Бих я държал под ключ, докато не престане да пише
I Would Have Kept Her Locked Untill She Stopped Writing
Womens Voices in the Translated Fiction till the Second World War. Woman as an Author, Translator, Critic, Character
Contributor(s): Magdalena Kostova-Panayotova (Editor), Boyka Ilieva (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Studies of Literature, Sociology, Gender history, Bulgarian Literature, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
Keywords: woman`s wtiting; woman as an author; woman as a translator; woman as a critic; woman as a character
Summary/Abstract: The collection contains articles from the round table dedicated to the women’s writing issues which took place at the end of 2015 at Southwest University “Neofit Rilski”, Bulgaria. The papers are reviewing the woman in different creative roles – as an author, translator, critic, character. They analyze the variability of the perceptions towards women’s writing in the course of different historical periods. In the texts stand out various perspectives of the woman as an object of literature; a righteous virgin/wife, an innocent martyr or an audacious emancipator.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-954-00-0033-6
- Page Count: 129
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Bulgarian
Жени дарителки на българските православни храмове през възраждането
Жени дарителки на българските православни храмове през възраждането
(Women donators of the Bulgarian orthodox churches during the Renaissance)
- Author(s):Zhana Pencheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:5-18
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:church; donation; donor; female monastery; girls'education; charity
- Summary/Abstract:During the Renaissance, Bulgarian woman more successfully enters the public space of the settlements. She actively participates in the ecclesiastical life ofthe church. The woman is manifested through collective, family and individual donations. Atthe end of the Epoch, the activities of the Bulgarian woman are evolving from religious tosecular forms of charity
- Price: 4.50 €
Женското движение у нас в годините след Освобождението
Женското движение у нас в годините след Освобождението
(Women movement in Bulgaria after the Liberation)
- Author(s):Tanya Stoyanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:19-26
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:women’s union; women’s rights; movement of the women; periodicals
- Summary/Abstract:This paper focuses on the establishment of the Women’s Union in 1900. Theauthor traces out the women’s movement activity on women’s rights being published in theperiodicals
- Price: 4.50 €
Женската тема в публицистиката на Петко Р. Славейков
Женската тема в публицистиката на Петко Р. Славейков
(The theme of female in the publications of Petko Slaveykov)
- Author(s):Hristina Andonova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:27-43
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Renaissance; periodicals; emancipation; Slaveykov; women's magazines
- Summary/Abstract:Petko Slaveykov is one of the authors who focus their attention on thedevelopment of the "beautiful gender" in his publications. Moreover, he founded the firstwomen's magazine - "Rujitsa or other books for women." This text aims to observe his viewson women in different Renaissance editions. By his publications on women's issues PetkoSlaveykov becomes part of the discourse of cultural emancipation of women
- Price: 4.50 €
За жената работник в „Едно късче от поема“ на Биньо Иванов
За жената работник в „Едно късче от поема“ на Биньо Иванов
(On the woman worker in “Piece of a poem” by Binyo Ivanov)
- Author(s):Iliyana Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:44-48
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:mother; image; poem; context; period; poetry
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the image of the mother in some of the poems by BinyoIvanov. This image is more strongly expressed, compared to the image of the father. We areinterested about concerned biographical contexts that are associated with the parentalimages. In his first poetry book “To other grass” the mother and the father are presented indifferent poems. After that periodically in other books the poet includes new oral readyknown poems dedicated to the parents. That is an important observation, because itemphasizes the fact that these images are tangibly presented in the books of the poet,whether in known or new works. The article makes some comparisons with other poets ofthe period in which they were created
- Price: 4.50 €
Отвъд митология и идеология? („Женската“ априлска лирика” от 60-те)
Отвъд митология и идеология? („Женската“ априлска лирика” от 60-те)
(Beyond mythology and ideology? The "womans" April lyrics" of the 60s)
- Author(s):Magdalena Kostova-Panayotova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:49-64
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:poetry; April generation; literary canon; woman writing
- Summary/Abstract:The myth about the so-called “April generation” in Bulgarian poetry is acentral myth that unites a group of poets whose debut works appeared in the late 1950s andearly 1960s. Striving for their integration, they developed ideas and notions of literature as asocial institution. Despite the differences in their age and aesthetic quest, these poetsgenerally took on the April connotations in their sense of nationalization and legitimacy – afact that made many of them wish in the 1970s and 1980s to be included in the list of “Aprilhearts” as a later echo of this poetic phenomenon, which guaranteed them theacknowledgement that they were essential and important literary figures. Beyond theirconjunctoral activities, part of the aesthetic practice of these poets contributed to the“thawing” and breaking up of some clichés that forcibly constricted literature. If one looks atthe lists of “April poets” from the late 1950s and the 1960s it probably will not be a greatsurprise that one will not find many female names there. Not a great surprise, having inmind that the women in the Bulgarian literary canon by and large cannot be considered arepresentative group, regardless of the fact how essential, colourful, and creative theirliterary works are, or are not
- Price: 4.50 €
„Достойнството на жените”. Модерата Фонте, една венецианска писателка от XVI в.
