Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului
Paper proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development
Contributor(s): Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor (Editor), Vasile Meita (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Review, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, National Economy, Micro-Economics, Physical Geopgraphy, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Political Theory, Governance, Sociology, Government/Political systems, Socio-Economic Research, Transport / Logistics
Keywords: URBAN-INCERC; conferinţă; conference; urbanism; amenajarea teritoriului; spatial planning; construcţii; buildings; constructions
Summary/Abstract: Includes full papers presented in the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development
- Page Count: 202
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Romanian, French
Analiza riscului privind implementarea unor proiecte de zona liberă la granita cu Republica Moldova
Analiza riscului privind implementarea unor proiecte de zona liberă la granita cu Republica Moldova
(Analysis of risk in implementing projects in the free zone at the frontier with the Republic of Moldova)
- Author(s):Marilena Doncean
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Micro-Economics, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:5-12
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:risk; project; free zones; cost; profit; integration
- Summary/Abstract:The approach of a theme of economic risk analysis of the free zones at the border with the Republic of Moldova represents a major moment and importance for the scientific research at the present stage in which Romania became active member of the European Union from 01.07.2007.Free zones have now become an economic reality whose impact on the world economy has ceased to be negligible. They highlight natural resources, including land and buildings that are part of the public domain, contributing through multiple facilities to stimulate world trade, individual initiative and private investment, creating new jobs. The present paper deals with the theme of the decision-making underlying the establishment of free zones at the border with the Republic of Moldova and highlights the risks of such a project. The paper brings to attention a series of new issues concerning the impact and opportunity of setting up such areas. During the study of the problems a rigorous methodology was used: extensive bibliographic documentation on free zones, collection and systematization of information on the establishment and development of free zones in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, analysis and theoretical-applicative synthesis on the assessment of a free zone project.
Spatial analysis of the contribution of Romanian geographers to spatial planning
Spatial analysis of the contribution of Romanian geographers to spatial planning
(Spatial analysis of the contribution of Romanian geographers to spatial planning)
- Author(s):Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Liliana Elza PETRIŞOR
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Regional Geography, Applied Geography
- Page Range:13-16
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:GIS; university centers; potential influence; territorial development; sustainable spatial development
- Summary/Abstract:Spatial sustainability implies an integration of economic, social, environmental and cultural issues taking into account their territorial particularities. Through the nature of their formation, as part of multi-disciplinary teams, geographers are called to be part of the planning process. Furthermore, the law entitles them to coordinate specific plans. The paper examines in detail the involvement of geographers in the elaboration and coordination of urban and spatial plans, with a special emphasis on their spatial distribution and potential area of influence. The results of geostatistical analyses indicate that the distribution and influence of geographers are sparse and uneven, concentrating around large university centers.
Mitigating complexity to enhance sustainability governance of intelligent mobility: A system engineering-based methodological framework
Mitigating complexity to enhance sustainability governance of intelligent mobility: A system engineering-based methodological framework
(Mitigating complexity to enhance sustainability governance of intelligent mobility: A system engineering-based methodological framework)
- Author(s):Justin Moskolai Ngossaha, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Raymond HOUÉ NGOUNA, Bernard Archimède
- Language:English
- Subject(s):ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:17-26
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:sustainable urban mobility; complexity management; system engineering; decision-making
- Summary/Abstract:Widely recognized for its ability to ensure sustainability and respond to citizens' needs, future mobility has enabled the development of innovative services and infrastructures, based on intelligent systems to support the different modes of transport. Current trends go beyond investment in infrastructure and the integration of new technologies but reflect new user requirements, regulations and increasingly stringent governance. In this context, the design of such a system, as well as the assessment of its sustainability, requires a holistic approach that considers the complete life cycle of the system and the interdependencies between its components. In the literature, there are several approaches to characterize and design an urban mobility system considering the new requirements of sustainability, as well as reference architectures to guide decision-makers in their design. However, from the perspective of urban managers, these methods and architectures do not always provide a formal framework for managing complexity, coordinating decision-making and considering user needs and sustainability. In this paper, a methodological framework based on system engineering tools has been proposed to help public authorities in designing and deploying new urban projects, considering the entire life cycle of the mobility system. An attempt at implementation through a case study shows the flexibility to manage different types of data to which urban managers did not have access until now, and which make it possible to define effective urban mobility policies. A validation of the methodological framework proposed by simulation will be the main perspective of this work.
