petar Gramatikov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:12-13
- No. of Pages:2
Светостта - опит за дефиниция
Светостта - опит за дефиниция
(Holiness - an Attempt to Define It)
- Author(s):Maria Schnitter
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Anthropology, Cultural history, Theology and Religion, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:17-23
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:holiness; saints; anthropology; Old Testament; hagiographical works; Orthodox understanding
- Summary/Abstract:The paper attempts to define the term “holiness” from the point of view of anthropology. It traces the transformations of the understanding for “what/who is holy?” starting from the Old Testament term „ קדוש – kadosh” (meaning ‘separate, different’). The analysis of the ancient Slavic root *svęt- < *k’ṷen-to- leads to the Orthodox understanding of holiness as the ultimate level of spiritual bliss, an upper limit for the rise of humans in their humanity. Also observed is the problem of the “historical accuracy” of the hagiographical works. A series of examples are given for the social distinction of the saints’ behaviour, which places them not just ABOVE, but obviously fully OUTSIDE the social norms.
Возможность святости в современном мире
Возможность святости в современном мире
(Possibility of Holiness in the Modern World)
- Author(s):Tatiana Esikova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Psychology, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:24-28
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:holiness; spiritual development of man; religiosity; holiness; classification; religious values; оrthodox catechism
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the concept of «holiness» in the context of the Orthodox catechism. The sons of holiness, that is, the classification of holiness, is represented with examples of the saints of God known in Russia. It is noted that a man can become a saint in the modern world. The main ways to holiness in the modern world are indicated.
Agiotita - Agios Nikolaos Planas
Agiotita - Agios Nikolaos Planas
(Holiness - St Nikolai of Plana)
- Author(s):Sevastianos Somarakis
- Language:Greek, Modern (1453-)
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Theology and Religion, Canon Law / Church Law
- Page Range:29-35
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:St Nikolai of Plana; holiness; Church of Greece
- Summary/Abstract:However, there is still in our hard times plenty and hidden sanctity. It exists not only in the life of insignificant, unknown, obscure monks in the deserts and the coenobium, but also in the world. A prove of this is the Saints of the 20th century, who lived in the whole Christian world, like Saint Siluane, Saint Nektarios, Saint Nickolas Velimirovits, Saint Justin Popovits, Saint Porphyrios, Saint Paisios and many others. One of those simple and obscure Saints is Saint Nickolas Planas. The life of Saint Nickolas Planas (that was his surname) proves exactly this, that Sanctity is possible at any time and any place.
Pierwsi Polscy Swieci
Pierwsi Polscy Swieci
(The First Polish Saints)
- Author(s):Christopher Lojek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:36-41
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:holiness; Poland; Polish saints; the 10th
- Summary/Abstract:Poland adopted Christianity in 966. From the very beginning of the new religion in Poland, all the faithful were encouraged to strive for holiness, especially religious and priests. The first Poles, counted among the saints, were born in the same century in which Poland adopted Christianity. Over the centuries, there were more people who were canonized. The first Polish saints will be presented in the article. We will show Poles who have been counted among the saints from the 10th to the 15th century.
Светостта между богословието и църковната практика
Светостта между богословието и църковната практика
(Holiness Between Theology and Church Life)
- Author(s):Valentin Kozhuharov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:42-50
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:holiness; life in the Church; theory and practice; theologizing; all-Christian
- Summary/Abstract:The article considers the issue of holiness from the perspective of Christian theology and Christian practice in the life of the believers. Often holiness is dealt with in theology in a more theoretical way that does not always find confirmation in the real practical life of Christians. The issue of holiness is viewed as an all-Christian topic, as the Holy Scripture is all-Christian, and as God’s revelation to people is offered to every human being, not just to one Christian community or to another. This is why the article sees the future of theological research into holiness as a common enterprise undertaken by theologians from different Christian communities.
