Библейското слово у Йовков
Biblical References in Yovkov's Works
Author(s): Tatyana Ichevska
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: Yordan Yovkov; Bible; Biblical images and motives; temple; conversation with God; sin; forgiveness; redemption
Summary/Abstract: The present study had no ambition to set up and impose an overall model for consideration of Yovkov’s works.The text focuses mostly on a particular aspect of Yovlov’s poetics – aiming to clarify the mechanisms by which the Biblical corpus is assembled in the writer’s works. It is not the case of only detecting and categorizing the biblical references in Yovlov’s works as Old- or New Testament ones. Rather, the different chapters of the book seek to establish the depth dimensions of the biblical text – i.e. how it forms human relationship with the environment, with the problems of the meaning of life and death, with the good and sin. Such a perspective supposes finding an answer in the course of the study to several important questions: in which cases the direct citing from the Bible is preferred to the allusive reference to certain Bible episodes, and vice versa, which texts of the Holy Book are most frequently called up in the narrative, when do Yovkov’s characters turn their gaze to God, what are the topoi of the desired and realized communication with God; how far is a dialogue possible between the biblically religious characters and motifs and the folklore and mythological notions saturated in Yovkov’s texts on the one hand, and the ideas fashionable in the 20s of the XX century of seeking personal identity on the other.
- Print-ISBN-10: 954-775-181-6
- Page Count: 219
- Publication Year: 2003
- Language: Bulgarian