Radikálny socializmus a komunizmus na Slovensku (1918 - 1989). Spoločnosť medzi demokraciou a totalitou
Radical Socialism and Communism in Slovakia (1918 – 1989). Society between Democracy and Totalitarianism

Contributor(s): Michal Šmigeľ (Editor), Karol Fremal (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Sociology, Economic history, Military history, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Government/Political systems, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of Communism, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Ethnic Minorities Studies
Published by: Historický ústav SAV
Keywords: Slovakia; Czechoslovakia; 20th century; political system; communism; socialism; Comintern; economic policy; intellectuals; culture; German Bolshevism; Hungary; Banderovci; ethnic minorities; Gustave Husak;
Summary/Abstract: The book publication is work collection of Slovak and Czech scholars and pedagogues participating in research project solving related to Scientific Grant Agency of Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic (VEGA) named “Radical socialism and communism in Slovakia during 1918 – 1989. Society between democracy and totalism” that was implemented during 2004 – 2006 in Slovakia. It is a follow-up to previous publications published in the framework of scientific project solving and in wider context also a follow-up to the project “KSČ and radical socialism in Czechoslovakia (1918 – 1989)” implemented during 2002 – 2005 in Czech Republic (headed by prof. Z. Kárník). The publication tries to revive the problem that disappeared from Slovak historic literature in last decade. Single authors of the publication offer current view on history of left-wing political extreme that was reduced to Czechoslovak Communistic Party (KSČ) history or history of communistic and workman movement intentionally before 1990. They were also profaned under this title as a whole. Today, the topic finds its authors again who devote to it under democratic conditions independently and systematically and look for adequate methods, stipulate scientific priorities and create a wide publication space. Such effort is also related to submitted publication focusing on more known or less known aspects of examined problem and enriches it in new views, observations and results of scientific research in this way. It deals with whole scale of historic problems and among others refers to: Building of Communistic International in the environment of newly created conditions in Central and Eastern Europe in early 20s of 20th century considering ideological ethos and use of legal and illegal methods related to socialistic movement formation, so called International Bolsevism and its influence on communistic groups in Czechoslovakia included communistic intellectuals´ activities; Activity and functioning of Slovak Communistic Party (KSS) in political system of first Czechoslovak Republic in 20s and 30s of 20th century also in the lights of parliamentary election results; Organization constitution, structure of KSS in first years after 2nd World War – in the period of power fight striving in takeover of power in the country and efforts to establish totalitarian communistic regime and its activity related to liquidation of political opponents on regional level and in the area of popular judicature; Preconditions and ambitions of anti-communistic resistance movement and single groups in postwar period included the activity of anti-Bolsevic armed troops of Ukrainian Insurgent Army (co called Banderovci) coming from abroad and implementing anti-Soviet, anti-socialistic and anti-communistic propaganda in Slovak territory during 1945 – 1946; Position of national minorities (German, Hungarian and Ruthenian/Ukrainian) in totalitarian communistic society (after 1948); Problems related to monetary and social politics (1953) and cultural intellectual groups´ attitudes in post-Stalin period; Political background related to G. Husák´s installation to the function of first secretary of KSČ party in the intent of reintroduction of conservative communistic power in 1969 – at the beginning of “normalization” process in Czechoslovakia. Thus, the publication complements existing knowledge and brings new views to wide-scale problem of political extreme in the form of radical socialism and communism in Czechoslovakia during 1918 – 1989. It tries to start social discussion about historic fragments (often controversial) modern Czechoslovak or Slovak history of 20th century considering historic eye-opener that left-wing (as well as right wing) political extreme cannot be underestimated and it is not possible to know democratic society by the means of exiling extreme movements to spheres out of interest.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-8083-405-0
  • Page Count: 252
  • Publication Year: 2007
  • Language: Slovak


Úvodné slovo na záver projektu o radikálnom socializme a komunizme na Slovensku

Úvodné slovo na záver projektu o radikálnom socializme a komunizme na Slovensku
(Introductory word on the conclusion of the project on radical socialism and communism in Slovakia)

K možnostiam, metódam a prostriedkom činnosti Kominterny v strednej Európe v prvých rokoch existencie (1919 – 1922): Na hranici legality a ilegality

K možnostiam, metódam a prostriedkom činnosti Kominterny v strednej Európe v prvých rokoch existencie (1919 – 1922): Na hranici legality a ilegality
(Towards possibilities, methods and means of operation of the Comintern in Central Europe in the first years of existence (1919 - 1922): At the border of legality and illegality)

Německý bolševismus a komunistické skupiny v Čechách v počátcích ČSR

Německý bolševismus a komunistické skupiny v Čechách v počátcích ČSR
(German Bolshevism and communist groups in Bohemia at the beginning of Czechoslovakia)