Пътят към Йерусалим
Пътят към Йерусалим
(The Road to Jerusalem)
- Author(s):Nikola Vladikov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:51-53
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Tsankov; sin; will; deity; road; holiness
- Summary/Abstract: Stefan Tsankov puts human life in the dynamic evangelical contextualization of the Way from Jericho to Jerusalem. The starting point is Jericho because of the Fall. In this way man encounters sin, which "is not an essence but a personal negation of the essence." For Tsankov sin is not an integral part, but a lack of human nature, and therefore the author is categorical that Adam was able not to sin because he sinned by will, not by nature.For Tsankov love is the heart of knowing God and deity. It is inadmissible for him not to think of God in the first place as about a loving God. Love is the main method of knowing God, and reaching the goal - Jerusalem. Tsankov places the holy sacrament anthropology in the context of Christology and Deity.
Спасението и освещението на човека в химнографията на свети Йоан Дамаскин
Спасението и освещението на човека в химнографията на свети Йоан Дамаскин
(The Salvation and Sanctification of man. Christologian Theotokology in the Hymnography to St. John of Damascus)
- Author(s):Stoyan Chilikov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:57-65
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:St. John of Damascus; the Salvation and Sanctification of man; Hymnographian texts
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is present the teaching of St. John of Damascus for the Salvation and Sanctification of man. The Hymnographian texts which are in the base of this texts, they are above all things the canons of Resurrecion of the eights voices, the Dogmatics and the canons which was wrote of St. Jonh of Damascus for the biggest fests of God and Theotokos. The text is accept to the Salvation and Sanctification of man according St. John of Damascus, which is a result of Incorporation of the Logos.
Канонизацията на св. Григорий Палама (1368 г.) и нейното аргументиране
Канонизацията на св. Григорий Палама (1368 г.) и нейното аргументиране
(The Canonization of St. Gregory Palamas (1368) and its Justification)
- Author(s):Georgi Kapriev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:66-71
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:sanctity; canonization procedure; Philotheos Kokkinos; Gregory Palamas and his teaching
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the canonization of Saint Gregory Palamas. The Tomos of 1368 explains it in the context of the condemnation of Prochoros Kydones. The main argument for the sanctity of Palamas is his teaching. Although the pious life and post-mortal wonders of Palamas are mentioned, they remain secondary. At the same time, the holy patriarch Philotheos Kokkinos establishes the formal framework of the canonization procedure. The paper proves that the form of canonical procedure of Orthodox churches is determined already in the 14th century and not after 1453, as the modern research literature suggests.
Святост и освещаване с елей, отразени в библейските текстове на Стария завет
Святост и освещаване с елей, отразени в библейските текстове на Стария завет
(Holiness and Sanctification with Holy Chrism Presented in the Biblical Texts of the Old Testament)
- Author(s):Margarita Zagarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:72-78
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Sanctity; consecration with Holy oil; Old Testament texts
- Summary/Abstract:The theme of this article is about sanctity as described in the Old Testament texts. At the same time, it briefly talks about consecration with Holy oil as a basic act of performing consecration. Sanctity is a fundamental moral category relating primarily to the Divine Existence. Within the Old Testament time frame the relation to sanctity mainly concerns God – Father, Creator and Maker. Its aspects follow two directions: sanctity concerning God, and sanctity concerning all that serves God (people, times, objects, places, etc.).
Раннохристиянски мъченици, от които, според житията, изтича "мляко вместо кръв"
Раннохристиянски мъченици, от които, според житията, изтича "мляко вместо кръв"
(Early Christian Martyrs According to the Passional From Which "Milk Is Flowing Instead of Blood")
- Author(s):Eva Kovacheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology, Eastern Orthodoxy, History of Religion
- Page Range:79-90
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:saints; early Christian period; martyrs; blood; milk
- Summary/Abstract:In the present study, there are 40 saints, whose lives describe that in their martyrdom death from the wounds of their bodies, and especially when their heads were cut off, milk was flowing instead of blood. Of the presented cases, 20 are women and 20 are men of different age. As described in the vitae, it is established that they lived between the 1-4 century, which coincided with the early Christian period, but there are also three exceptions of the martyrs of the 5th, 7th and 11th centuries. Regarding the localization of the described phenomenon, it was found that the saints originated from different geographic areas – in the East from Palestine and Tyre (present-day Lebanon), in North Africa - on the lands of today's Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, in various regions of Asia Minor, The Balkan Peninsula (particularly on the territory of today's Bulgaria and Greece) and West to Gaul (in particular Italy, France and Belgium). In general, the explanation given in the present study of the miracle of milk is that it is a sign of their holiness and their heavenly change already on the earth.
