Древнейшая этническая история угров по данным ономастики и письменных источников I тыс. н.э.
The oldest ethnic history of Ugrians according to the data of onomastics and written sources I thousand CE
Author(s): Valerij P. Yailenko
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Нижневартовский государственный университет
Keywords: Ugrians Huns-Gundurs Mongolia migrations South Ural North Pontus Middle Volga Magyars
Summary/Abstract: This is a historical-philological investigation of ancient and early medieval history of the Ugrians. Besideusually used information of the Byzantine, Arab and Persian writers there are also involved the data of hydronymyand ethnic names, which permits to see the problems in question from new point of view. An early history of theUgrians is deeply connected with the Huns and begins in Mongolia before new era. The ethnic name of the HunsGundursis Ugrian. Then they and other Ugrians have migrated to the West ‒ firstly to the South Ural region, thento North Caucasus region. From the VII century has arisen the ethnic name of the Ugrians itself, from the first halfof the IX century the name of the Magyars between the rivers Don and South Bug; the Arab and Persian writersknew also Huns-Gundurs as certain people v.n.n.d.r. Then both the Magyars and the v.n.n.d.r have migrated to theDanube region. Another group of the Magyars has migrated from the rivers Emba and Jaik to the Volga-Kamaregion near the IX century. The ethnic name of the Turcic Bashkirs has originated from the name of the Magyars.This monograph intends for the historians and philologists in Finno-Ugristic, also is recommended to thestudents and regional historians.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-5-89988-142-8
- Page Count: 76
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Russian