Social media. Dialogue in cyberspace. Vol. 2 Cover Image
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Media społecznościowe. Dialog w cyberprzestrzeni. T. 2
Social media. Dialogue in cyberspace. Vol. 2

Contributor(s): Krystyna Doktorowicz (Editor)
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Sociology, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Theory of Communication
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: social media; cyberspace; dialogue; contemporary participatory culture
Summary/Abstract: The volume is the second part of a collection of articles devoted to the issues of social media – a phenomenon of the contemporary participatory culture. The texts comprising this volume examine the social media issues from a social, cultural, and public relations perspectives, which provides a continuation of the first volume. The authors have made an attempt to study social media both in macro and micro scale, with attention paid to the use of social media in communication in contemporary society. The opening article by Ewa Gębicka deals with the role of social media in the process of film and TV series promotion. The author focuses on the potential of viral marketing, whose benefits accrue from social networking services. It is the Internet that creates tremendous opportunities to enhance entirely new quality and room for communication with viewers. Hence interactive forms of film and TV series promotion are becoming more and more popular these days. The author also points to the way social media are pertinent to advertising campaigns, that is, a phenomenon of crowdfunding.The subsequent article concerns Facebook and its role in the contemporary world of social communication. Katarzyna Forst explains the principles governing this social service as well as opportunities and dangers that its users may face. The Internet, which has already permeated nearly all spheres of contemporary life, is an essential communication tool, especially among young people. The Internet is the source of recent news and social media are becoming its more and more important source. The following article by Janusz Musiał takes us through culture and media, indicating the functions they perform, from cave paintings to the Internet. The author illustrates that the advent of new media has influencedthe process of transformation of contemporary national cultures.Barbara Bogacka in her article “Gender Issues in Social Media – A Case Study” takes up different problems. The author has studied a story of an American girl who used social media to reveal her new gender identity. The last article “New Media – A Social Change” written by Piotr Dziki discusses the influence of new technology on society, which in consequence leads to cultural changes. The author emphasizes new divisions into public and private spheres that are becoming more conspicuous these days, and provides an analysis of the so-called cultural recalibration.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3112-6
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3149-2
  • Page Count: 158
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Polish
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(Culture, media and their functions – the situation in the first decade of 21st century (from cave paintings to the interactive Web))

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