Култовете на българските светци през IX - XII в.
Култовете на българските светци през IX - XII в.
(The Cults of the Bulgarian Saints in IX-XII c.)
- Author(s):Dimo Cheshmedzhiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:93-98
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:the cults; bulgarian saints; IX-XII century
- Summary/Abstract:The report concentrates on the topic of the development of cults to own saints in the Bulgarian church through the period 9-12c., both apostolic and enlightening (Saint saint Cyril and Methodius, Saint Kliment Ohridski, Saint Naum Ohridski), and seigniorial (Boris-Mihail, Saint tsar Petar), anchoretic (Saint Ioan Rilski, Saint Prohor Pshinski, Saint Ioakim Osogovski, Saint Gavriil Lesnovski). Some controversial topics such as worshiping the students of the Cyril and Methodius Gorazd and Lavrentii in the medieval Bulgarian lands are considered as well.
Опит за типологизация на светците, канонизирани от Българската православна църква в най-ново време
Опит за типологизация на светците, канонизирани от Българската православна църква в най-ново време
(An Attempt to Typify the Saints, Canonized by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Recent Times)
- Author(s):Kostadin Nushev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:99-107
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Typologisation of saints; canonization; Bulgarian Orthodox Church
- Summary/Abstract:This article is an attempt to present a short systematization and typologisation of the process of official canonization of saints by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in recent times. In the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century several official canonization of saints by the Bulgarian Patriarchate. The brief typology of these saints according to the orthodox hagiology shows that they are divided into several main groups. These are new martyrs, spiritual enlighteners (buditeli) and holy hierarchs (svetiteli). Regardless of the conditionality of this most general typology of the canonized saints we are able to trace and outline the contours of modern Bulgarian holiness.
Богомилската представа за святост
Богомилската представа за святост
(The Bogomilic View of Holiness)
- Author(s):Steliyan Kunev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:108-119
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:The Bogomols; holiness; Boril Synodic; the Holy Fathers; heretic
- Summary/Abstract:The present study aims to present the Bogomilic view of holiness. For this purpose, the main sources of Bogomil and Christian doctrines are used: "The Secret Book of the Bogomils", "The Qatars Trebic", the Sacred Scripture of the Old and New Testaments, the "Boril Synodik" of 1211 and the teachings of the Holy Fathers. The result of the analysis is as follows: There is no similarity between the Bogomil and Christian notions of holiness; on the contrary, they are completely opposite. The Bogomils perceive holiness as an escape from everything material, the world, and the body are not subject to sanctification. According to the teachings of the Bogomils, the man, the animals, then plants are creation of Satan. The woman conceived with the help of Satan. The human body is not subject to sanctification and can not be holy.
Еклесиологични предпоставки на светостта у апостолските мъже
Еклесиологични предпоставки на светостта у апостолските мъже
(Ecclesiological Prerequisites for Holiness in Apostolic Men)
- Author(s):Mariya Cherneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:123-127
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:holiness; New Testament writers; Catholic; Body of Christ; member; holy; God; Christ; Holy Spirit; union eucharistic assembly
- Summary/Abstract:The understanding of apostolic men for holiness is in full consensus with the views of New Testament writers and represents their continuation and expression specific to the era. According to their works, holiness is the Catholic and only possible way of life in the body of Christ for each of its members. A world in the very sense of this word is God alone. That is why man becomes a world not by individual improvement but by joining with Christ in the Holy Spirit in the eucharistic assembly. Holiness is not a historical category, although it manifests and acts in history, as Christ Himself does. Apostolic men pay attention to the working of Christian holiness, the ethos, and the virtues that flow from it.
