Historiography in Motion. Slovak Contributions to the 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences
Historiography in Motion. Slovak Contributions to the 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences

Contributor(s): Roman Holec (Editor), Rastislav Kožiak (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Geography, Regional studies, Energy and Environmental Studies, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), Theology and Religion, Security and defense, Culture and social structure , Nationalism Studies, History of Communism, Migration Studies, Identity of Collectives
Published by: Historický ústav SAV
Summary/Abstract: Slovak historians have participated in the activities of International Committee of Historical Sciences/Comité international des sciences historiques (ICHS/CISH) at the very outset of “that global community of historians”, that is, since 1926. Until 1993, Slovak historians were represented in ICHS/CISH by joint Czechoslovak National Committee of Historians; since 1993, by Slovak National Committee of Historians. Size of the Slovak participation was diverse in different periods. During the First Czechoslovak Republic, Slovak professional historiography was only at its starting stage, so it was not visible on the international forum. After 1948, there were good conditions for a professional progress of the Slovak historical science, but it was politics that entered that process. Violent interferences into the spontaneous development of historiography deformed the historical knowledge, but restrained the greater participation of Slovak historians on international activities as well. In the period of 1950-1954, the Czechoslovak National Committee of Historians, as well as other national committees in the Soviet bloc, did not exercise its membership in ICHS/CISH. The contacts between the Slovak historians and global historical community branched out intensively after 1989. A choice of a represent to The World Congresses was not dependant on political institutions, but solely on historians. Till 1989, the representation was determined by totalitarian regime that favoured historians mostly without any scientific background. Starting from Madrid congress in 1990, Slovak historians, who were able to communicate with the global historical forum, successively participated in international activities. However, it was not a rapid but a consecutive process, because Slovak historiography needed some time for reaching the standards of international historical science and its dominant trends. The World Congresses of ICHS/CISH reflect trends, tendencies and thematic shifting in international historiography. It is manifested at the individual associations, commission sessions and round table programmes. Participation of the Slovak historians in The World Congresses was not numerous even after 1989. At present, there exists any substantial difference in the thematic area more, which we have felt yet at the Montreal congress in 1995, but problem of the Slovak participation is of another nature now: Slovak academic institutions are not able to send more historians to congress, because their budgets are sill very short. Meanwhile, there are competent historians either of the elder, but mainly of the younger generation, who could react and contributed to the challenges of the world historiography. We have realised this before the 19th congress at Oslo in 2000. Slovak National Committee of Historians arranged a publication for Oslo Congress: Slovak contributions to the 19th congress of historical sciences, Bratislava 2000 (ed. Dušan Kováč), 243 pp. Slovak historians, in eighteen studies, contributed to the twelve thematic sessions chosen for the congress. The 21st World Congress of ICHS/CISH in Amsterdam is a breakthrough event for the Slovak historiography. There are six contributions by Slovak historians to the programme, one of them is in major theme One, and a Slovak historian is an organiser of one of the sessions. However, Slovak historiography, who the congress programme regards as a challenge and as a demonstration of the running trends in the world historiography as well, has already branched that far that it is able to deal with the chosen themes in much more extent than the active participation at the congress allows. It is a reason why the Slovak National Committee of Historians decided to publish a special volume in which we offer some congress themes to the world community in Amsterdam. Electronic form of the volume is not only economical ant time-saving, but handy as well. We are ready to present this e-publication to the participants of the congress.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-89388-81-8
  • Page Count: 168
  • Publication Year: 2010
  • Language: English, French


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List of Authors

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