Nyelvi tájkép, nyelvi sokszínűség I. Nyelvhasználat, nyelvi tájkép és gazdasági élet
Linguistic Landscape, Linguistic Diversity I. Language Use, Language Landscape and Economic Life
Contributor(s): Erika-Mária Tódor (Editor), Enikő Tankó (Editor), Zsuzsanna Dégi (Editor)
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Scientia Kiadó
Keywords: language landscape; language use
Series: Műhely
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-975-015-5
- Page Count: 246
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Hungarian
A moldvai csángómagyar oktatási program kutatása és támogatása vizuális módszerekkel
A moldvai csángómagyar oktatási program kutatása és támogatása vizuális módszerekkel
(Using Visual Methods To Study And Support The Moldavian Csángó Educational Program)
- Author(s):Petteri Laihonen
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:15-27
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The study and support of the Moldavian Csángó Educational Program is a multi-year project including fieldwork carried out in 30 Moldavian sites between 2017 and 2019. During the fieldwork, several visual and digital methods are introduced, and the materials generated form a large multimodal database. In this article, I present some visual methods that have proved successful so far, with particular reference to answering the following research questions: In what situations and how do the participants in the Educational Program identify themselves? What is the language repertoire of the participants in the Educational Program and how does it evolve? How do the participants in the Educational Program relate to literacy? How do the participants in the Educational Program vision their linguistic future? What kind of language or language varieties are used in the Program? I mention the following preliminary results: The pupils in the Educational Program were dominantly Romanians, but most often Hungarian language was viewed as the language of identity. With regards to spoken language, the Program is characterized by language tolerance. However, due to the large distance between Hungarian varieties in Moldavia and the Hungarian standard, standard Hungarian orthography is hard to learn for the participants. The activation of oral language knowledge serves the maintenance of Hungarian varieties in Moldavia, while teaching Hungarian literacy serves further studies in Hungarian medium education available beyond Moldavia.
Az orosz nyelv (újra)megjelenése Kárpátalja magyarok lakta településeinek nyelvi tájképében
Az orosz nyelv (újra)megjelenése Kárpátalja magyarok lakta településeinek nyelvi tájképében
(The (Re)Emergence of the Russian Language in the Linguistic Landscape of Hungarian Settlements in Transcarpathia)
- Author(s):István Csernicskó
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:29-41
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Transcarpathia (Ukraine); linguistic landscape; economy
- Summary/Abstract:The study examines the linguistic landscape of the territories of Transcarpathia (Ukraine) which are mostly inhabited by Hungarians in the context of language and economy. It will be presented how an economically prestigious world language, Russian, is displayed in this region. We show that economic realities suppress the nationalism of a minority. We note that a language policy espousing the language support of a national minority cannot be successful if it is not related to the development of the economy.
Névtáblák, ideológiák, szimbolikus jelentések
Névtáblák, ideológiák, szimbolikus jelentések
(Name-plates, Ideologies, and Symbolic Meanings)
- Author(s):Attila Benő
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:43-54
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:linguistic landscapes;linguistic ideologies;Kolozsvár
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the linguistic landscapes of the city of Cluj/Kolozsvár (Romania) analysing linguistic ideologies and language policies. The author considers that describing the linguistic landscape of a town where more languages are spoken shows the dominant language ideologies and the tolerant or intolerant attitudes towards the bilingual inscriptions in public spaces. The discourse analysis of the arguments concerning the bilingual inscriptions reveals the conceptual differences of the political actors. The article presents more actions of non-governmental organizations in Cluj meant to create a bilingual linguistic landscape, as well as the political and administrative obstacles. It also refers to social psychological problems which hinder the real interethnic dialogue.