Евхаристийната святост в анафората
Евхаристийната святост в анафората
(The Eucharistic Holiness in the Anaphora)
- Author(s):Ivan Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:128-147
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Eucharistic holiness; Liturgical Theology; Symbol-Reality; Faith-Reason; Church tradition; Liturgical interpretation
- Summary/Abstract:The Liturgical and Eucharistic witnesses of holiness prove the basic principles of the Christian worship of the Christian as a creative process as a mystical act of fellowship between man and God and emphasized both the faith and the knowledge that the believers should gain. The main problems with regard to the Eucharistic holiness in this study are addressed in the following points: establishment of eternal holiness – foundation of the Eucharist, God's holiness - manifestation in symbol and reality, angelic holiness in liturgy, confession of belief in Eucharistic practice as a mandatory condition for consecration, „Εὐχαριστήσωμεν τῷ Κυρίῳ“, the Eucharistic sacrament as an expression of God's holiness in transformation and consecration, the sanctifying power reflected in Byzantine liturgies, knowing the truth as a way of sanctification in God, faith and reason - one in the understanding of God's holiness.
Кръщението и светостта
Кръщението и светостта
(Baptism and Holiness)
- Author(s):Ivan Marinski
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:148-153
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:holiness; transformation; primordial immortal nature; image and likeness of God; deification; Incarnation; Baptism
- Summary/Abstract:‘Holiness’ is one of the fundamental conceptions in the Christian doctrine. However, in contrast to the Western tradition, according to which holiness is confined solely to attaining moral perfection, the Orthodox tradition teaches that holiness is mainly an ontological category meaning internal transformation, a recovery of the primordial immortal nature, a return to the lost image and likeness of God – deification. For the Christian Eastern world, the basis of this recovery is the Incarnation– the act of Christ’s acquiring human nature. Through the Incarnation man is ‘created anew’, human nature is recovered and man is given back the purpose of his life again - his deification. For each human being the beginning of this new way of life starts with Baptism.
Богослужебни елементи в апокрифа "Видение, което видя свети Исая Пророк, син Амосов"
Богослужебни елементи в апокрифа "Видение, което видя свети Исая Пророк, син Амосов"
(Liturgical Elements in the Apocryph "The Vision Which Sees the Saint Isaa the Prophet, Son of Amos")
- Author(s):Valeri Tonchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:154-159
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:liturgical elements; apocryphal text; „the vision of saint Isaiah the prophet; son of Amoz
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to present the Bulgarian apocryphal text "The vision of Saint Isaiah the Prophet, son of Amoz" from a different perspective. The identification and systematization of the liturgical elements in this medieval Bulgarian apocryphal text unveil a different aspect of the Apocrypha, which contain elements of the liturgical tradition of both the early Christians and the worship that was evolving in the Middle Ages. The presence of liturgical texts sets the apocryphal literature as the bearer of the Holy Tradition of the Church, and by no meanssupports the claim that the Apocrypha represent only the thoughts and reflections of the author.In this context, apocryphal texts can be considered a basis for the study of the liturgical tradition and its evolution.The presentapocryphal text was being written over a long period of time, and containstraces of early-Christian worship and medieval traditions from the imperial liturgical tradition of Byzantium and Bulgaria.
Контекст и възникване на еднокорабната църква
Контекст и възникване на еднокорабната църква
(Context and Emergence of the Aisleless Church)
- Author(s):Lenko Grigorov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Architecture, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:163-169
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:aisleless church; aula ecclesiae; church architecture; Bulgarian territory
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the emergence of the type of the aisleless church as a variation of the aula ecclesiae (an intermediate step in the development of the church architecture between domus ecclesiae and the basilica). It argues for the continuing existence of the type of aula ecclesiae even today. An attempt is made to define and distinguish the aisleless church from the later types - the Constantine’s basilica and its derivative forms, including the cross-in-square church. The article follows the development of the aisleless church and other variations of the aula ecclesiae within the Bulgarian Kingdom and the Bulgarian territory during the period between the 9th century and the Second World War. The text also examines the influence of later church types on the aisleless church phenomenon.
