The Principle of Protection of the Local Government. A Constitutional Study Cover Image
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Zasada ochrony samorządności terytorialnej. Studium konstytucyjne
The Principle of Protection of the Local Government. A Constitutional Study

Author(s): Anna Chorążewska
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Society, Government/Political systems
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: local government; the principle of the political system; local selfgovernment; the civil society; the separation of powers; the powers of the local government
Summary/Abstract: The present monograph constitutes a constitutional study of the institution of the local government discussed through the prism of the principle of local self-government. Such an approach to the titular principle allows to consider it not only from the political and legal perspective, but also from a functional one, while the discussion oscillates around: the constitutional status of a person regarded as an individual as well as their dignity guaranteed by the Constitution, the constitutional status of a person regarded as an obligatory member of the self-government community, the status of the self-government community, the status of the national community, the status of the state, as well as the status of the underlying structures of the civil society and non-governmental organizations. The argument leads to the conclusion that the local government is an institution deeply entrenched in the structure of the civil society, and, as a result, should be guaranteed by the state the right to evolve naturally, in accordance with the evolution and maturation of the Polish civil society. As a consequence, the constitutional regulations of the local government should not constitute an inhibitive factor for the natural processes accompanying the development of the civil society. The present study could find its practical application both in cases of judicial control of the constitutionality of legislation with regard to the law on local selfgovernment, as well as judicial control over exercising and applying the law, the didactic process at the university, the day-to-day functioning of social and nongovernmental organizations as well as the bodies of local self-government agencies and councilors. Moreover, it could prove helpful in the processes of reform of the public administration and the creation of institutions for the study of the effectiveness of the creation and operation of public administration systems.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3483-7
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3482-0
  • Page Count: 266
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Polish
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