Eзикът на Библията. Български синодален превод 1925 г. (Върху материал от Евангелието)
. The Language of the Bible. Bulgarian synodical Translation 1925 (Based on material from the Gospel)
Author(s): Diana Petrova Ivanova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Translation Studies
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: Bulgarian Synodical Translation (1925); Gospel; linguistic standard; Style; stylistic transfigurations
Summary/Abstract: The history of contemporary printed Bulgarian translations of the Bible is closely related to the history of the Bulgarian literary language, it covers the period of its initial formation (the first decades of the nineteenth century), encompasses its accelerated construction in the third quarter of the nineteenth century, and during the final stage of its formation emerges the full edition of the official Bulgarian version of the Holy Scripture (1871). The problems of literary language construction during its various periods are reflected in the translation of the Bible as well: from P. Sapunov (the first complete translation of the Gospel, 1828) to the full Constantinople edition of the Bible (1871) chronologically passed several decades, but in qualitative terms and in view of the literary-language development, this was a whole epoch. Not only whole generations of authors changed, but also significant changes occurred in the linguistic construction policy and practice, preceded by lively debates among the Bulgarian intellectuals.In this respect the synodical translation of the Bible from 1925 is a valuable source for the history of the Bulgarian literary language, presenting the final stage in the formation of its normative system. As a result of the comparison between the translation of gospel books and the Revival translations, important conclusions are drawn about the qualities of each of them, about the refinement of their lexical and grammatical basis, about the nature of lexical units and synonymy, about tradition and continuity, as well as about the whole development of the literary language in a not so short a period – about a century. Comparison of texts from different chronological layers makes it possible to register and track the dynamics of the normative processes that led to the upgrading aspect of the linguistic standard (by means of intellectualising and forming a system of style formation tools), as a result of which a more complete and generalized image of the linguistic incarnation in the contemporary Bulgarian versions of the "Eternal Book" and the various stylistic transfigurations in them can be compiled.
- Print-ISBN-10: 954-317-005-3
- Page Count: 235
- Publication Year: 2003
- Language: Bulgarian