Семантика на мозаечните изображения в южния кораб на епископската базилика на Античния Пловдив
Семантика на мозаечните изображения в южния кораб на епископската базилика на Античния Пловдив
(Semantics of the Mosaic Images in the Southern Nef of the Episcopal Basilica of Antique Plovdiv)
- Author(s):Petar Gramatikov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:170-177
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Philippopolis; donatio; investitura; polychrome mosaic; Constantius II
- Summary/Abstract:Is it plausible hypothesis that the geometric ornaments of the first level of the polychrome mosaic resemble the Roman custom of proclaiming a ruler, empowering with imperial power, which symbolically happened by raising on a shield? The article is an attempt to explain the meaning of the symbols on the mosaics at the Episcopal basilica of ancient Philippopolis, a locus where some of the sessions of the semi-Arian council in 343 A.D. took place.
Фрески апокалипсиса монастыря Дионисиат
Фрески апокалипсиса монастыря Дионисиат
(The Apocalyptic Cycle of Frescoes of the Monastery of Dionysiou)
- Author(s):Igor Orlov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:178-192
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Athos; Apocalypse; fresco; icon artistic image
- Summary/Abstract:In this article the author considers a problem of iconographic reading and display through system of images (monastery frescos Dionisiat on Athos) the most mysterious book of the Holy Writ – Revelations of the Apostle John the Evangelist (Apocalypse).
Фактор святости в дизайне
Фактор святости в дизайне
(The Factor of Holiness in the Design)
- Author(s):Sergei Tonkovid
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:193-196
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:factor of holiness; religious sense of design; the holiness of the designer
- Summary/Abstract:The article shows where the factor of Holiness takes place in design. The author is based on the religious sense of design. Examples of design in which there is a problem of choice of good and evil are shown. We found a way in the design, which leads to beneficial results, to the Holiness of the designer.
Роль православного храма в государственном учреждении
Роль православного храма в государственном учреждении
(The Role of the Orthodox Church in the State Institution)
- Author(s):Mark Cantaruk
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:197-199
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Russian Orthodox Church; Orthodox temple; public institution
- Summary/Abstract:This article shows an interaction is Orthodox Church and Russian Emergency Situations Ministry, where the main factor of this interaction is Orthodox temple which was built on the public institution territory area.
"Троица" Андрея Рублева: символы святости
"Троица" Андрея Рублева: символы святости
("Trinity" by Andrei Rublev: The Symbols of Holiness)
- Author(s):Daria Dvurechenskaya, Vera Kukushkina, Evgeny Gamov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
- Page Range:200-202
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Trinity; Andrei Rublev; symbols; holiness
- Summary/Abstract:The article focuses on the symbolism, artistic value and historical significance of the work «Trinity» of the great Russian genius Andrei Rublev. The distinctive features of secular and religious art are shown.
Изображения на български светци, просияли през периода на османското владичество от територията на днешна Гърция
Изображения на български светци, просияли през периода на османското владичество от територията на днешна Гърция
(Images of Bulgarian Saints, Who Became Saint During the Period of Otoman Rule From the Territory of Nowadays Greece)
- Author(s):Nedyalka Yamakova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:203-214
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Bulgarian saints; martyrs; Angel Bitolski; Kirana Solunska; Zlata Maglenska; Nikita Serski; Akakii Serski; Dimo Ribar; Atanas Solunsky; Alexander Solunski; Hristo Gradinar; Trendafil Zagorski
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the present study is the depiction of Bulgarian saints, martyrs, who appeared during the Ottoman rule in the period 17 th – 19 th centuries, from the territory of today's Greece. Such are the saints - martyrs: Angel Bitolski, Kirana Solunska, Zlata Maglenska, Nikita Serski, Akakii Serski, Dimo Ribar, Atanas Solunsky, Alexander Solunski, Hristo Gradinar, Trendafil Zagorski, who are the subject of the study. The aforementioned saints are described in the collections of the lives of Bulgarian saints, but there are no images of them in our temples, except for St. Zlata Maglenska. The lack of images of these saints was the main motive to be made a tour around a number of cities in Greece. To visit orthodox temples and places related to their lives and to take pictures of their images.
