Rok 1968. Novinári na Slovensku
1968. Journalists in Slovakia

Contributor(s): Jozef Hupka (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Media studies, Communication studies, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of Communism
Published by: Historický ústav SAV
Keywords: Slovakia; Czechoslovakia; Prague Spring; 20th century; 1968; media; journalism; political system; communism;
Summary/Abstract: The presented monograph is a result of a meeting, where the Slovak journalists and historians came together in order to discuss the events of 1968 and the indispensable role of mass media in the reform process in Czechoslovakia, which is generally known as the „Prague Spring”. While the historians were stressing both the importance and the contribution of Slovak and Czech media for the evolution and the take-off of the reform process in the cultural context of the 1960s and the significance of historical milestones of the year 1968, the journalists-eyewitnesses of these events were remembering their own evaluation of the unforgettable atmosphere of that time. The individual papers published in this book are focusing on the role and significance of mass media, which – after a short hesitation at the beginning – became an accelerator of the whole reform movement. The particular authors are pointing out a generation of silenced journalists’ courage to investigate in a short period of freedom they had never known before. In the conclusion of the presented monograph they look for parallels and connections between this modern tradition of Slovak journalism and the role of mass media in the 1989 events of the Velvet Revolution that aimed to dump the totalitarian communist regime. Furthermore, one of the aims of this book is to put in remembrance the most eminent personalities of journalism, which demonstrated a remarkable portion of civil courage and presented principal standpoints, taking many risks including communist regime’s persecutions.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-969782-9-8
  • Page Count: 212
  • Publication Year: 2008
  • Language: Slovak
Chvála žurnalistiky Namiesto úvodu

Chvála žurnalistiky Namiesto úvodu
(Praise of Journalism Instead of introduction)

Politický vývoj v Československu v roku 1968 (so zreteľom na podmienky Slovenska)

Politický vývoj v Československu v roku 1968 (so zreteľom na podmienky Slovenska)
(Political Development in Czechoslovakia in 1968 (considering the conditions of Slovakia))

Invázia „pätky“ z augusta 1968 (so zameraním na medzinárodný kontext)

Invázia „pätky“ z augusta 1968 (so zameraním na medzinárodný kontext)
(Invasion of the "pätky" of August 1968 (focusing on the international context))

Slovenskí novinári v kultúrnom a demokratizačnom procese šesťdesiatych rokov

Slovenskí novinári v kultúrnom a demokratizačnom procese šesťdesiatych rokov
(Slovak journalists in the cultural and democratization process of the sixties)

Kultúrny život – časopis osobností a kryštalizovania názorov – a pôsobenie Ladislava Mňačka v ňom

Kultúrny život – časopis osobností a kryštalizovania názorov – a pôsobenie Ladislava Mňačka v ňom
(Cultural life - magazine of personalities and crystallization of opinions - and the work of Ladislav Mňaček in it)

Zrušenie cenzúry roku 1968

Zrušenie cenzúry roku 1968
(Abolition of censorship in 1968)

Témy slovenskej tlače v roku 1968

Témy slovenskej tlače v roku 1968
(Themes of Slovak print in 1968)

Přelomová témata českého tisku jara 1968

Přelomová témata českého tisku jara 1968
(Breakthrough Issues of the Czech Press Spring 1968)

Novinoveda v šesťdesiatych rokoch

Novinoveda v šesťdesiatych rokoch
(Newspaper in the Sixties)

Prečo bol podľa ŠtB rok ´68 horší ako fašizmus

Prečo bol podľa ŠtB rok ´68 horší ako fašizmus
(Why was, according to StB, year '68 worse than fascism)

Reportáž v Smene a jej legendárni reportéri

Reportáž v Smene a jej legendárni reportéri
(Reportage in Smene and her legendary reporters)

„Proti zdvihnutým hlavniam.“ Odpovede tým, čo stoja pred pamätnou tabuľou na bratislavskom magistráte

„Proti zdvihnutým hlavniam.“ Odpovede tým, čo stoja pred pamätnou tabuľou na bratislavskom magistráte
("Proti zdvihnutým hlavniam." Answers to what stands in front of the commemorative plaque at Bratislava City Hall)

Zem sa krúti, vraví žiačik

Zem sa krúti, vraví žiačik
(The earth is twisting, says the pupil)

Čierne dni filmového dokumentu

Čierne dni filmového dokumentu
(Black days of a documentary film)

Nekomunistický reformný prúd v roku 1968 – denník Ľud v 60. rokoch

Nekomunistický reformný prúd v roku 1968 – denník Ľud v 60. rokoch
(Non-Communist Reform Current in 1968 - People in the 60s)

Koniec osemdesiatych rokov v nadväznosti na udalosti roku 1968

Koniec osemdesiatych rokov v nadväznosti na udalosti roku 1968
(The end of the eighties following the events of 1968)

Na záver

Na záver
(At the end)

Menný register

Menný register
(Name Registry)



Zoznam použitých skratiek

Zoznam použitých skratiek
(List of abbreviations used)

O autoroch

O autoroch
(About the Authors)




(Photo documentation)

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