Kockás könyv - Van kiút az oktatási katasztrófából. Kiút az oktatási katasztrófából
Checkered Book - Way out of Educational Catastrophe. Way out of Educational Catastrophe

Author(s): Author Not Specified
Contributor(s): Istvan Nahalka (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Civil Közoktatási Platform
Keywords: CKP;Civil Platform for Public Education; Education; Public Education;Educational Policy;
Summary/Abstract: This book is an analysis of the fundamental problems and possible solutions of Hungarian public education, which are of primary importance and require significant intervention. The analysis is provided by the Civil Platform for Public Education (CKP) which compiles civil society organizations in the field of Hungarian education. The document subtitled as Way out of Educational Catastrophe is available and can be downloaded in three versions from ckpinfo.hu/kockaskonyv. In addition to Checkered Book including detailed analysis of the issue there is a summary of the book titled Checkered Booklet and a Checkered Table which compares the traditional versus the preferred approach to public education. Cheked Book was developed by the CKP Strategic Workgroup headed by István Nahalka and approved unanimously by the plenary meeting of CKP General Assembly on 2th December 2016. The book summarizes the fundamental problems of Hungarian public education that require considerable intervention, the solution of which must be the long term program of Hungarian educational policy. The phased and consistent solution of these fundamental problems would mean the overall reform of the Hungarian public education. The Checkered documents are for discussion. The authors did not aim to synthesize the different views of pedagogues groups. At given points there may be different opinions documented even among CKP members. Documenting state-of-the-art pedagogic approaches according to CKP values the authors wish to make proposals to people using schools. The aim of the document is to reach the politicians, to generate debates and to provide basis to given discussions and to put forward one of the most neglected questions in politics, the social dialogue. Checkered Book – with its system level recommendations - may have a role in preparation of the required profound changes.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-963-488-263-3
  • Page Count: 83
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Hungarian
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