Local Environmental Problems and Answers in Hungary and Romania
Local Environmental Problems and Answers in Hungary and Romania
Contributor(s): Mihály Fónai (Editor), Ferenc Pénzes (Editor), János Kristóf Murádin (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography, Sociology, Law on Economics, EU-Legislation
Published by: Scientia Kiadó
Keywords: local self-governments;Hungary;Romania;eco-villages;smart cities;environment protection practices;
Summary/Abstract: The following volume of essays is a result of the research that was done from autumn 2015 until spring 2018 by an eleven-person research group of the Faculty of Law, University of Debrecen, who tried to look into what role local self-governments in Hungary had played in shaping environmental policy and environmental law. Further, it is a result of the partnership between the Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Cluj-Napoca of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania and the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen. However, because of the complexity of the topic, besides the legal approach, it also includes other approaches and modes of interpretation, beginning with ecological aspects through public policy to a sociological approach and interpretation, while mixed research methods are used at the same time. Beyond classic legal methods such as legislative analysis, a questionnaire research among 516 local governments, different focus-group interviews have been used, and fieldwork among 10 local governments was carried out. These essays are meant for those who are interested in the issues of eco-villages, smart cities, ecosystem services, environment protection practices, and environmental policy instruments or who are trying to obtain appropriate answers for the problems of integrating agricultural production and biodiversity, the general questions of waste management in Hungary and Romania, and the responsibility of local authorities.
Series: Sapientia Könyvek
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-975-014-8
- Page Count: 208
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English
Legal Aspects of Eco-Villages
Legal Aspects of Eco-Villages
(Legal Aspects of Eco-Villages)
- Author(s):Orsolya Bányai
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography, Law on Economics, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:15-27
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:sustainable communities;eco-villages
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper, I am going to analyse how much the current legal environment impedes or supports the establishment and maintenance of eco-villages in a Central European country, specifically Hungary. Although my analysis builds mostly upon Hungarian law, its main statements and consequences can be useful on an international level as well. It should be noted that according to the opinions of Hungarian social theorists (András Takács Sánta, Béla Borsos), who are deeply concerned with this topic, the Hungarian legal regulation does not relieve the situation of ecological communities at all. However, jurisprudence has not dealt – not even in a consciousness-raising way – with this problem until now. By this short paper, I would like to contribute to clearing up this debt (Fodor et al. 2016. 19–39). Below, I will firstly define the term eco-village. After that, I will make a short review of the situation regarding eco-villages in Hungary, and finally I will turn to their legal aspects.
Instrumental, Intrinsic and Relational Values Related to Traditional Wood Pastures in Transylvania
Instrumental, Intrinsic and Relational Values Related to Traditional Wood Pastures in Transylvania
(Instrumental, Intrinsic and Relational Values Related to Traditional Wood Pastures in Transylvania)
- Author(s):Tibor Hartel
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography
- Page Range:29-45
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:wood pastures; Transylvania; ecosystems
- Summary/Abstract:This essay is inspired by my experience with wood pasture systems and rural societies from Southern Transylvania, as researcher, manager, and inhabitant of that region. The essay is intended to stimulate discussion and fresh thinking around value domains linking human societies with production landscapes. Consistent with that, the literature list is far from comprehensive but rather serves as an entry point for readers who are interested in this topic.This essay is inspired by my experience with wood pasture systems and rural societies from Southern Transylvania, as researcher, manager, and inhabitant of that region. The essay is intended to stimulate discussion and fresh thinking around value domains linking human societies with production landscapes. Consistent with that, the literature list is far from comprehensive but rather serves as an entry point for readers who are interested in this topic.
Promising Solutions from the Environment Protection Practices of Three Municipalities
Promising Solutions from the Environment Protection Practices of Three Municipalities
(Promising Solutions from the Environment Protection Practices of Three Municipalities)
- Author(s):Attila Barta
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography, Law on Economics, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:47-61
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:environment protection;public administration;municipal level
- Summary/Abstract:This study focuses on the environment protection practices of three Hungarian municipalities: Biharkeresztes, Dorog, and Debrecen. The reason why it does so is because the research this paper presents strove from the beginning to provide a more nuanced picture on local environment protection policies by gathering as much empirical (that is: local, first-hand) experience as possible, besides representative questionnaire-based surveys and written sources. To achieve this, members of our research team visited pre-selected settlements (municipalities), where they conducted focus-group interviews and collected sources available via fieldwork only.
The Concept of Smart City – Regulation Questions?!
The Concept of Smart City – Regulation Questions?!
(The Concept of Smart City – Regulation Questions?!)
