Distinguished Romans of the late period of the Republic. Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (106-48 BC) Cover Image
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Wybitni Rzymianie czasów schyłku Republiki. Gnejusz Pompejusz Wielki (106–48 przed Chrystusem)
Distinguished Romans of the late period of the Republic. Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (106-48 BC)

Contributor(s): Norbert Rogosz (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Social history, Ancient World
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Pompey; Rome; the Republic; Sulla; Caesar; Julia; Mucia; triumvirate; consulate; senate
Summary/Abstract: This publication is not a biography of Pompey the Great, since it contains several articles on various spheres of his public activity. The issues addressed in the articles have been selected by the individual authors, therefore the publication does not comprise a comprehensive picture of the life or activity of Pompey the Great. This book, however, deals with issues that are very unique, and not very often discussed in the studies concerning this outstanding Roman. The articles included in the book have been divided into several series of issues related to Pompey's military and political achievements, intellectual attributes of his and his associates, his emotional life, especially some of his marriages, his death and the future generations’ remembrance of this significant figure. Therefore the problems examined here may be of interest to the academics who deal with ancient history, especially with the last century of the Roman Republic, to history students, teachers and antiques-lovers or hobbyists, especially because of the fact that the issues have been addressed in an original, unique way, which is interesting and accessible.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3211-6
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3210-9
  • Page Count: 256
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: English, Polish
Wojna Gn. Pompejusza z piratami

Wojna Gn. Pompejusza z piratami
(The Cn. Pompey’s War against the Pirates)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Gn. Pompejusz Wielki a żołnierze. Formy utrzymywania dyscypliny i budowania esprit de corps

Gn. Pompejusz Wielki a żołnierze. Formy utrzymywania dyscypliny i budowania esprit de corps
(Pompey the Great and soldiers: forms and maintaining discipline and building the esprit de corps)

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Polityczna rola Gn. Pompejusza w Republice Rzymskiej w okresie pierwszej wojny domowej i dyktatury sullańskiej

Polityczna rola Gn. Pompejusza w Republice Rzymskiej w okresie pierwszej wojny domowej i dyktatury sullańskiej
(The Political Role of Cn. Pompeius in the Roman Republic during the First Civil War and the Dictatorship of Sulla)

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Udział Gn. Pompejusza Wielkiego w walkach o władzę w Rzymie w latach 54—52 przed Chrystusem

Udział Gn. Pompejusza Wielkiego w walkach o władzę w Rzymie w latach 54—52 przed Chrystusem
(The struggles for power of Cnaeus Pompeius Magnus in Rome 54—52 BC)

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Gn. Pompejusz a optymaci (52 rok przed Chrystusem)

Gn. Pompejusz a optymaci (52 rok przed Chrystusem)
(Cn. Pompeius and the optimates (52 BC))

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The Religious Policy of Pompey the Great

The Religious Policy of Pompey the Great
(The Religious Policy of Pompey the Great)

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„Literacki sztab” Pompejusza

„Literacki sztab” Pompejusza
(The Pompey’s literary cabinet)

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Kultura intelektualna Pompejusza

Kultura intelektualna Pompejusza
(Intellectual culture of Pompeius)

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Mucja — „niewierna” żona Pompejusza

Mucja — „niewierna” żona Pompejusza
(Mucia — the “unfaithul” wife of Cneus Pompeius)

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Iulia Caesaris w oczach jej współczesnych oraz potomnych

Iulia Caesaris w oczach jej współczesnych oraz potomnych
(Iulia Caesaris in the eyes of her contemporaries and posterity)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Głowa Pompejusza i inne ślady spotkania Rzymian z Egiptem

Głowa Pompejusza i inne ślady spotkania Rzymian z Egiptem
(Pompey’s Head and other consequences of the Romans’ encounter with Egypt)

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Nemezis z grobowca Pompeiusa

Nemezis z grobowca Pompeiusa
(Nemesis and the grave of Pompey)

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Klaudyjscy przodkowie cesarza Tyberiusza a obóz pompejański. Zarys problemu

Klaudyjscy przodkowie cesarza Tyberiusza a obóz pompejański. Zarys problemu
(Claudian ancestors of Emperor Tiberius and the Pompeian camp. Outline of the issue)

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