Ročenka zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky 2005
Yearbook of Slovakia's Foreign Policy 2005
Contributor(s): Peter Brezáni (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Geography, Regional studies, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Public Administration, Sociology, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Developing nations, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA)
Keywords: Slovakia; 2005; foreign policy; EU; NATO; UN; security council; security; defense; economy; energy; Russia; Ukraine; Western Balkans; ODA; SlovakAid; armed forces; peace missions; Visegrad; V4; embassy; consulate; EU Enlargement;public opinion;SARIO;OSCE;
Summary/Abstract: The year 2005 was unique for Slovakia’s foreign policy. It was the first year of a full fledged membership in the Euro-Atlantic structures. While 2004 was a year of identification of the post-integration foreign policy priorities, the year 2005 can be characterized as the first year of their implementation. The ambition of the Yearbook is – at the appropriate level and with the possibility of identifying perspective trends – to look for the answers to new coherences that, in a broader European context, are most topical for Slovakia. Twelve authors attempted to find the answer to questions how Slovakia implemented its new priorities in the new environment. This edition of the Yearbook focused on five foreign policy issues characterizing the foreign policy development in 2005, such as the EU and NATO membership, Slovakia’s activities within international organizations and concrete implementation of the foreign policy priorities. The first chapter focuses on Slovakia’s membership in the EU. Aneta Világi, the analyst of the European Integration research program at RC SFPA, deals with the topic of discourse on the EU Constitutional Treaty. She concentrates especially on development of the EU Constitutional Treaty ratification process in Slovakia as well as the impact of the unsuccessful ratification in the Netherlands and France on its further development. In conclusion she suggests for the Slovak diplomacy to use the stagnation period to form its own priorities in case the discussion on further development after the unsuccessful ratification is open. Vladimír Bilčík, the Head of the European Integration research program at RC SFPA, examines the official standpoints of Slovakia towards the EU enlargement and focuses on the main points of discussion on further enlargement in 2005, including the issue of absorption capacity. The second chapter is devoted to the security policy. It is open by an article of the analyst of the Center for European and North-Atlantic Affairs Vladimír Tarasovič. He assesses the key events or changes from the point of view of the EU and NATO. Vladimír Tarasovič also analyzed the most significant security policy documents adopted by the Slovak Government in 2005. The reflection of the mentioned document in practice was analyzed by Miroslav Kysel, an analyst from the Slovak Foreign Policy Association. The analysis of Ivo Samson, Head of the International Security research program at RC SFPA, opens the third chapter of the Yearbook. In his analysis, he focuses on the candidacy and preparation of the Slovak Republic for the UN Security Council membership as well as on the fundamentals, principles, priorities and possible dilemmas of Slovakia’s activities in UN SC. Peter Lizák of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic takes a more detailed look at Slovakia’s current performance and the future prospects in OSCE. The issues in Central Europe are analyzed by Tomáš Strážay, Head of the Central and South-eastern Europe research program. He assesses the key points as well as the problematic issues playing a significant role within the Visegrad Four, the Central European Initiative and Regional Partnership. Tomáš Strážay also attempts to determine the fields of cooperation which the individual groupings could realize in the short as well as medium-term perspective. The fourth chapter assesses implementation of the main foreign policy priorities such as Ukraine and the Western Balkans. Alexander Duleba, director of the RC SFPA, focuses on the relations with Ukraine. He considers the years 2004 and 2005 a breakthrough in the approach towards the Ukraine considering the development of Slovak-Ukraine relations. Moreover, he stresses that only in 2005 did the outlines of Slovakia’s post-integration eastern policy meet the interests of Slovakia, which could significantly contribute to the common EU and NATO policies. The contribution of Eliška Sláviková of People in Peril reflects on the base forming the decision to include the Western Balkans into the foreign policy priorities of Slovakia. It also reflects the practical realization of the policy towards the Balkans. She assess Slovak bilateral relations with the individual countries of the Balkans as well as relations at the EU level and attempts to answer the question where Slovakia could see its working space in the Balkans. Slovakia’s Foreign Policy Tools is the name of the last thematic chapter in the Yearbook. Naturally, this chapter begins with the analysis of the Slovak development assistance as the main bilateral tool of Slovakia’s foreign policy. Peter Hulényi of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SR takes a closer look at the Slovak ODA. He analyzes the 2005 success of the Slovak ODA in more detail and, rather than talking about the failures, he points out the challenges Slovak Aid will face in 2006. Foreign economic policy is reviewed by Tomáš Taraba of Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency. The public opinion on foreign policy issues is traditionally the field which Oľga Gyárfášová of Institute for Public Affairs covers in the Yearbook. Her research outlines that there was a significant positive change in the public opinion on Slovakia’s performance in the field of foreign policy. Besides these analyses, the Yearbook includes a chronology of the most important events in the Slovak foreign policy in 2005 and selects political documents and other information (e.g. the structure and representatives of the MFA SR, a list of diplomatic missions and representatives of SR abroad, the SR diplomatic bodies, army missions abroad etc.). I strongly believe that all those interested in the foreign policy of Slovakia and its development in 2005 will find this publication useful.