- Author(s):Gabriella Csűrös
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Human Geography, Environmental Geography
- Page Range:63-75
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:smart cities;Hungary;
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, cities also can be “smart”. More and more cities use the label “smart” – in Hungary as well. Is it a rational decision for cities full with opportunities or, if it is a necessity, however, is it a new trend that must be followed without any substance? Besides this dilemma, the study also focuses on the regulation of the smart city concept. Regarding the growing number of smart cities and the simultaneous regulation gap, the question is whether we need to regulate smart cities? If we do, at which governmental level and what kind of substance, and, if we do not, what are the reasons?The urban development is the theoretical framework of the study. After the definition of smart city, the study focuses on the content of smart city, systematizing its features on the basis of the relevant regulations and literature. As the result of my research, the risks of regulation as well as further deficiencies and contradictions will be demonstrated.
Environmental Tools of Local Governments in Hungary (an Overview)
Environmental Tools of Local Governments in Hungary (an Overview)
(Environmental Tools of Local Governments in Hungary (an Overview))
- Author(s):László Fodor
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:77-94
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:local governments;Hungary;central regulations;environmental law
- Summary/Abstract:Although local governments possess limited autonomy in Hungary, they play a significant role in environmental policy. Apart from fulfilling mandatory tasks such as waste management, they face environmental challenges relating to other activities such as urban development. They adopt strategies and regulations, exercise public authority, enter into contracts, and organize public services in order to protect the environment. This essay demonstrates that the scope of discretion of local governments is legally limited; nonetheless, some environmental considerations do not play a role due to lack of interest and knowledge. Based on questionnaires, case studies and interviews as well as on the analysis of the central regulations, the most important tools are introduced from an environmental law point of view.
Integrating Agricultural Production and Biodiversity: Wood Pastures as Model Systems
Integrating Agricultural Production and Biodiversity: Wood Pastures as Model Systems
(Integrating Agricultural Production and Biodiversity: Wood Pastures as Model Systems)
- Author(s):István Urák, Lídia Szigyártó, Tibor Hartel
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography
- Page Range:95-107
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:biodiversity;wood pastures;grasslands
- Summary/Abstract:Grazing, food production, agricultural interests, on the one hand, and biodiversity, on the other hand, do not necessarily exclude one another. On the contrary, pastures with sparse trees and shrubs may well integrate agricultural production and biodiversity conservation. The structural properties of the wood pastures are tightly related to biodiversity; therefore, traditional (and at the same time economically profitable) agricultural activities, such as grazing, pasture clean-up, and the maintenance of the sparse and old trees and shrubs, are essential for the conservation of biodiversity. These activities do not lead to the shortage of agricultural production – on the contrary, the presence of sparse trees and shrubs is accompanied by benefits such as shade for the grazing animals in the summer or foliage and fruit (acorn, thorn-apple, pear) as food supplement for the livestock in the summer and autumn.
Local Actors and Environmental Policy
Local Actors and Environmental Policy
(Local Actors and Environmental Policy)
- Author(s):Mihály Fónai, Ferenc Pénzes
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Political Sciences, Governance, Public Administration
- Page Range:109-125
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:environmental policy;local self-government;Hungarian public administration reforms
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper examines the role and possibilities of the local political actors in the decision-making processes of local governments and the way they influence local environment policy. The paper analyses a part of the results of an on-line questionnaire responded to by 516 local governments. The researchers’ hypotheses partly refer to the transformed local state model of the public administration, assuming the strengthening of the state influence. The other hypotheses of the paper refer to the local decision-making mechanism and their characteristic features, e.g. how pro-active the local environment policy is and what the difference is between the ideal and typical local decision-making mechanisms. Based on the research results, due to the strengthening of the local state model (i.e. the growing influence of the central government/the state), the role of the potential actors shows a decreasing tendency in the local environment policy. Local governments seem to be the main formers of the local environment policy, while the impact of non-governmental organizations and citizens is regarded as small. It is interpreted by local governments as a contradiction between the “ideal” vs “actual” local decision-making mechanism.
Issues of Local Waste Management in Hungary
Issues of Local Waste Management in Hungary
(Issues of Local Waste Management in Hungary)
- Author(s):Brigitta Gyurkó
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:127-140
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:waste management; waste treatment;Hungary;hazardous waste;
- Summary/Abstract:I will present the Hungarian models of the public waste management service (regarding the fact that several consecutive models have worked in Hungary before). I will consider public service as a fundamental guarantee of institutional protection just as the participants involved in public service focusing on Nemzeti Hulladékgazdálkodási Koordináló és Vagyonkezelő Zrt. (National Waste Management Coordinating and Asset Management plc – NHKV). NHKV was established in 2016, almost two years ago, but it has faced more and more problems on a permanent basis, to which I will draw attention in this study. I do not intend to carry out a detailed critical analysis of the system within the scope of this study. The question is whether waste management that has been changing since 2012 and becoming more and incomprehensible will overcome the current obstacles or we have to witness more and more failed solutions due to the “waves” of nationalizations spreading increasingly, which will cause in the municipalities of Hungary the same infamous waste management disaster that happened in Naples.
