The Best Romanian Management Studies 2015-2016
The Best Romanian Management Studies 2015-2016
Contributor(s): Ovidiu Nicolescu (Editor), Constantin OPREAN (Editor), Mihail Aurel Titu (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Trivent Publishing
Keywords: Romania;Management; Planning;KAIZEN; Crisis;Human resource management;Tourism;E-Waste management;
Summary/Abstract: Modern management is represented by global management with a modern interdisciplinary approach which allows no ambiguities. Today, there is a need of managers who are capable to appreciate the values of society based on knowledge. The solution is quality management based on clear procedures to recognize moral and professional competences. The type of management practiced in teams brings a plus of professional value and offers a sustainable development. Competent and well-trained professionals can take this solution to success on both short and long term. This book brings together management studies worthy of following. Quality represents the road to success, while performance and intellectual property is the path to sustainable competitive advantage.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-615-80996-3-9
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-615-80996-2-2
- Page Count: 162
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English
Essential Elements Regarding the Management of Company Stakeholders
Essential Elements Regarding the Management of Company Stakeholders
(Essential Elements Regarding the Management of Company Stakeholders)
- Author(s):Ovidiu Nicolescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:1-12
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:stakeholders; organization; manager; relationship; performances;SMEs.;
- Summary/Abstract:Focus on the stakeholders is a new management dimension of the best contemporary competitive companies. A new management approach based on stakeholders is fast developing. This study identifies the main company stakeholders and highlights their management interests. Based on the analysis of the manager - stakeholder relationship specificity and on their role in the organization, the main ways to involve stakeholders in company activities are identified - differentiated for internal and, respectively, external stakeholders. The final part of the study reveals the main advantages and limitations associated with the management of stakeholders (which represents a new feature of the professional management).
Material Requirements Planning for S.C. SPORT S.A.
Material Requirements Planning for S.C. SPORT S.A.
(Material Requirements Planning for S.C. SPORT S.A.)
- Author(s):Cosmin Dobrin, Ion Popa, Ruxandra Dinulescu, Adriana Dima
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:13-20
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management resource planning; master production schedule; inventory
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter discusses the application and development of a management resource planning in a sports company, starting from analyzing the forecasted demand of a final product. Taking into account the final demand’s period, the planning will have the role to predict the needed quantity of raw materials, as well as the proper delivering period, in order for the company to be able to deliver the final product on time. Every possible (unexpected) delay in the raw materials’ production and delivery will result in a delay of the final product.
KAIZEN Management and the Japanese Glance
KAIZEN Management and the Japanese Glance
(KAIZEN Management and the Japanese Glance)
- Author(s):Mihail Aurel Titu, Constantin OPREAN, Stefan Titu, Oana Elena Negoiță-Hopârtean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:21-36
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Kaizen Concept; Kaizen Management; Quality Management; University Management
- Summary/Abstract:This research details the location and Kaizen management in the current global economic context. The study is part of a series of practical studies published in various journals, proceedings and international journals. The authors insisted on the efficiency and effectiveness of such an approach that could be of benefit to those who would approach Kaizen Management regardless of the chosen organization. It is extremely important, in the opinion of the authors, to choose and implement such a management model, namely Kaizen Management. The research presented was carried out by the team of authors with optimal results.
Bank Risk Management and Liquidity Management in Crisis Scenarios based on the Basel III Agreement
Bank Risk Management and Liquidity Management in Crisis Scenarios based on the Basel III Agreement
(Bank Risk Management and Liquidity Management in Crisis Scenarios based on the Basel III Agreement)
- Author(s):Liliana Aurora Constantinescu, Camelia-Cristina Dragomir, Stelian Pânzaru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:37-47
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Risk management; liquidity management; Basel III agreement; crisis scenarios; banking system
- Summary/Abstract:The complexity of the banking system and its operations generates the need for a daily effort of risk monitoring and management as a prerequisite for maintaining activities in normal parameters. This chapter approaches the current issues of banking management in terms of the risks amplified by the economic crisis, liquidity risk analysis methods and alternative crisis plans under the Basel III Agreement.
The Connection between Human Resource Management and Educational Performance
The Connection between Human Resource Management and Educational Performance
(The Connection between Human Resource Management and Educational Performance)
- Author(s):Constanta Popescu, Georgeta Gogeanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:48-65
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Human resource management; educational performance; efficacy; managerial practices; quality
- Summary/Abstract:So far, in the Romanian pre-university education no unified approach with concrete measures related to the relationship between human resource management performance and the increase of the quality of education has been shaped. In this sense, this empirical research has followed the relationship between the specificities of human resources in schools, the peculiarities of the current management of these resources and possible ways of intervention of a high-quality management in improving the quality of education.
Testing Organizational Maturity in S.R.C.F. GALAȚI
Testing Organizational Maturity in S.R.C.F. GALAȚI
(Testing Organizational Maturity in S.R.C.F. GALAȚI)
- Author(s):George Bogdan Dragan, Ion Stegăroiu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:66-82
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Organizational maturity; organizational performance; business intelligence architecture; the maturity matrix; organizational culture
- Summary/Abstract:On the basis that organizational work in an extremely dynamic business environment is difficult, change is a subject of great interest. Both a deductive and an inductive approach are needed to cope with the changes at organizational level due to influence factors specific to the Romanian railway sector. For these reasons, we considered it relevant to highlight methods for testing organizational maturity within a company in the public domain of Romanian railway transport.