Aktivity komunistickej strany na Slovensku v druhej polovici dvadsiatych rokov

Aktivity komunistickej strany na Slovensku v druhej polovici dvadsiatych rokov
(Activities of the Communist Party in Slovakia in the second half of the 1920s)

Cesty slovenských komunistických intelektuálov do ZSSR v období 1. Československej republiky

Cesty slovenských komunistických intelektuálov do ZSSR v období 1. Československej republiky
(Routes of Slovak Communist Intellectuals to the USSR in the First Czechoslovak Republic)

KSČ vo svetle výsledkov parlamentných volieb v rokoch 1925, 1929, 1935 a 1946 na strednom Slovensku

KSČ vo svetle výsledkov parlamentných volieb v rokoch 1925, 1929, 1935 a 1946 na strednom Slovensku
(KSČ in the light of the results of the parliamentary elections in 1925, 1929, 1935 and 1946 in Central Slovakia)

K organizačnej výstavbe a štruktúre KSS v rokoch 1945 – 1948

K organizačnej výstavbe a štruktúre KSS v rokoch 1945 – 1948
(The organizational construction and structure of the KSS in the years 1945 - 1948)

Vplyv komunistov pri tvorbe a realizácii retribučných nariadení v rokoch 1945 – 1948 na príklade činnosti Okresného ľudového súdu v Košiciach

Vplyv komunistov pri tvorbe a realizácii retribučných nariadení v rokoch 1945 – 1948 na príklade činnosti Okresného ľudového súdu v Košiciach
(The Impact of the Communists in Creating and Implementing Remedial Regulations in the Years 1945 - 1948 on the Example of the District People's Court in Košice)

Pokusy miestnych štruktúr KSS o likvidáciu politických protivníkov na príklade miest Považská Bystrica a Púchov v rokoch 1945 – 1948

Pokusy miestnych štruktúr KSS o likvidáciu politických protivníkov na príklade miest Považská Bystrica a Púchov v rokoch 1945 – 1948
(Attempts of local KSS structures to liquidate political opponents in the example of Považská Bystrica and Púchov between 1945 and 1948)

K otázke vzniku a charakteru protikomunistickej rezistencie na Slovensku v období po 2. svetovej vojne

K otázke vzniku a charakteru protikomunistickej rezistencie na Slovensku v období po 2. svetovej vojne
(On the issue of the origin and character of anti-communist resistance in Slovakia in the period after World War II)

Banderovci na Slovensku (1945 – 1946): K problematike činnosti a propagačných antikomunistických aktivít oddielov Ukrajinskej povstaleckej armády

Banderovci na Slovensku (1945 – 1946): K problematike činnosti a propagačných antikomunistických aktivít oddielov Ukrajinskej povstaleckej armády
(Banderovci in Slovakia (1945 - 1946): The issue of the activities and promotional anti-communist activities of the sections of the Ukrainian Rebel Army)

Politika KSČ vo vzťahu k Maďarom a Nemcom na Slovensku v rokoch 1948 – 1953

Politika KSČ vo vzťahu k Maďarom a Nemcom na Slovensku v rokoch 1948 – 1953
(Politics of the CPC in relation to the Hungarians and Germans in Slovakia between 1948 and 1953)

Menová reforma z 1. júna 1953

Menová reforma z 1. júna 1953
(The Monetary Reform of 1 June 1953)

„Akce D“ proti důchodcům, nepřátelům lidově demokratického režimu v roce 1953

„Akce D“ proti důchodcům, nepřátelům lidově demokratického režimu v roce 1953
("Akce D" against pensioners, enemies of the People's Democratic regime in 1953)

Postavenie ukrajinskej menšiny na Slovensku v poststalinskom období

Postavenie ukrajinskej menšiny na Slovensku v poststalinskom období
(The status of the Ukrainian minority in Slovakia in the Poststaline period)

Postoje slovenských spisovatelů na III. a IV. sjezdu Svazu československých spisovatelů

Postoje slovenských spisovatelů na III. a IV. sjezdu Svazu československých spisovatelů
(Attitudes of Slovak Writers to III. and IV. Union Congress of Czechoslovak writers)

Volba Gustáva Husáka prvním tajemníkem ÚV KSČ v dubnu 1969 ve světle nových dokumentů a souvislostí

Volba Gustáva Husáka prvním tajemníkem ÚV KSČ v dubnu 1969 ve světle nových dokumentů a souvislostí
(The election of Gustave Husak as the first secretary of the CPC Central Committee in April 1969 in the light of new documents and contexts)





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