Performanţa de reacţie la foc a produselor pentru construcţii
Performanţa de reacţie la foc a produselor pentru construcţii
(Fire performance of building products)
- Author(s):Daniela STOICA, Adrian Simion, Horaţiu Gabriel DRAGNE
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:27-32
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:reaction to fire; flashover; classification; SBI; FIGRA; smoke; non combustibility
- Summary/Abstract:At European level, an appropriate framework has been developed to achieve "European quality" ofproducts, processes and services for the purpose of their European integration by harmonizing national legislation and regulations. The classification of the identified products andtheir inclusion into classes of reaction to fire, resistance to fire and / or external fire performance, are carried out for placing them on the market with the CE conformity marking. The performance levels of construction products to meet the essential fire safety requirement are mandatory for all types and categories of constructions from Romania. For this purpose, the fire reaction performance criteria forconstruction products is a defining feature in setting performance levels, from the point of view of thefire safety of the construction.
Conceptul de rezilienţă seismică în domeniul construcţiilor
Conceptul de rezilienţă seismică în domeniul construcţiilor
(The concept of seismic resilience in civil engineering)
- Author(s):Aurelia Bradu, Constantin MIRON, Adrian-Alexandru Ciobanu, Monica Cherecheş,, Alina Cobzaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:33-40
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:seismic resilience; earthquakes; damage; recover
- Summary/Abstract:The devastating impact of earthquakes on human lives, on the built environment and society has stimulate over time the development of various ways and concepts to approach this phenomenon. The recovery of affected areas, especially those which are not adequately trained to deal with natural hazards, involves high costs and long periods of time. These circumstances have contributed to changing of the worldwide seismic risk conceptualisation, introducing the "seismic resilience", aiming to minimize human and material losses and ensuring the ability to re-establish the normal operation process after earthquake. Quantification of the idea of resilience in seismic engineering and the definition of the first features took place only at the beginning of the 21st century. The implementation of this concept in countries subject to seismic risk, has experienced various stages and strategies depending on the degree of economic development of the affected areas. The devastating earthquakes that occur across the globe consistently highlight errors in assessing seismic hazard and the vulnerability of structures, regardless of their nature, whether design, execution, or approaching. The incapability to ensure the sequence of the current activities on affected areas generates excessive remediation costs to set the systems to their “normal” level of functional performance. This aspect is more pronounced as the industry is more industrialized. The new global economic trend contributes to increasing urban clutter, promoting the impact of natural disasters to alarming level. A viable solution, intended to minimize the damage sustained by civil society and to ensure the ability to recover quickly after shock, is the creation of resilient cities. Unfortunately, lessons learned from the earthquakes produced and delays in the implementation of appropriate measures continue to generate human and colossal losses, especially for industrialized centers.
Virtuality and reality of heritage buildings - Part I: Medieval church case studies
Virtuality and reality of heritage buildings - Part I: Medieval church case studies
(Virtuality and reality of heritage buildings - Part I: Medieval church case studies)
- Author(s):Maria Boștenaru Dan, Marina Mihaila, Alex DILL
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:41-48
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:virtual reality; heritage buildings; smart city; management; Gothic
- Summary/Abstract:Article connects Medieval England with construction of medieval churches, also investigated for the research network COST TD1406: churches in Germany, Italy, Romania. Examples are cited also from dedicated archives, but also literature narrative the site of the monastery of Maulbronn, included in this exploration along with writings of Hermann Hesse. A specific example underlines the context with the monastery of Cluny, which was explored with augmented reality means by the network. The actuality of the study consists in recent Notre-Dame fire loss, virtual representation being crucial for rebuilding this symbol of Europe and France. Materials and methods are highlighting the contribution and personal expertise of the specialists based on the research achievements and experience within project COST TD1406: Intelligent management of heritage buildings. Also the short term mission of the first author is at the basis of this paper, in a trans_and inter_ disciplinary approach. Results and Discussion is emphasized and connected from archives notes, information and visual materials consisting in proofs of architecture and heritage value, underlines by the structure and power of buildings as society representatives that transcends visual landmarks in literature of the 20th and 21st century. Conclusions are somehow a promo for the necessity of supporting, creating and maintaining in time of an advanced archive of heritage buildings and sites, their new meaning of architecture tools exploitation as VR (virtual reality) for education but also envisaging true contexts through times, augmented realities for visual promotion and working methods, CAD and 3D understanding of construction-forms-expressivity comparative studies, mapping and establishing comprehensive new paradigmatic research subjects.