Series: Ročenka zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky
- Print-ISBN-10: 80-969186-7-2
- Page Count: 223
- Publication Year: 2006
- Language: Slovak
Zmluva zakladajúca ústavu pre Európu
Zmluva zakladajúca ústavu pre Európu
(Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe)
- Author(s):Aneta Világi
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Constitutional Law, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:9-14
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:treaty; Slovakia; 2005; constitution; Constitution for Europe; EU;
- Summary/Abstract:Although history of European integration has known discussions about the final direction of the European Union, the so-called finalité, for as long as since the 1950’s, the text entitled “constitution”, for many federalists a sign of hope that European integration will move towards a federal state, emerged only recently. The modern history of constitution in Europe can be surveyed back to year 2000 when the German Minister of Foreign Affairs Joschka Fischer, on the ground of Humboldt University, gave his breakthrough speech in which he retrieved the idea of drafting the European Constitution. In the following months, other important figures of European politics joined in debates about the necessity, advantages and disadvantages of such a step. Following the unsatisfying results of negotiations about the Treaty of Nice (December 2000) and following the call of the Laeken Declaration (December 2001), the task to draw up the Constitution for the EU was finally taken over by the European Convention, which appointed itself into this role. The final text of the Treaty elaborated based on negotiations of this Convention – and as many critics claim, originating mainly from the quills of Valéry Giscard d’Estaigne – was first submitted to the European Council in December 2003. The representatives of EU member states did not reach an agreement on the final draft of the text of the Constitutional Treaty (CT) and, therefore, after negotiations and adjustments, the document was resubmitted to the European Council in June 2004 when it finally gained a general approval. The representatives of all EU member states signed the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe in October 2004 in Rome. The year of 2005 became very crucial for CT as it was the year of its ratification.
Slovenská republika a rozšírenie Európskej únie
Slovenská republika a rozšírenie Európskej únie
(The Slovak Republic and EU Enlargement)
- Author(s):Vladimír Bilčík
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:15-22
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005;EU; EU enlargement; policy; absorption capacity;
- Summary/Abstract:Even though the Slovak Republic officially supports the policy of further enlargement of the European Union, this support has its limits. In view of the main aspects of Slovakia’s involvement in the EU during the year 2005, the then Prime Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda stated in front of the members of the Committee on European Affairs of the National Council of the SR that a year and a half after joining the Union, it has become apparent that Slovakia is not only a consumer but also a creator of EU policies. While submitting the comprehensive report on the first year of Slovakia’s membership in the EU, from 1 May 2004 to 30 April 2005 M. Dzurinda highlighted the contribution of Slovakia especially to the opening of accession negotiations with Croatia. Considering the strategic decisions on the political arrangement of the EU, it would seem that Slovakia’s representatives are mainly adopting a supranational approach, according to which the Union is an autonomous unit “primarily designed for finding policy solutions in the interest of a common European good”.
Vývoj bezpečnostnej politiky NATO a EÚ roku 2005 v kontexte bezpečnostnej a obrannej politiky SR
Vývoj bezpečnostnej politiky NATO a EÚ roku 2005 v kontexte bezpečnostnej a obrannej politiky SR
(The Development of the NATO and the EU Security Policy in 2005 in the Context of the Security and Defense Policy of the SR)
- Author(s):Vladimir Tarasovic
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:25-38
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; EU; NATO; transformation; security policy; 2005; security; defense; ESDP; EDA;
- Summary/Abstract:The year 2005 was the first whole year of Slovakia’s membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union and the first year of evaluation in this regard. The SR was able to react to the fundamental change of its political-security situation after the accession to NATO and the EU and despite several enduring problems Slovakia has achieved a number of considerable successes in the security and defense fields throughout this period. The National Council of the SR passed new security documents in September 2005 – The Security Strategy of the Slovak Republic and Defense Strategy of the Slovak Republic – while this year, Slovakia continued its active participation in 14 missions and operations, comprised of 563 members towards the end of the year.
