Bettina von Arnim: “On Poland” Cover Image
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Bettina von Arnim: "O Polsce"
Bettina von Arnim: “On Poland”

Contributor(s): Nina Nowara-Matusik (Editor), Marek Kryś (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Political history, German Literature, 19th Century, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Bettina von Arnim; Poland; Ludwik Mierosławski; the Spring of Nations; Prussia; Polish-German relations; translation; essay
Summary/Abstract: The second volume in the series Niemiecka Literatura Kobiet [German Women’s Literature] initiated by the Institute of German Philology of the Silesian University furnishes the Polonohile essay entitled “Polenbroschüre” [“O Polsce”; “An essay on Poland”] by a famous German woman writer of the Romantic period Bettina von Arnim – translated for the first time into Polish. The text which was originally published in 1849 continues to amaze the reader with its topicality, constituting at the same time an example of a German (and woman’s) voice (which was heard relatively rare in the history of German literature) which advocated the pursuit of freedom and the rights of the Polish people in such a passionate, uncompromising and committed way. Moreover, the publication contains essays devoted to the life and the literary output of Bettina von Arnim, the political problems discussed in the “Broszura o Polsce”, selected problems of translation and a comprehensive bibliography. The book “O Polsce” is intended primarily for people who are interested in the history of German literature, especially woman’s literature, the history of Polish-German relations and the problems of literary translation.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3420-2
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3419-6
  • Page Count: 180
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Polish, German
„Lubię być tam, gdzie chcę”. Bettina von Arnim – życie i twórczość pomiędzy rzeczywistością a imaginacją

„Lubię być tam, gdzie chcę”. Bettina von Arnim – życie i twórczość pomiędzy rzeczywistością a imaginacją
(“I like to be in the place where I want to be”. Bettina von Arnim – life and work between reality and imagination)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Zagadnienia polityczne w „Broszurze o Polsce” Bettiny von Arnim

Zagadnienia polityczne w „Broszurze o Polsce” Bettiny von Arnim
(Political problems featured in “Polenbroschüre” by Bettina von Arnim)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Bettiny von Arnim „Broszura o Polsce” – próba (wy)tłumaczenia

Bettiny von Arnim „Broszura o Polsce” – próba (wy)tłumaczenia
(Bettina von Arnim’s “Polenbroschüre” – an attempt at explanation/translation)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Bettina von Arnim: „O Polsce”

Bettina von Arnim: „O Polsce”
(Bettina von Arnim: “O Polsce” [“Polenbroschüre”/”On Poland”])

  • Price: 4.50 €
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