Virtuality and reality of heritage buildings - Part II. Comparative case studies, contemporary visions
Virtuality and reality of heritage buildings - Part II. Comparative case studies, contemporary visions
(Virtuality and reality of heritage buildings - Part II. Comparative case studies, contemporary visions)
- Author(s):Maria Boștenaru Dan, Marina Mihaila, Alex DILL
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:49-56
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an extension study research (of a more large series of personal archive writings), moving perspective from the cultural heritage digitalization for diverse architectural visual purposes, towards the comparative approach in various types of landscapes - real vs. virtual recognitions, temporal vs. historic, and present vs. rebuilt-scapes. The materials and methods are a successive approach consisting in several tools of investigation and analysis: selection of the relevant resources and case studies as references (according to the subject), site visits for real recognition of the cultural sites, the visual visits of the digital reconstructed sites (films, 3D materials, etc.), use of interviews and a dedicated questionnaire from research action-project COST TD1406 Intelligent Management of Heritage Buildings. This paper presents the narratives on screen (3D reconstruction for animation and film) of civil buildings including 20th century developments such as villas, but also former ones like palaces. The research was done in the frame of a short visit within the network COST TD1406 Intelligent management of heritage buildings. Personal cultural approach and architectural experience in research and practice supported the development of the present study. Scaling and recalibrating digital reconstruction tools, but also applications for/in media arts and architecture could increase the taste for beauty in sense of education, promoting culture, but also underline the importance of constructing architectural archives for a better future in research and practice. Comparative studies in architecture and culture have to be more present in the public space for common users but also architecture-culture practice, investigating possibilities of better future based on cultural sites recognition and conservation.
Cercetarea prin proiect. Mobilitatea ca punct de pornire – o abordarea holistică a locuirii
Cercetarea prin proiect. Mobilitatea ca punct de pornire – o abordarea holistică a locuirii
(Research by design. Mobility as a start point - a holistic approach to housing)
- Author(s):Dana Chirvai, Alina Voiculeţ, Nicolae DINU
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:57-64
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:research by project; mobility; housing; UAUIM
- Summary/Abstract:In the last few decades, the way of building in the urban environment is almost in its entirety a mass of collective, immovable or isolated dwelling buildings on small land and exploiting to maximum extent the urban coefficients admitted in the area. This approach tends to become generalized, generating large dysfunctions as a whole through additions of buildings that do not allow natural light to reach downstairs, access and underdeveloped car parks, lack of green spaces or shared recreation spaces, and generally a disposition of habitation to the isolation of the tenants, the restriction of their communication options, etc. Lately, there have been a lot of urban concepts and solutions that imply a long-term vision that puts the sustainability, ecology and energy efficiency of buildings in the foreground. Research by project within UAUIM is experiencing an increase in the quality of collective living by assembling disparate lands in a common territory. In a holistic vision, the ensemble can be built through a unitary solution that can solve both utilities and parking problems as well as lighting and ventilation of apartments. Spatial quality resides in the provision of commercial functions and the creation of common recreational spaces that can eventually lead to greater mobility and greater communication mood among the inhabitants of the assembly.