Храм-памятник сввятого Саввы как символ святости современной Сербии
Храм-памятник сввятого Саввы как символ святости современной Сербии
(The Memorial Church of St. Sava as the Symbol of the Sanctity of Modern Serbia)
- Author(s):Olivera Tonkovid
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:215-218
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:St. Sava; Temple; Church; Serbia; holiness
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the history, role and significance of the most majestic Church for the faithful citizens of Serbia. It shows the architectural and artistic features of the building, as well as its attitude to the Serbian-Russian Commonwealth.
Арменската апостолическа православна църква "Сурп Кеворк" - свещен символ за пловдивската общност
Арменската апостолическа православна църква "Сурп Кеворк" - свещен символ за пловдивската общност
(Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church "Surp Kevork" - A Sacred Symbol for the Plovdiv Community)
- Author(s):Takuhi Tavityan
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:219-225
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Armenian; Apostolic; Orthodox; Church; “Surp Kevork”; Plovdiv
- Summary/Abstract:The Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church "Surp Kevork" ("St. George") is a unifying centre for the Armenians in Plovdiv and a symbol of faith. The role it performs for the geographically dispersed community is complex and multi-layered. The study established the following hypothesis: the church and the museum have a social and spiritual function. The main purpose of the report is to reveal why the church has become a sacred symbol for the Armenian community in Plovdiv. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve two research tasks, namely: to present a brief history of the church and to determine the role of the church museum located in the temple
Исихастки и исторически измерения на светостта в иконографията на света Петка Епиватска
Исихастки и исторически измерения на светостта в иконографията на света Петка Епиватска
(Migration of Relics of Saint Petka as Symbol of Balkan Spiritual and Ethno-Cultural Unity From Hesychasm to Nowadays)
- Author(s):Lyubomira Stefanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:226-233
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:church; saint; globalization; traditional image
- Summary/Abstract:This study discusses unexplored relation of migrations of saint Petka as hermit and of her relics among people and cultures along their development and interconnection. Special scholarly interest is focused on representation of saint in iconic perspective in various forms of church art from late Medieval period to modern national narratives of Balkan ountries.Rapid recent development of media and technologies provide contemporary believers with information that shift public attention from issues of saint’s national belonging and particular political roles of veneration in separate local contexts, to distinguishing of specific way of saint Petka to sainthood and her religious personality as cultural heritage.
Аспекти на развитиеjо на християнската химнография в периода V-VIII век, отразени в музикалното творчество на изявени свети личности
Аспекти на развитиеjо на християнската химнография в периода V-VIII век, отразени в музикалното творчество на изявени свети личности
(Aspects of the Development of Christian Hymnography Between V-VIII century, Reflected in the Musical Creativity of Prominent Holy Persons)
- Author(s):Elena Arnaudova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:234-237
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Christian hymnography; liturgical singing; church chants; Roman Melod; Andrew Kritski; Joan Damaskin
- Summary/Abstract:The period V-VIII century is distinguished by its special importance in the history of liturgical singing. It is connected with the rise of church-song creation as a response to the ever widespread spread of heresies. Even before the schism in the 11th century, during this period, the main differences between church chants in the Eastern and Western Roman Catholic Church were established. The present theoretical study aims to clarify some of the more important aspects of Christian hymnography by asking the answer to the question: Who are the holy person - the hymnographers who have a key role in the development of the churchmusic during this period. The subject of the present study is the contribution of the hymnographers Roman Melod; Andrej Kritski and Joan Damaskin, whose creativity stands out for their special significance.