Komárom/Komárno névszemiotikai tájképe
Komárom/Komárno névszemiotikai tájképe
(The Name-semiotic Landscape of Komárom/Komárno)
- Author(s):Ján Bauko
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:55-70
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:name-semiotic landscape; Komárno
- Summary/Abstract:The name-semiotic landscape consists of proper names appearing on name-plates, inscriptions in public places, and on other surfaces (e.g. on wall surfaces, gravestones, posters, and tableaux) as well as the extra-lingual signs referring to and accompanying names (e.g. emblem, photo, drawing, statue). In this study, we deal with the name-semiotic landscape of Komárom/Komárno, a Hungarian town in Slovakia. First, we define the concept of the name-semiotic landscape, then we describe the factors influencing the name-semiotic landscape, review the studies on linguistic and name-semiotic landscape conducted in Slovakia, and finally we present the location and collection methodology. In the central part of the study, we discuss the characteristics of the personal, place, and institutional name-semiotic landscape of Komárom.
Hogyan festenek nyelvi tájképeink? (Adatközlői vélekedések a vizuális nyelvhasználatról Szlovákiában)
Hogyan festenek nyelvi tájképeink? (Adatközlői vélekedések a vizuális nyelvhasználatról Szlovákiában)
(What are our Linguistic Landscapes Like? (Opinions about Visual Language Use in Slovakia)
- Author(s):Károly Presinszky
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:71-82
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:This paper deals with the opinions on the visual language use of populations in bilingual villages in Southern Slovakia. It examines how much the respondents know about their visual bilingual linguistic rights opportunities, how much they deal with them, and how satisfied they are with the signs of their own environment. The paper also reveals which part of the linguistic landscape they want to repair and how. The examination compares the opinions of respondents living in compact Hungarian villages with the informants in peripheral Hungarian regions in Slovakia. The author tests the hypothesis that many people know their linguistic rights, but they do not avail themselves of the opportunity and they place Slovak signs only.
Város és falu – Nyelvi tájkép a komi-permjákoknál
Város és falu – Nyelvi tájkép a komi-permjákoknál
(City and Village – Linguistic Landscape of Komi-Permyaks)
- Author(s):Beatrix Oszkó, Larisza Ponomareva
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:83-98
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:linguistic landscape of Komi-Permyaks
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper aims to present the linguistic landscape of Komi-Permyaks, a Finno-Ugric speech community in the territory of Perm Krai, Russia. After a brief theoretichal introduction, we provide basic information about the Komi-Permyak people and their history. Then we describe the linguistic landscape of Kudymkar, the “capital” of the territory. In our research, we use the well-known frame of linguistic landscape by Laihonen, which had to be slightly modified in line with the given data.The last part of our paper describes the linguistic landscape of rural Komi-Permyak life by showing 3 villages: Doyeg, Peshnigort, and Antipin.
Vizuális nyelvhasználat egy oroszországi finnugor beszélőközösségnél – a látható udmurt nyelv
Vizuális nyelvhasználat egy oroszországi finnugor beszélőközösségnél – a látható udmurt nyelv
(Visibility of Language among the Finno-Ugric Community in Russia – The Visible Udmurt Language)
- Author(s):Zsuzsa Salánki
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:99-109
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:visual language use; Volga region; Russia; bilingual minority community
- Summary/Abstract:This study focuses on the current visual language use of an indigenous bilingual minority community living in the Volga region in Russia. The visibility of Udmurt language in public spaces used to be a rare and incidental phenomenon up until the past two decades, but today we can find signs in Udmurt in places never seen before. The study shows that even though we see an increase of Udmurt in the linguistic landscape, it is still questionable whether the visibility of Udmurt language can promote the language vitality or stop the assimilation and language shift of the community.
A vizuális nyelvhasználat vizsgálata magyar nyelvterületeken
A vizuális nyelvhasználat vizsgálata magyar nyelvterületeken
(Study of the Linguistic Landscape in Hungarian Settings)
- Author(s):Erika-Mária Tódor
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:111-124
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:visual language use; Hungarian regions
- Summary/Abstract:The present study aims to analyse and present the main features of linguistic landscape research carried out in Hungarian-speaking regions as a response to those critical studies and perceptions which highlighted, on the one hand, the lack of theoretical backgrounds and contexts and, on the other hand, the rather unilateral use/application of research methodology. The study of linguistic landscapes is an applied linguistics approach that presupposes strong interdisciplinarity. The reading and interpretation of linguistic landscape signs is increasingly important nowadays when communication has become more image-centred and reading habits and styles are changing; it involves paying attention to everyday language use, understanding and interpreting language behaviour/practice by considering their sociolinguistic and cultural context.Visual language use plays a significant role in enhancing language awareness. The purpose of the present study is to identify the specific features of linguistic landscape research conducted in Hungarian-speaking regions by comparing and contrasting the topics, approaches, paradigms, and research methodologies used.