Cadrul legislativ european şi national al produselor pentru construcţii – trecut şi prezent
Cadrul legislativ european şi national al produselor pentru construcţii – trecut şi prezent
(EU and national legislative framework of building products - past and present)
- Author(s):Cora STAMATE, Mariana Cioncu-Puenea, Mihaela ION, Cristian GRIGORASENCO
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:65-76
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:construction sector; technical specification; European regulatory framework
- Summary/Abstract:Construction sector was faced with major challenges in recent decades in the context of the fast development of technology companies supported by increasing scientific knowledge. Government Decision no. 622/2004 establishing the conditions for the marketing of construction products, republished, with further amendments, it was national act which was transposed EU Council Directive no. 89/106/EEC. The continued concern for improving the European regulatory framework for construction was included in the European Commission's program to improve and simplify legislation on the free movement of goods, and the result of this concern was Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 9, 2011 laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Directive No. 89/106/EEC. Changes to the new regulation, with an major impact on the construction products market are: introducing the fundamental requirement on the sustainable use of natural resources and the replacement of the declaration of conformity with the declaration of performance for products covered by harmonized technical specifications. The declaration of performance contains the essential characteristics of the product for which the relevant performance is declared, as well as the information on the dangerous substances, according to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the European Council (EC) no. 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), with further amendments.
Performanţe structurale ale pereţilor din pământ realizaţi prin tehnologii de punere în operă specifice
Performanţe structurale ale pereţilor din pământ realizaţi prin tehnologii de punere în operă specifice
(Structural performance of earth walls produced by specific implementation technologies)
- Author(s):Felicia ENACHE NICULESCU, Aurelian GRUIN, Cornelia Baera, Bogdan Bolborea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:77-82
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:rammed earth; cob earth; straw; walls of the earth
- Summary/Abstract:Research and laboratory tests on clay-based compositions with / without reinforcement elements of natural fibers (wheat straw) were carried out within the framework of the research program in order to construct bearing elements for structural systems in the earth. The results of the tests revealed the positive contribution of the reinforcement materials to the reduction of axial contraction and the cracking of the finished element as well as to the increase of the mechanical strengths (bending and compressive strength) of the earth mixtures made by the rammed earth method and cob earth.
Conceptul “smart city” ca premisă a dezvoltării durabile coordonate si coerente
Conceptul “smart city” ca premisă a dezvoltării durabile coordonate si coerente
(The “smart city” concept as a premise of coordinated and coherent sustainable development)
- Author(s):Florina FILIP, Constantin MIRON, Adriana Ciobanu, Monica Cherecheş,, Aurelia Bradu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:83-90
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:smart city; sustainable development frameworks; social adaptability
- Summary/Abstract:Despite all the progress made in recent years, it is a fact that Romania still has an economy based on intensive consumption of resources, a society and an administration that are still looking for a unitary development strategy and a natural capital affected by the risk of damage that can become irreversible. The concept of coordinated and coherent development of cities has the premise that human civilization is a subsystem dependent on these fluxes of matter and energy, as well as its self-regulation capacity. This concept aims to maintain a rational, long-term balance between economic development and the integrity of the natural environment in forms understood and accepted by society. As far as our country is concerned, the defining element of the concept of "smart cities" is the full connection to a new philosophy of development, unique to the European Union and widely shared on a global level - that of sustainable development. The sustainable development of a smart city from this point of view is not one of the possible options, but is the only rational perspective of development through the confluence of economic, social and environmental factors.
Reducerea riscului seismic - fundamentul unei dezvoltării durabile
Reducerea riscului seismic - fundamentul unei dezvoltării durabile
(Reduction of the sesimic risk - foundation of sustainability)
- Author(s):Aurelia Bradu, Adrian-Alexandru Ciobanu, Constantin MIRON, Monica Cherecheş,, Florina FILIP
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:91-98
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:seismic risc mitigation; earthquakes; disaster management
- Summary/Abstract:Seismic hazard represents the intrinsic natural occurrence of earthquakes and describes the properties of natural phenomenon. The notion of seismic risk is employed to specify the effects of earthquakes on social, economic and environmental aspects in a certain period of time and can be defined as interaction of three parameters: seismic hazard, exposure time and structure vulnerability. A high seismic risk does not involve a high seismic hazard and vice versa. The lack of preventive measures in regions with low seismicity leads to the increasing vulnerability of the infrastructure, which induces the rise of seismic risk level. Disaster risk management is quantified by the application of appropriate policies and strategies necessary to prevent and reduce disaster risk, manage residual risk, thereby enhance the resilience of the system. There are two strategic ways to reduce seismic risk: improvement of emergency response and adequate design of structures. As well know, the prevention is further cost-effective and can play even the role of a driver for economic growth, and it is paid with more attention in the disaster management cycle. Performance based seismic design involves the development of safety criteria in which the hazard is determined probabilistically as a function of the potential consequences of failure. Even if earthquakes cannot be accurately predicted, the disastrous consequences produced by human loss, economic and social damage can be minimized. In this paper are presented models of seismic risk mitigation programs for Turkey, Greece and Romania.
