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Mam na imię Marytė
My name is Marytė

Author(s): Alvydas Šlepikas
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: Alvydas Šlepikas
Summary/Abstract: Based on the facts, the novel tells about one of the white spots of post-war history - "wolves children". After the Second World War, German orphans wandered around Lithuania in search of a roof over their heads and bread. Fleeing from East Prussia, little Renata is hiding among forests, but also among people - hiding her German origins. He receives foster parents and a new Lithuanian name - Marytė, and the history of her family shows the tragic fate of many refugees from East Prussia in Lithuania. The novel was based on real wolf stories of children and their relatives. The first novel by Alvydas Šlepikas My name is Marysia was recognized as the best Lithuanian book in 2012. The author, known mainly as a poet, uses his lyrical style in his first novel, using extremely visual images and an emotional, torn narration.

  • Page Count: 154
  • Publication Year: 2015
  • Language: Polish
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