"Със светиите упокой, Христе"
"Със светиите упокой, Христе"
("With the Saints, Repose in the Christ")
- Author(s):January Dzhangozov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:238-240
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:the living; the dead; prayer; holy Divine Liturgy
- Summary/Abstract:The main points in the report highlights the relationship between the living and the dead, between the private and the common prayer, and the unity of the Church. The private prayer for the dead occurs spontaneously, since it is an act of the love for your own, and from there it flows into the common prayer, because the Church has always helped its members by praying for the dead during the holy Divine Liturgy. The other main focus is the merciful sacrifice to God as it is stated, in the symbol of faith, upon the terrible and glorious Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Личността на свещеника при духовното обгрижване на наркозависими
Личността на свещеника при духовното обгрижване на наркозависими
(The Personality of the Priest in the Spirirtual Service of Drug Addicts)
- Author(s):Ivan Genov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:243-247
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Cleric; LOVE; educate; social rehabilitation; drug addicted; process; re-socialization
- Summary/Abstract:The main task of the cleric during his working with drug addicts: is to create conditions for churching of those coming to him who need it. This is only possible in an atmosphere of love and empathy; as inadmissible any form of condemnation or mannerism to a person, whether drugs addict or an alcoholic. A special place in the life of a healthy addict takes the restoration of the ability to have normal fellowship with the people around him - the so-called social rehabilitation. It is made much easier in a church community. The cleric has a huge, difficult and responsible task in his work with drug addicts. He must very carefully, gradually and patiently lead the man to the idea of God. And if it is intrusive, it can repel man. Everything requires patience and tolerance. In working with addicts, the priest must give his spiritual example; to keep a close watch on how it behaves and at the same time friendly to show that he can count on him; that the addict can trust and express the grief of his heart; thus bringing the cleric to the inside of his soul - to discover the pain that has prompted him to this way of life; to find the essence of the spiritual problem that is the basis for the beginning of human drug adoption. The cleric, working with addicts, must first of all have a deeply established and unwavering faith in God which shines and warm whole being (see. Hebrews 11: 6); also to have a dedicated self-sacrificial Love.
Взаимодействие медицины и религии как результат процесса возрождения православной культуры
Взаимодействие медицины и религии как результат процесса возрождения православной культуры
(Interaction of Medicine and Religion as a Result of the Revival of Orthodox Culture)
- Author(s):Ecatherina Cantaruk
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:248-249
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:revival of Orthodox culture; medicine; religion; Orthodox hospital temple
- Summary/Abstract:This article considers two important directions in a revival of Orthodox culture it is a medicine and a religion. This interaction is shown in the opening of the Orthodox hospital temple.
В мълчанието на вярата
В мълчанието на вярата
(In Silence of Faith)
- Author(s):Ivelina Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:250-257
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:village Vladichentsi; faith; religious identity; holiness; church; moral; spirituality
- Summary/Abstract:This text try to outline some guidance on the topic of faith of the people in the village Vladichentsi. The main points of the subject are related to the nature of faith and religious identity of the people. Indirectly these questions ask another important question: is it possible acquisition of holiness without adequate participation in Orthodox life of the Church. We will try to essayistic style to tell about his observations of meetings with them and outline the parameters of his work further.
Репродуктивни практики и маркери на локална идентичност
Репродуктивни практики и маркери на локална идентичност
("The Golden Apple"" and the Belt for the Birth - Ritual Reproductive Practices and Local Identity Markers)
- Author(s):Atanaska Madzharova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:258-264
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:apple; birth-giving belt; child birth; church; magic folklore; faith; infertility; conception; ritual; St. Mary
- Summary/Abstract:Each year, two weeks before Easter, the church in the neighborhood of Gorni Voden in Assenovgrad accommodates a congregation which comes for a specific purpose - to pray for a child birth. In the countryside and throughout the country, the holiday is known as the “Golden Apple” - a name almost replacing the name of the church “Our Lady of the Assumption”. The popularity of the holiday is owing to the unique practice - the couples eat an apple as part of the ritual of conceiving a child. In addition to this practice, the women also receive a conception belt from the church. These two reproductive ritualistic practices are of interest because of the way they are carried out with new integrated elements each year.These popular customs are part of the folklore-magic tradition of Assenovgrad and have important place in the description of the history of assistance (help) in conception. What makes them so specific is that they are loaded with symbolism and serve as a link between the personal and collective attempts to tackle the problem of infertility. Considered useful and helpful in overcoming sterility, these practices remain persistent over time, and are still relevant.