Plakátháború – vizualitás és ideológiák a Sopron környéki népszavazás időszakában
Plakátháború – vizualitás és ideológiák a Sopron környéki népszavazás időszakában
(Poster War – Visuality and Ideologies in the Period of the Sopron Referendum)
- Author(s):Szilvia Szoták
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:127-137
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Sopron Referendum;poster war
- Summary/Abstract:On the 14th of December 1921, a referendum began, during which Sopron and the inhabitants of eight surrounding villages could decide to choose the supremacy of Hungary or Austria. In the referendum area, 57% of the total population was German, 36% Hungarian, and 5% Croatian. The referendum was preceded by a real placard campaign, during which posters of Hungarian and German language proclaimed nationalist ideologies in the public space: the texts showed vigorously how the two nations felt about each other. Following the latest flow of the linguistic landscape research, I searched for an explanation of the inscriptions in the ideologies by trying to find out the views of the community that read the placards. I also tried to reveal the strategies of the creators of the placards and their common cultural, historical, and social factors that played a decisive role in the development of their strategies.
Az erdélyi nyelvi tájkép átalakulása 1920 után a kisebbségi sajtó tükrében
Az erdélyi nyelvi tájkép átalakulása 1920 után a kisebbségi sajtó tükrében
(Transformations of the Transylvanian Linguistic Landscape after 1920: A Minority Perspective)
- Author(s):Noémi Fazakas
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:139-147
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:linguistic landscape;Transylvanian minority
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper analyses a specific aspect of the linguistic landscape: that of the issue of street signs and company signs from a historical and anthropological point of view. The corpus includes texts published in one of the most important representatives of Transylvanian Hungarian minority press between the two World Wars, Keleti Újság, texts discussing the above mentioned elements of the linguistic landscape. The analysis wishes to show how a majority nation becomes a minority one due to the political shifts in power and the new legislation but also the role the visual presence of the language played in constructing this new national and minority identity during this early period.
Sírok, sírfeliratok – olvasatok. A temesvár-józsefvárosi temető nyelvi tájképe
Sírok, sírfeliratok – olvasatok. A temesvár-józsefvárosi temető nyelvi tájképe
(Tombs, Epitaphs – Readings. Language Landscape of Temesvár-Józsefváros Cemetery)
- Author(s):Barna Bodó
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:149-174
- No. of Pages:26
- Summary/Abstract:Timişoara-Iosefin Cemetery is a public cemetery. There is an acute lack of space, the city has not opened a new cemetery for half a century. The tombs offered by the municipality before 1945 to dignitaries are not protected. Whoever does not pay the cemetery fee, loses the grave. Although the cemetery has been in use for about 150 years, nearly half of the graves have new owners, and these changes have occurred predominantly over the last 40 years. So, we are witnessing the disappearance of the past that can be documented by the existence of graves. The research of minority graves, in particular the Hungarian ones, shows that Hungarian texts found on graves have many and sometimes serious grammatical mistakes. In the case of mixed marriages, there are bilingual inscriptions in only a few cases. The former feature of Timişoara, multilingualism, is on the verge of extinction. The piety to the former is lacking in most cases; those who were buried before the new owners are lost in the darkness of time.
