Work – consumption – entrepreneurship. The economic awareness of the young generation Cover Image
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Praca – konsumpcja – przedsiębiorczość. Świadomość ekonomiczna młodego pokolenia
Work – consumption – entrepreneurship. The economic awareness of the young generation

Contributor(s): Urszula Swadźba (Editor), Monika Cekiera (Editor), Monika Żak (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: awareness; economic knowledge of the young generation; economic reality; work; consumption; entrepreneurship; Visegrad Group
Summary/Abstract: The level and the course of economic and social development is determined by a number of various factors, such as the state of technological development or social awareness. The latter is the result of the economic knowledge of the younger generation, which is considered as a way of young people’s thinking and their referring to economic reality. What constitutes economic awareness is the understanding of economic processes, the system of values and economic aspirations, work and entrepreneurship, the attitude towards ownership, the attitude towards money and saving, consumption, determinants of success in life.While living in a particular reality, young people acquire knowledge about the surrounding economic processes. This is affected by both external factors (events and economic phenomena occurring in the country and in the world), as well as internal factors: the process of socialization in the family, observation of the immediate environment, making everyday economic decisions. All this influences the generation’s attitudes, values and knowledge that will build the economy in the future.These problems were the subject of multi-dimensional analysis and discussions at the conference “Work – Consumption – Entrepreneurship. The economic awareness of the young generation of the Visegrad Group”, which took place in 2015 in Katowice. This monograph is the result of that meeting. The papers dealt not only with the issues concerning the Visegrad Group, but also with the entirety of the issues related to the economy awareness of the young generation. The monograph has been divided into three parts: The economic awareness of the younger generation of the Visegrad Group;Work and entrepreneurship of the young generation; The position of consumption in the life of the young generation.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-916-0
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-907-8
  • Page Count: 386
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: English, Polish
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