Od osmičky k osmičke. Premeny slovenskej spoločnosti v rokoch 1918 - 1938
From Eight to Eight. Transformations of the Slovak society in the years 1918 - 1938

Contributor(s): Jaroslava Roguľová (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Sociology, Economic history, Political history, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), Identity of Collectives
Published by: Historický ústav SAV
Keywords: Slovakia; Czechoslovakia; interwar period; politics; political system; economy; education; sport; culture; language; theater; media; identity; radio; crime;
Summary/Abstract: This collective monograph consists from 15 chapters written by Slovak historians and other social scientists who tried to sketch the life in inter-war Slovakia. The chapters are focusing on politics and economy but mostly on social and cultural aspects of the life of society. The authors tried to answer the basic question: how was the period of 20 years, from the emergence of Czechoslovakia in 1918 till the introduction of the Slovak autonomy in 1938, with its democratic, national, cultural, institutional, technical and economical changes reflected in everyday life of common people. From this prospective, the authors came with lot of new, interesting and challenging outcomes of their research. As a result of that, this book creates an original and colorful image of the history of Slovakia in Czechoslovakia. One of its goals was to turn over the attention of experts and broader audience to the topics from the Slovak history that have not been favored by the Slovak historiography before. Although the book is limited to the period of inter-war years, lot of phenomenon sparked by the events of 1918 exceeded the year 1938. For some of them there is continuity in the next decades or are relevant even today. The publication enables the reader to follow and evaluate different present-day social phenomenon from the perspective of their historical evolution. Those facts demonstrate that the methodology and the approach of the book are very important for the research of Slovak history today. If experts and broader audience find in it interesting information and challenging observation about the changes of Slovakia during the period of inter-war Czechoslovakia, the goal of the authors was fulfilled.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-970060-4-4
  • Page Count: 223
  • Publication Year: 2009
  • Language: Slovak


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Obrazová Príloha

Obrazová Príloha
(Picture Attachment)

Výberová Literatúra

Výberová Literatúra
(Selected Literature)

Menný Register

Menný Register
(Name Registry)

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