„Достойнството на жените”. Модерата Фонте, една венецианска писателка от XVI в.
(“Il merito delle donne”. Moderata Fonte, a venetian writer of XVI century)
- Author(s):Rayna Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:65-77
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:women writer; Venice; Querelle dеs Femmes
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to present a Venetian writer of the sixteenth century, namedModerata Fonte, pseudonym of Modesta da Pozzo di Forzi. The author is unknown to theBulgarian audience and is presented with her most famous work Il merito delle donne (TheWorth of Women), a posthumously-published dialogue in 1600. In Il merito delle donne shecriticizes the treatment of women by men while celebrating women’s virtues and intelligenceand arguing that women are superior to men.This work is seen as part of Querelle dеsFemmes.
- Price: 4.50 €
Личният мит на Пинелопи С. Делта
Личният мит на Пинелопи С. Делта
(The personal myth of Penelope Delta)
- Author(s):Mariya Hristova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:78-83
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:personal myth; historical fiction for young adults; Byzantine-Bulgarian wars
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is based on Joseph Campbell’s concept of personal myth, i.e. theidea that “every individual is the center of a mythology of his own”. It comments on theGreek author Penelope Delta, her life and work taken from a mythopoeic point of view. Anemphasis is placed on her best loved novels set in Byzantium - For Our Country (1909) andIn the Time of the Bulgar-Slayer (1911), as well as on the construction of their Bulgariancharacters.
- Price: 4.50 €
Модели на женско поведение в някои преводни италиански произведения
Модели на женско поведение в някои преводни италиански произведения
(Models of female behavior in some translated Italian works)
- Author(s):Boyka Ilieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:84-93
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:translated literature; reader; fidelity; family values; moral example; utilitarianism
- Summary/Abstract:This paper examines the patterns of behavior of the woman wife in three Italian translated works. They show distinctly the utilitarian continuation of trend oftranslated literature from the Renaissance. The motive for the defense of marital (family)honor, popular and beloved by Renaissance reader continues to fit the demands of the postliberationBulgarian
- Price: 4.50 €
Жени писателки в съвременната чешка литература. Особености на женското писане
Жени писателки в съвременната чешка литература. Особености на женското писане
(Women writers in the modern Czech literature. Features of women writing)
- Author(s):Diana Pencheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:94-100
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:woman writing; female emotionality; contemporary Czech literature; feminism
- Summary/Abstract:The contemporary Czech woman literature remains to a great extent unknownto the Bulgarian audience. The article’s aim is to present briefly some of the most popularmodern Czech writers and to point outcertain characteristics typical for their work. Itconsiders the existence of the so-called female emotionality and the main groups of femalearchetypes in literature. This article focuses on some features of Czech literary life after 1989- such as feminism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Жената в творчеството на Мопасан. Роли и употреби
Жената в творчеството на Мопасан. Роли и употреби
(The woman in the works of Maupassant. Roles and modes)
- Author(s):Hristina Borisova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:101-117
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:French novel; realism; Maupassant; female characters; character types
- Summary/Abstract:Maupassant creates a colorful gallery of female characters - irresolute andstrong; loving and selfish; smart and mediocre. All of them grab the reader with theirsincerity. There's nothing too extraordinary in their characters. Some of them arouse pitybecause they are rather victims of themselves, others evoke sympathy. Some images provokepain and compassion, others are rather disgusting.
- Price: 4.50 €
Преплетеният образ на жената творец и жената персонаж в творчеството на Джейн Остин
Преплетеният образ на жената творец и жената персонаж в творчеството на Джейн Остин
(Interlaced image of the woman/creator and the woman/character in the works of Jane Austen)
- Author(s):Remzie Syuleymanchelebi
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:118-128
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Victorian era; Victorian literature; women writers; women as character emancipation
- Summary/Abstract:The text is devoted to life and the work progress of the woman artist JaneAusten, the receptive attitude towards the novel "Pride and Prejudice" and the created filmadaptations to it. Attention is paid to social relationships, prejudices, established moral idealsand the place of women in the Victorian era. All this is seen through the eyes of a womanliving and developing her creative potential at this time
- Price: 4.50 €