Литийни шествия и съвременни градски празници по примера на град Асеновград
Литийни шествия и съвременни градски празници по примера на град Асеновград
(The Prayerful Processions and the Contemporary Urban Celebrations by the Example of the Town of Asenovgrad)
- Author(s):Vasil Karadzhov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:265-274
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:prayerful processions; contemporary urban celebrations; Asenovgrad
- Summary/Abstract:In the text are presented religious and urban feast days, which are distinguished by festive processions, following the example of Assenovgrad. The town is known for its Christian cult buildings and culture. In the narratives, the town is compared with the world's Christian centers and is recognizable by its constructed images such as the Little Jerusalem, the Rhodope Holy Mountain and etc. Twelve urban events with the participation of the local community are gathered in the text. The addition of the prayerful processions in the Bachkovo Monastery can create a regional calendar of the feast days. The religious feasts with their prayerful processions in Asenovgrad are mass and turn into town-wide. The secular celebrations borrow from the festive processions the festive movement in urban space. The routes connect two or more town topos such as churches, monasteries, chapels, Holy Water sources, town fountains, monuments, small streets, central town boulevards and the town square. This symbolically confirms the connections between them and makes them valuable to the local community by creating certain collective ideas about them and the past of the town. Often this happens on the basis of a reconstructed legend or story. The Asenovgrad locals enjoy celebrating and gladly participate on various occasions in festive processions like those gathered in this study.
Смъртта и светостта в православието
Смъртта и светостта в православието
(Death and Holiness in Orthodoxy)
- Author(s):Kameliya Boshlova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:275-282
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:death; holiness; Orthodoxy; burial customs; Northwestern Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:The article contains 4 paragraphs. At first death is regarded as a result of the first-born sin which takes away from human beings the ability to be attached to God's Holiness. The second paragraph presents historically relationship death-holiness in the ancient Greek civilization, and the changes brought by the monotheistic Hebrew religion. The third paragraph sets out the crucial role of the death of Jesus Christ for the Orthodox eschatology, Who, defeating death, turns it into a sacred tool of the believers’ salvation. In the last paragraph the author describes as an eyewitness and participant some funeral rituals, preserved and still practiced by the Vlachs in the village of Gamzovo, Northwestern Bulgaria. Basically the author draws our attention to her vision that, despite their pre-Christian origin, these traditions should not be condemned as superstitions, because they are influenced by the Christian Orthodox concept of death and afterlife.
Сакрални символи при гръкоезичните нестинари
Сакрални символи при гръкоезичните нестинари
(Sacral Symbols at Greek-Speaking Nestinarians)
- Author(s):Goran Stefanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:283-288
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Sacral symbols; ritual objects; nestinarians
- Summary/Abstract:At the beginning of the last century, the nestinarian ritual occurs only in some of the villages located in the Bulgarian part of Strandja mountain - Bulgari, Kosti, Brodilovo, Slivarovo, Gramatikovo and Novo Panicharevo. Ethnographic reports is point that, the performers of the ritual at that time are of Bulgarian and Greek origin. They form a nestinarian communities. Demographic changes in the Balkans from 1913-1914 imposed the destruction of this nestinarians communities, because the Greek-language anestinaris emigrate out of the borders of Bulgaria. This nestinari have settled in several villages in northern Greece - Mavrolevki, Meliki, Kerkini, Agia Eleni, and Langa. The study presents objects and images sacred to the nestinarian communities in Greece, which are perceived as symbolic markers of rituals. A special focus is their connections to the villages where they originated located on the territory of Bulgaria.