Nyelv – gazdaság – tájkép. A gazdasági nyelvi tájkép kutatásának néhány lehetséges iránya erdélyi nézőpontból
Nyelv – gazdaság – tájkép. A gazdasági nyelvi tájkép kutatásának néhány lehetséges iránya erdélyi nézőpontból
(Language – Economics – Landscape. Possible Directions of Research of the Linguistic Landscape from a Transylvanian Perspective)
- Author(s):Angella Sorbán
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:177-192
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:language;economics; landscape;Transylvania
- Summary/Abstract:The paper sketches possible directions of the analysis of the economic linguistic landscape from an interdisciplinary perspective, embedding the question into the historical context of the region’s economics, society, and mentality. The topic of the linguistic landscape has been approached using, on the one hand, the theoretical framework of production of space (Lefebvre 1974) and, on the other hand, the dynamics of language use. On this basis, this analysis focuses on the process how economic actors shape the linguistic environment through their decisions, economic calculations, awareness of rights, and ingenuity. Two practices of language usage are discussed: the culturally sensitive marketing and the ways of reinventing words from the era of socialism. Although the linguistic landscape in Transylvania is heterogeneous, one remarkable characteristic is the mixing of Western and local branding patterns. The adaptation of Western features to the local context and vice versa gives evidence of the creativity of economic actors as well as of the specific expression of different local or regional identities.The relation between language and economics is complex and multifaceted. Although the attention given to the linguistic factors in economic research is much less than they would deserve, language has obviously got various functions. In the economic field, there are linguistic tools for influencing economic processes, economic culture, economic discourse, and customer consumption. At the same time, language could express different identities as well as power or resistance in very subtle ways.
Nyelvi tájkép és turizmus Beregszászon
Nyelvi tájkép és turizmus Beregszászon
(Linguistic Landscape and Tourism in Beregszász)
- Author(s):Kornélia Hires-László
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:193-209
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Beregszász;tourism;linguistic landscape
- Summary/Abstract:I have collected signs in a given settlement in Beregszász. The settlement also becomes important as the Subcarpathian Hungarians are concentrated in the district of Beregszász, and thus the city has an outstanding role in the life of local Hungarians. The analysis of the linguistic landscape collected in the settlement is suitable for capturing the minority fate of Hungarians and for the demonstration of their language use possibilities. In linguistic landscape studies, multiethnicity is a very important aspect, and since more than one ethnic group lives in Beregszász it is even more justified to present the linguistic landscape of the chosen settlement. In my study, I analyse the language landscape in the settlement with two analyses (collected in 2013 and 2017), and I analyse the experiences of a landing-place fair in the context of language and economy.
Turizmus és nyelvi tájkép
Turizmus és nyelvi tájkép
(Tourism and Linguistic Landscape)
- Author(s):Zoltán Karmacsi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:211-220
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:tourism;linguistic landscape
- Summary/Abstract:The change of the linguistic landscape is a sore spot for the minority population that can be driven out of the virtual language use. Linguistic landscape is not only indicative of the language vitality of an area’s or region’s population but can also reflect the real language, ethnicity. Extralinguistic factors are as important as the two basic functions of linguistic texts and the models explaining the elements of the linguistic landscape. Such a factor is a small area’s or region’s economics, in our case: touristic development. The increased tourism demand of the majority brings about numerous phenomena that have significant influence on the linguistic landscape of the minorities’ territory. This research is aimed at revealing the influence a local economic investment makes (can make) on the formation of the territory’s linguistic landscape. I would like to show the changes in the linguistic landscape recorded by Hodinka Antal Research Centre in its photo database of 2011–2012, February and September of 2016 as well as of 2017 on the basis of my observations and photographs.
Egynyelvű környezet – többnyelvű terek
Egynyelvű környezet – többnyelvű terek
(Monolingual Environment – Multilingual Spaces)
- Author(s):István Kozmács
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:221-227
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:linguistic landscape;multilingual area
- Summary/Abstract:An examination of the linguistic landscape usually occurs in settlements inhabited by bilingual or multilingual speakers. In my paper, I present the linguistic landscape of a monolingual Central Hungarian town, showing that the linguistic landscape of the examined monolingual settlement has got some multilingual features, what is caused by the different prestige of languages and by the actual political orientation of the government in power. We have also pointed out how the monolingual viewpoint of majority speakers works in the outlined frame.