An Analysis of Tourism Competitiveness in Romania
An Analysis of Tourism Competitiveness in Romania
(An Analysis of Tourism Competitiveness in Romania)
- Author(s):Virgil Nicula, Simona Spanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:83-99
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:tourism management; competitiveness; sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:Tourism, an economic and social phenomenon of great complexity, implies providing a wide range of services and products by a variety of public and private sector economic agents, characterized by various interests, roles and responsibilities. This competiveness analysis in tourism is an analytical framework based on the data provided by the Word Travel and Tourism Council (W.T.T.C.) within the ”Competitiveness Monitor – 2016” which does the followings: provides a record of policy indicators and developments affecting the tourism and travel industry; compares national statistics, government policies and commitments; highlights the importance for the tourism industry of strategic planning and the need to be included in government policies and decisions.This research highlighted Romania's competitive advantages, which revealed key forms of tourism: rural tourism, ecotourism and adventure tourism, tourist circuits or cultural tourism, tourism health care, city-break tourism, whose development and promotion may strengthen Romania’s image as an attractive destination on the international tourist market.Creating quality products and services is crucial in order to have Romania aligned with European development requirements, as well as in order to increase its attractiveness and competitiveness as a tourist destination.
Stakeholder Analysis in Romanian Construction Projects
Stakeholder Analysis in Romanian Construction Projects
(Stakeholder Analysis in Romanian Construction Projects)
- Author(s):Cezar-Petre Simion
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:100-112
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:stakeholder; project; construction; analysis
- Summary/Abstract:During their life cycle, construction projects involve many stakeholders who can influence their realization. Stakeholders may have different needs and expectations regarding the implementation of a construction project and often the interests of stakeholders in a project may be divergent. In this study we analyze the main categories of stakeholders and the tools used by project managers and organizations in the construction industry to quantify the impact of stakeholders on the projects.
The Development of a Performance Assessment Method for E-Waste Management in the European Union
The Development of a Performance Assessment Method for E-Waste Management in the European Union
(The Development of a
Performance Assessment Method for
E-Waste Management in the European Union)
- Author(s):Corina Marinescu, Claudiu Cicea, Carmen Nadia Ciocoiu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:113-128
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:DEA; collection rate; e-waste; performance
- Summary/Abstract:This study focuses on the performance of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE, e-waste) management in countries from European Union. A detailed literature review is conducted, in order to reveal other trials of analysing the performance of waste management. At the same time, the study has a unique way of presenting aspects related to the concept of performance analysed for the WEEE management field. Issues related to performance are revealed by conducting a Data Envelopment Analysis. The output variable is set on the collection rate of e-waste, while the input variables are selected among factors which may influence the WEEE collection. The main advantage of such an analysis is that it not only provides an overview of the performance level for each country but also indicates the peers or reference countries. This way, comparisons among countries are easily realized. The paper ends with indicating the best and worst performers among Member States, along with limitations of the study and further developments.
Managerial Communication Dimensions Supporting Job Satisfaction
Managerial Communication Dimensions Supporting Job Satisfaction
(Managerial Communication Dimensions Supporting Job Satisfaction)
- Author(s):Virginia Baleanu, Sabina Irimie, Sabin Ioan Irimie
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:129-145
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:job satisfaction; communication climate; communication satisfaction; managerial communication
- Summary/Abstract:A major concept underlying contemporary approaches of Human Resource Management is job satisfaction. International literature in the field reveals various interdisciplinary perspectives to approach job satisfaction by assessing its dimensions and implications on individual and organizational performance. This study presents such a perspective, focusing on assessing communication dimensions related to job satisfaction of employees in education. After an overview of the main conceptual approaches, we will discuss the results of our research, comparative to other previous findings using the same validated instrument in organizational communication studies (Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire).
The Successful Implementation of a Project with a Medium and Long-Term Socio-Economic Impact on Romania
The Successful Implementation of a Project with a Medium and Long-Term Socio-Economic Impact on Romania
(The Successful Implementation of a Project with a Medium and Long-Term Socio-Economic Impact on Romania)
- Author(s):Dumitru Nancu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:146-154
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:managerial project; enemployment rate; EU; management; national strategy; human resources; development
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter highlights the stages of a successful project, and its socio-economic impact on medium and long term level on Romania and the EU. The project described aims to reduce the unemployment rate on the level of Bucharest, and implicitly in Romania, and to create, diversify and improve the services provided to institutionalized children. The proposed activities aim to integrate on the labor market both direct beneficiaries of the project (vulnerable unemployed people), but also the social integration of indirect beneficiaries (institutionalized children).
Management in Romanian Tourism with the Involvement of the Local Community
Management in Romanian Tourism with the Involvement of the Local Community
(Management in Romanian Tourism with the Involvement of the Local Community)
- Author(s):Maria Tătăruşanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:155-161
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:tourism; local community; involvement; tourism management; stakeholders
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, the local community is one of the most important issues in the literature of the tourism field, both of its involvement and participation in management decisions concerning tourism destination, creation and development. In the paper, the author brings to light the issue’s importance for specialists and future employees, employers and decision makers in the tourism field. The methodology is based on a mix approach, by using qualitative methods which suppose to discuss the literature in the field and to analyze the web sites promoting the Moldova area as a tourism destination and the governmental and non-governmental organizations connected to tourism in the mentioned area. The results are interpreted in the light of the management activities which suppose taking into consideration the interest in participation and forms of involvement of local community members in the tourism development and the national cultural influences on this kind of decisions.