Cercetări experimentale privind sistemul de realizare a pereţilor din argilă nearsă
Cercetări experimentale privind sistemul de realizare a pereţilor din argilă nearsă
(Experimental researches on the system of producing unbound clay walls)
- Author(s):Gabriela Calatan, Andreea Hegyi, Carmen Dico, Henriette Szilagyi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:99-106
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:clay; bone glue; linseed oil; water resistance
- Summary/Abstract:At present, the problem of conserving natural resources and environmental protection as well as the economic problem is observed worldwide. By using and intelligent blending of natural materials in the construction of a home, it is possible to create a healthy indoor environment with maximum energy saving for heating the interior space. So, starting from nature and applying technology, working with nature, capitalizing on it, is a noble ambition that can be achieved. The purpose of this paper is to present a system of realization of the unbound clay walls with the addition of natural materials.
Contribuţiile materialelor inovative la dezvoltarea durabilă a construcţiilor
Contribuţiile materialelor inovative la dezvoltarea durabilă a construcţiilor
(Contribution of innovative materials to the sustainable building develiopment)
- Author(s):Mihail CHIRA, Andreea Hegyi, Henriette Szilagyi, Tudor Panfil TOADER
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:107-114
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Breathe brick; Ferrock concrete; nanoparticle insulating materials; metamaterials
- Summary/Abstract:Sustainable building development involves the use of environmentally friendly materials to reduce carbon footprint, energy consumption and costs. This paper presents natural, customary and innovative materials used in construction. Breathe brick used to filter air from existing pollutants into the atmosphere, Ferrock concrete absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, nanoparticle thermal insulating materials and metamaterials used in acoustic insulation are future solutions for sustainable development.
Cercetări experimentale privind sisteme de fundare inovative
Cercetări experimentale privind sisteme de fundare inovative
(Experimental researches on innovative foundation systems)
- Author(s):Carmen Dico, Andreea Hegyi, Brăduţ Alexandru Ionescu, Adrian Lăzărescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:115-122
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:innovative foundation systems; concrete; unstable ground
- Summary/Abstract:Choosing of design solution and the building achievement involves, among other things, identifying of optimal solution for foundation execution. The choice of the foundation solution is made considering several factors, including the soil nature, the seismic specificity, the geometry and massiveness of the whole building, the range of use predicted etc. The interaction between soil and structure is one of the major potential factors, involved in design and structural behavior assessing. In terms of soil conditions, they are grouped in good soils, medium soils and difficult soils. Sometimes, it is preferable to adopt an innovative foundation solution compared to a classical one. The aim of this paper is to present an innovative solution for foundations achievement, in difficult soils situations, with reduced stability, especially for light structures, with temporary use, located in difficult geotechnical conditions.
Certificarea mortarelor uscate şi adezivilor ceramici pe baza cercetărilor experimentale desfăşurate în cadrul laboratorului INCERC sucursala Cluj-Napoca
Certificarea mortarelor uscate şi adezivilor ceramici pe baza cercetărilor experimentale desfăşurate în cadrul laboratorului INCERC sucursala Cluj-Napoca
(Dry mortars and ceramic adhesives certification based on experimental research carried out at INCERC laboratory, Cluj-Napoca branch)
- Author(s):Elvire Grebenişan, Andreea Hegyi, Carmen Dico, Anamaria Cătălina Mircea, Brăduţ Alexandru Ionescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:123-130
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:adhesive mortars; ceramic tiles; thermal insulation systems; technical agrement
- Summary/Abstract:At EU level, the objective of Council Directive 89/106 / EEC of 21 December 1988 is to eliminate technical barriers to trade in construction products and to promote their free movement within the internal market. The purpose of this paper is to present in parallel experimental researches carried out in order to certify the quality of two types of products: adhesive mortars for thermal insulating systems products (elaboration of the technical agreement), respectively adhesive mortars for ceramic tiles (performing initial type tests according to the harmonized European standard). Inside the INCERC laboratory, experimental researches have been carried out on adhesive mortars for bonding ceramic tiles and adhesive mortars intended for the bonding of heat insulating boards. As a result of the above, it can be said that, in the analyzed field, the conditions for meeting the objective of Directive 89/106 / EEC are ensured at national level.
