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Internacjonalizacja polskich i ukraińskich przedsiębiorstw
Internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian Enterprises

Author(s): Beata Glinkowska
Subject(s): Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: internationalization; globalization; home country; host country; enterprise; entrepreneurship; ways of internationalization; internacjonalizacja przedsiębiorstw; globalizacja; przedsiębiorczość; przedsiębiorstwo
Summary/Abstract: This study attempts to make a multi-faceted description of ways of internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises, trying to fill an existing research gap in this regard. The threads discussed in this paper on the systematization of concepts and factors pertaining to this process required multidirectional research aimed at analysis of the literature of the subject (Polish and foreign); market of micro, small, medium and large enterprises in Poland and Ukraine; analysis of existing documents and reports regarding the status of the internationalization process; analysis of the legal status, state of support for internationalization; analysis of conditions resulting from the evaluation of local government administration in Poland and Ukraine. Important criteria for selecting organizations for research were their economic nature (maximizing profit), diversification in terms of size, diversification in terms of activity, diversification in terms of industries and willingness to participate in research. The study involved companies in Poland from the area of the Lodz region, and enterprises in Ukraine from the oblasts of Luhansk, Kiev, Kharkiv and Donetsk. The main goal was to gather, analyze and systematize knowledge about the internationalization process of enterprises in Poland and Ukraine. This goal was realized in the theoretical and empirical aspect. The theoretical aspect consisted in an objective analysis of the existing theory and building – based on it – new theories and scientific laws. The empirical aspect consisted in the verification of research hypotheses and the construction of outlines of ways of internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises. This part of the work was divided into six empirical research stages: three relating to the research of Polish enterprises (105 micro and small and 16 medium and large) and three relating to Ukrainian enterprises (12 micro and small and 6 medium and large). The last part of the study is a practical assessment of internationalization ways, related to the realities of the market; identification of ways and directions of internationalization. For the outline of the research procedure, the following cognitive objectives were formulated: presentation of the process of internationalization of enterprises by defining and clarifying the concept of internationalization; identification and analysis of motives and barriers to the internationalization process; identification of forms, outlines of models of ways of internationalization , methodology and strategy of internationalization; identification of the features of a modern international manager; identification of factors conditioning the possibilities and ways of internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises; identification of the scope of government and self-government assistance for enterprises wanting to go beyond the markets of their own country. The conducted research allowed for empirical confirmation that the ways of internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises are specific and different from each other. The research hypotheses were confirmed that: entering the foreign market requires different ways and methods, in relation to the situation of a given company and the situation in a given country (H1); state support is not a factor determining the internationalization process of enterprises (H2); the internationalization process depends primarily on the entrepreneurship of the managers, on the existence of the occasions and on the conditions prevailing in the host country (H3); there is a fundamental difference in the ways of internationalization of micro and small and medium and large enterprises (H4); internationalization ways of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises differ from each other (H5). The conducted research allowed for the formulation of many conclusions, of which the most important are: – Diversity and specificity of the internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises result from different legal, political, historical and market conditions; – Ukrainian enterprises are at the beginning of internationalization; – There is a fundamental difference in the ways of internationalization of Ukrainian enterprises due to their size. The basic determinant of the internationalization of micro and small Ukrainian enterprises is the lack of development opportunities on the home market, while in the case of internalization of medium and large enterprises it is mainly the search for opportunities on the foreign market; – Internationalization of Polish enterprises (regardless of their size) can be described as passive-active, as it is not only seeking opportunities but also avoiding threats resulting from an aggressive competition on the home market; – The way of entering a foreign market is determined by many factors, among which emerges to the fore the state of a country’s economy, social and legal conditions and entrepreneurial owners and managers. The studies conducted and conclusions formulated do not exhaust the set of factors affecting the internationalization process. There are rapid changes in the business environment, which may also change the preferences, determinants and ways of internationalization of enterprises in the future. // Monografia zawiera analizę teoretyczną problemów internacjonalizacji o charakterze poznawczym i utylitarnym, a także prezentację badań przeprowadzonych w polskich i ukraińskich mikro, małych, średnich i dużych przedsiębiorstwach w związku ze sposobami ich internacjonalizacji. Oparcie rozważań na wynikach przeprowadzonych badań oraz zamieszczenie studiów przypadków daje możliwość konfrontacji dróg internacjonalizacji polskich i ukraińskich przedsiębiorstw ze znanymi w świecie modelami. Zasadniczą treścią publikacji jest opis i analiza internacjonalizacji przedsiębiorstw w kontekście jej modeli. Autorka wychodzi poza konwencjonalny opis, dodając nowe zagadnienia i wątki, podkreślając rosnącą rolę procesu internacjonalizacji w zarządzani u przedsiębiorstwami oraz dla gospodarki. Zasadniczym atutem książki jest wypełnienie luki w zakresie prezentacji sposobów internacjonalizacji polskich i ukraińskich przedsiębiorstw z uwzględnieniem ich wielkości, a także przeanalizowanie problemu od strony biznesu, instytucji naukowych i samorządowych.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-135-5
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-134-8
  • Page Count: 454
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Polish
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