Lifestyles in the perspective of sustainable development Cover Image
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Style życia w perspektywie zrównoważonego rozwoju
Lifestyles in the perspective of sustainable development

Contributor(s): Jolanta Klimczak (Editor), Katarzyna Ponikowska (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Summary/Abstract: By presenting this book to the public, we intend to enter a stream of reflection about sustainable development. The point of reference which we embrace has to do with a sociological interest in lifestyles.Ecology is a ubiquitous and fashionable concept. For supporters of harmonious functioning of man and the environment, this phenomenon may seem to be desirable and one that realises in an optimistic manner their vision of the world. According to sceptics, the widespread use of this concept contributes to its blurring, and also to its employment as simulation of reality, which actually is not ecological in nature.For sociology, the tracing of such manifestations of “ecologisation” of both everyday and institutional life, which is characterised not only by superficial application of the principles of shallow ecology but above all the consistent adherence to the premises of deep ecology, seems to be an inspirational endeavour.The idea of sustainable development, featured in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, whose purpose is to design and to implement such conditions of life which will considerably improve its quality, not only in terms of economy, is strictly associated with alternative lifestyles, which attempt to regulate the relations between the individual, the society and the environment. These lifestyles are referred to as alternative due to the various instances of challenging modern manifestations of life characterised by excessive consumerism, Hektik and departure from any forms of spiritual development. The manifestations of this vision of reality include inter alia activities such as downshifting, holistic simplification, culture jamming or behaviour known as freegan. One of such ideas, comprehended in a certain institutional system, is also the idea of the slow life movement, the slowing down of life in all its manifestations. Such an approach is supposed to enable man to indulge in reflection about the condition of the quality of his life and the possibilities of improving it on levels which require such improvement. One of the manifestations of this approach is the emerging network of the cittàslow, initiated in Italy, and which now brings together Polish cities, such as Reszel or Bisztynek, as well. The development of a new quality of life of the residents is a desirable manifestation of developmental success for these cities.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-946-7
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-945-0
  • Page Count: 178
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Polish
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