Utilizarea sustenabilă a betonului torcretat pe plan naţional şi internaţional
Utilizarea sustenabilă a betonului torcretat pe plan naţional şi internaţional
(Shotcrete sustainability at national and international level)
- Author(s):Brăduţ Alexandru Ionescu, Andreea Hegyi, Adrian Lăzărescu, Anamaria Cătălina Mircea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:131-138
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:shotcrete; state-of-the art; sustainability
- Summary/Abstract:The process of application of concrete and mortar by shotcrete was invented in the US at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1907, the American Carl Akeley used this method to repair the facade of the Columbian Museum in Chicago (the old Palace of Fine Arts of the World’s Columbian Exhibition). In 1911, Carl Akeley received a patent for the "cement gun". At present, the shotcrete is used for both new construction and repair/ rehabilitation of old buildings. The aim of this study was to present, analysis and synthesis of the references existing in the literature. Based on the literature, one can claim that are currently two methods of shotcrete: dry and wet.
Cercetări experimentale privind încercarea in-situ a grinzilor din beton armat prin încărcări statice – studiu de caz
Cercetări experimentale privind încercarea in-situ a grinzilor din beton armat prin încărcări statice – studiu de caz
(Research regarding in-situ testing of reinforced concrete beams using static load tests – case study)
- Author(s):Adrian Lăzărescu, Henriette Szilagyi, Andreea Hegyi, Carmen Dico
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:139-146
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:in-situ testing; reinforced concrete; static load tests
- Summary/Abstract:Sometimes there are reinforced concrete structures for which conventional computational methods are not sufficient to demonstrate their intended use. In-situ tests are conclusive to determine the ability of a structure to support additional loads, to determine its safety in the event of some design or construction deficiencies, degradation, or lack of design data. Thus, in-situ analysis validates the theoretical design approaches, in order to obtain data on the behavior of the studied elements. The aim of this research is to present the groundwork and objectives of in-situ testing of reinforced concrete elements of buildings, with a view to possible structural assessments and to present the methods for carrying out the tests.
Dezvoltarea betonului verde prin integrarea compoziţională a adaosurilor minerale locale (subproduse sau deşeuri)
Dezvoltarea betonului verde prin integrarea compoziţională a adaosurilor minerale locale (subproduse sau deşeuri)
(Green concrete development by compositional integration of local mineral additions (by-products or wastes))
- Author(s):Henriette Szilagyi, Cornelia Baera, Anamaria Cătălina Mircea, Adrian Lăzărescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:147-154
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:sustainability; circular economy; mineral addition; green concrete; fly ash
- Summary/Abstract:Continuous optimisation of waste management, natural resource saving and simultaneous environmental preservation represent the base foundation concept of Circular Economy (CE). Its applicability in the construction industry involves rapid identification of innovation opportunities for increasing materials performances and reducing their production costs (energy and raw material input), by using the smart design and efficient technological processes. Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation are consequently essential for the overall achievement of these ideological goals and therefor they are treated as priority axes at European and national level as well. The magnitude of the construction industry and its huge impact in the everyday life creates the general, optimum context so the Building Material science is a strategic investment fields for achieving the sustainable development.