Patarét – from Waste Management to Risk Policy
Patarét – from Waste Management to Risk Policy
(Patarét – from Waste Management to Risk Policy)
- Author(s):Barna Bodó, Ibolya Lakatos
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography
- Page Range:141-162
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:waste management;Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár);Patarat
- Summary/Abstract:In our study, we examine the waste management of a large city, more specifically how the situation of Cluj-Napoca’s landfill has evolved over the past period. “Patarét” is a negative example; it perfectly illustrates the types and possible ways of handling environmental problems, and the functioning of local politics. In this context, “waste management” is characterized by a “risk policy” that cannot really provide good responses to emerging issues.Our research and study are based on three research methods. We rely primarily on media analysis as a possible technique and methodology of content analysis. In addition to revealing what happened, press review is also a good way of capturing local public life and local politics because the presented topics as well as the issues held on the agenda give a lot of clues about the local conditions. Press review covers two things in this paper: our statements related to waste management are based on press releases, sources, and official websites. In addition, press was examined not only as a source, but we were also wondering in what contexts these subjects are presented and what interpretations are given. These sources were complemented by the experiences of our fieldwork and the results of a non-representative questionnaire. Our study meets the requirements of a case study, as the situation of Patarét (Pata Rât) is described and analysed as an example of waste management in Cluj-Napoca and Cluj County.
Lake Balaton Priority Recreational Area – Local Governments According To The Lake Balaton Act
Lake Balaton Priority Recreational Area – Local Governments According To The Lake Balaton Act
(Lake Balaton Priority Recreational Area – Local Governments According To The Lake Balaton Act)
- Author(s):Judit Molnár
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography
- Page Range:163-177
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:ecological sustainability; Lake Balaton Actecological sustainability; Lake Balaton Act
- Summary/Abstract:The issue examined by this study is part of the research project called “Roles and tools of local governments in the implementation of ecological sustainability” supported by NKFIH and launched by the Law School of the University of Debrecen in September 2015. The participants involved in this research examine which role Hungarian local governments have in environmental policy and in the development and implementation of environmental law (Fodor–Barta–Fóna–Bányai 2016. 19–39). Within the scope of this research, a focus-group interview was conducted at the Common Office of the Local Government of Siófok in June 2017, where the discussion was focused on the activity carried out by Siófok in the field of urban environmental protection and on the relevant regulatory tools. One of the questions we asked was whether there were/had been any environmental conflicts or ecological disagreements between the neighbouring/nearby municipalities. The deputy mayor representing the relevant local government and the office staff all agreed that “Lake Balaton Act is the common regulatory instrument, so there are not any conflicts. Instead, cooperation is implemented, among others, in the field of bicycle tourism.” Based on this statement, we will examine Act CXII of 2000 on the adoption of the Area Development Plan of Lake Balaton Priority Recreational Area and the establishment of Balaton Area Development Regulation indicated as a common regulatory instrument in this study in the light of the framework role of the above mentioned law relating to the area management and environmental activity of the municipalities in Lake Balaton Priority Recreational Area.
The Interdependency Between the Three Pillars of Sustainable Development Through the Current Concerns Relating to Water in Hajdúböszörmény
The Interdependency Between the Three Pillars of Sustainable Development Through the Current Concerns Relating to Water in Hajdúböszörmény
(The Interdependency Between the Three Pillars of Sustainable Development Through the Current Concerns Relating to Water in Hajdúböszörmény)
- Author(s):Ágnes Bujdos
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography, Law on Economics
- Page Range:179-192
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:ecological sustainability;water;Hungary
- Summary/Abstract:The current contribution forms part of the research project carried out under the title “Roles and instruments of local governments in the realization of ecological sustainability”. It wishes to focus on Hajdúböszörmény, which is a Hungarian settlement lying at the junction of the Nyírség and the Hajdúság, along main road No 35. Thus, it is situated in the Northern Great Plain region, more specifically in Hajdú–Bihar County. Hajdúböszörmény occupies 370.8 km² and Bodaszőlő, Pród, Rét, Telekföld, Vid, and Zelemér belong to the inhabited part of its periphery. Hajdúböszörmény’s population is roughly 31,000 inhabitants, that is, 0.32 per cent of Hungary’s population, and its population density is 84 person/km2. Regarding the research projects and this essay, two remarks have to be made. On the one hand, although the project focuses on the ecological sustainability, this study will necessarily examine all three pillars (environmental, social, and economic) of sustainable development. On the other hand, the present research endeavours to highlight water, and so the other environmental elements are excluded from its scope. While conducting this research, we mainly relied on the minutes of the meeting of the Municipal Council, as in our opinion these provide the most up-to-date source of information relating to the challenges the Municipality of Hajdúböszörmény has to face. These sources were supplemented, among others, with local decrees and decisions, environmental status reports, and integrated urban strategies.