Agrementarea tehnică a căminelor de vizitare din beton armat, cu dimensiuni mari, nestandardizate
Agrementarea tehnică a căminelor de vizitare din beton armat, cu dimensiuni mari, nestandardizate
(Technical approval of large, non-standard, reinforced concrete manholes)
- Author(s):Tudor Panfil TOADER, Carmen Dico, Gabriela Calatan, Mihail CHIRA
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:155-162
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:waste water; concrete manholes; sewage systems
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to present the experimental research has been carried out in order to ensure compliance with the EU law when placing on the market constructions elements larger than those provided for in the harmonized European standard. The research methodology followed experimental testing components of the reinforced concrete type manholes with an inner circular section whose nominal dimensions exceed DN 1250. An important issue for local communities has been collecting household waste water, industrial waste water and rainwater and treating them to be carried back to watercourses. By building sewage systems and providing drinking water supply will protect the population against the negative effects of the waste water over the human health and the environment.
(Pre)fabricat în România. Inovaţii autohtone în aplicarea unui tip internaţional
(Pre)fabricat în România. Inovaţii autohtone în aplicarea unui tip internaţional
((Factory) made in Romania. Local innovations in the application of an international type)
- Author(s):Andreea Cel Mare
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:163-172
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:prefabrication; large concrete panels; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:In Romania, as in all countries of the former Eastern Bloc, the concept of prefabrication is nowadays associated with the precariousness of the gray, massive, anonymous constructions that overwhelmed the cities between 1956 and 1989, and in which a large part of the population is still living. In other countries, where it was not imposed by five-year plans and decrees, precast concrete technology evolved naturally, generating solutions that have taken into account the freedom and flexibility that are so necessary for the architectural design process. The paper investigates the ensemble of seven residential buildings made of large reinforced concrete panels, between 1960 and 1961, on Calea Griviței, Bucharest, designed by a team of professionals of „Proiect București” Institute, led by architect Tiberiu Ricci. This article highlights the existence, in the Romanian professional environment, of a strong desire for change and innovation, that addressed the ideological needs of the political regime. Reviewing the technological innovations from the past allows us to assess the current potential of precast concrete solutions in the construction of dwellings in Romania.
A review of artificial neural networks used for estimating mechanical soil parameters
A review of artificial neural networks used for estimating mechanical soil parameters
(A review of artificial neural networks used for estimating mechanical soil parameters)
- Author(s):Mohammed Amin Benbouras, Ratiba Mitiche Kettab, Fatiha Debiche, Nassim Hallal, Maroua Lagaguine, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:173-182
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:geotechnical parameters; in situ and laboratory tests; artificial intelligence techniques; artificial neural network
- Summary/Abstract:In the geotechnical field it is possible to encounter very complex phenomena, which are hardly analyzed by analytical methods based on physical laws. Classical methods, such as empirical correlations have too little power to efficiently generate them. Nevertheless, geotechnical engineers have successfully adopted different experimental methods of identifying parameters based on in situ and laboratory tests. Several studies have employed new empirical mathematical approaches for treating and estimating soil parameters, in order to overcome the relatively expensive and time-consuming in situ and laboratory tests; they are called “artificial intelligence techniques”. This work presents a literature review of many applications aimed at estimating some soil parameters considered crucial to the decision-making process and important for the identification of geotechnical hazards. We focus on the artificial neural networks technique. This method is selected because it has been proved to be the most successful artificial intelligence approach applied to geotechnical engineering. As an example, two applications aimed at estimating the compressibility and swelling coefficients have been illustrated. The findings clearly indicate that ANN methods are of great importance for geotechnical engineering, as they have yielded cost-effective and valuable results for simulating the complex heterogeneous behavior of soil and efficiently estimated the geotechnical parameters.
Comportarea pereţilor din zidărie realizaţi cu blocuri ceramice cu goluri verticale la încărcări seismice
Comportarea pereţilor din zidărie realizaţi cu blocuri ceramice cu goluri verticale la încărcări seismice
(Behavior of masonry walls made up of ceramic blocks with vertical gaps under seismic actions)
- Author(s):Eva PARTENE, Marius Mosoarca, Valeriu STOIAN
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:183-190
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:masonry walls; unreinforced masonry; reinforced masonry; numerical analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the behavior of masonry walls made up of ceramic blocks wit vertical gaps under seismic actions. Unreinforced and reinforced masonry are compared with respect to their behavior under cyclic horizontal tests. 9 tests were carried vor constant vertical loading and cyclic horizontal loading. The results allow for understanding the importance of reinforced masonry in seismic areas. Numerical simulations, using the same types of walls, were compared to the experimental results.
Determinarea gradelor de acoperire ale instalaţiilor solare pentru litoralul românesc
Determinarea gradelor de acoperire ale instalaţiilor solare pentru litoralul românesc
(Determining the coverage levels of solar installations for the Romanian seaside)
- Author(s):Horaţiu Gabriel DRAGNE
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:191-196
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:solar panels; efficiency; costs; seaside; coverage levels
- Summary/Abstract:Energy forms the basis for the economic development of any country and plays a significant role in improving the quality of life of the people living there. The importance of energy is apparent in almost every aspect of development and historical data reveals that there is a significant relation between the availability of energy and the economic activity. Though fossil fuel had played a significant and reliable role in this regard but its relentless use over a period of time had created serious problems of climate change. The use of renewable energy especially solar energy in power generation as well as in domestic and building application has gained significant appreciation worldwide to meet the goals of sustainable development and environment conservation. The EU politics support developing this area and introduce mandatory levels of renewable energy productions that raise every 10 years. As an EU member, Romania has the obligation to respect those and invest in developing this area. The Romanian seaside climate is the most appropriate for using the solar panels at full potential in our country. This paper shows the possibility and the limits of adapting a solar thermal energy supply for the energy requirement of a consumer. The simulation done in this study uses the monthly method to estimate the total coverage levels of solar installations. In order to do the simulation, a consumer with a H=16000 W/K for heating and a H=689 W/K for the hot water supply where used. This correspond to the need of energy of 80 apartments for the heating and hot water supply. The monthly intakes of solar energy where calculated and they showed how much renewable energy this kind of system could produce. The monthly coverage levels as well as monthly efficiency are shown in this article in order to fully express the solar usage for the specific consumer. This study used a kc=3 for thermal solar panels and the fallowing characteristics for it: F’ = 0.9; α = 0.9; τ = 0.85; GC = 50 l/m2h; v = V/SC = 50 l/m2. For the heat exchange the fallowing where used: SS = 0,1∙SC and kS = 600 W/m2K. In order to fully maximize the solar energy gains a case with the value for H/kc∙Sc=1 was completed for the hot water supply, as well as a case with a value H/kc∙Sc=5 for heating. The results show that solar panels have good efficiency in this area because of specific climate with warm and sunny days. The year efficiency of the system is much lower than the real efficiency of this setup because of the fact there are periods when the total power produced is much higher than the need of heating or hot water supply. In other words, for the sunny days with high temperature the system produces thermal energy that the consumer cannot use, thus decreasing the efficiency. The difference between the different locations chosen is relatively small, which determine that the values obtained in this study to be universal for the whole seaside area. The results encourage using a solar thermal system on the seaside area. Because of the seasonal occupation and increase of population during the Summer, the seaside area of Romania proves to be the most convenient zone where solar panels should be used to produce thermal energy. And the fact that most buildings are not occupied during winter times offers the opportunity so that this system can be designed in order to achieve just the demand of hot water supply during the Summer. This will lower the cost and surfaces of the needed solar surface which is making the system adaptable for every kind of application.
The importance of social media in smart cities
The importance of social media in smart cities
(The importance of social media in smart cities)
- Author(s):Gabriela BUCUR, George SUCIU, Radu Conu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:197-202
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:social media; smart cities
- Summary/Abstract:Social Media platforms are becoming a big part of our life and are used frequently by the citizens in the context of smart cities, from people browsing and interacting with friends, to companies promoting their products and services. Considering that the most of world’s population lives today in urban zones, and Social Media could be a source of valuable data, urban planners must think about analyzing users’ opinions and their data in the process of managing cities. This paper presents the importance of using Social Media data in developing a Smart City. Urban planners have the task of accommodating population growth, keeping resources available for all citizens while optimizing their consumption. For analyzing opinions and transforming them into valuable data for city planners, data mining and sentiment analysis tools can be used. Also, tracking check-ins at various locations help to better understand concentration zones, making resource allocation much easier.