Reflexia základných bezpečnostnopolitických dokumentov v praxi
Reflexia základných bezpečnostnopolitických dokumentov v praxi
(The Reflection of Fundamental Security Policy Documents in Practice)
- Author(s):Miroslav Kysel
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:39-49
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; security policy; documents; reflection; NATO; EU; AFSR; UN;
- Summary/Abstract:Active participation of Slovak Armed Forces (AF SR) in international peace missions for peacekeeping, preserving security, crisis management and fighting against terrorism is one of the main components of the foreign and security policy of the Slovak Republic since her formation in 1993. The number of active members of the AF SR in peace missions as well as the international organization in charge reflected the current foreign policy ambitions and interests of Slovakia. In the first years of its existence as a sovereign state, Slovakia’s peace missions under UN command dominated foreign participation of the AF SR. The ambitions of Slovakia to become a member of the European union, but especially NATO, called for a need of participation in missions under the command of the Alliance. After the 1998 parliamentary elections, an increase in the number of armed forces members in peace missions was ordered as well as the successive re-evaluation of the activities in individual operations and missions, with primary emphasis on operations under NATO command. Active participation in operations under its command was to serve as a demonstration of Slovakia’s preparedness to become a full member of the Alliance. In accordance with its capacities, Slovakia participated in observing and monitoring missions under EU command and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) respectively. The alteration of the security environment due to the events after 11 September 2001 and particularly the accession of Slovakia into NATO and the EU raised a need to prepare and accept new security policy documents to replace the Security Strategy of the Slovak Republic 2001, Defense Strategy of the Slovak Republic 2001 and Military Strategy of the Slovak Republic 2001. The new security policy (strategic security) documents, the Security Strategy of the Slovak Republic and Defense Strategy of the Slovak Republic, were enacted in 20051 . Both are linked to the NATO Strategic Concept and the European Security Strategy by content as well as by method.
Príprava Slovenskej republiky na nestále členstvo v Bezpečnostnej rade OSN
Príprava Slovenskej republiky na nestále členstvo v Bezpečnostnej rade OSN
(Preparation of the Slovak Republic for Non-Permanent Membership in the UN Security Council)
- Author(s):Ivo Samson
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:53-65
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Slovakia; UN; security council; membership; preparation; 2005;
- Summary/Abstract:For the first time since its foundation in 1993, the Slovak Republic has gained an opportunity to become a (non-permanent) member of the Security Council of the Organization of the United Nations (UN SC) for the years 2006-2007, which was confirmed during the year of 2005. The relative confidence that SR will win this prestigious seat was predicted as early as 2004 when the 22-member Eastern European Regional Group (EERG) which occupies one seat in the UN SC approved of the SR candidacy for this position on 30 November 2006, which made Slovakia the only candidate. The whole process within EERG was formally accomplished by sending the letter from EERG Chairman to the UN Secretary General Mr. Kofi Annan and to Chairmen of other regional groups. The election in the General Assembly of the UN for the UN SC took place on 10 October 2005. SR was elected non-permanent member of the UN SC by 185 votes out of the total of 191 UN member countries. Only six countries abstained.
Slovensko vyznáva hodnoty OBSE upevňujúce demokraciu a bezpečnosť
Slovensko vyznáva hodnoty OBSE upevňujúce demokraciu a bezpečnosť
(Slovakia Shares OSCE Values Strengthening Democracy and Security)
- Author(s):Peter Lizák
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:67-77
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Slovakia; OSCE; reform; 2005; democracy; security;
- Summary/Abstract:Slovakia considers the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to be one of the key organizations in security architecture. It is unique in its consensual decision-making and variety of its participating states. Democratic conditions and stability of internal and external security of a country are, unfortunately, unreachable by one or a series of decisions guaranteeing achievement of this surely desired result. Retention of security and democracy must be strived for with the aim to reach the ideal that is hardly reachable or even precisely defined. At the same time, it must be kept in mind that prospective care negligence of the two basic assumptions of modern prospering society might not show up immediately, but rather in several months’ or, even, in several years’ time. As a permanent protector of the two key values, the OSCE has thus an important place in the foreign policy of the Slovak Republic.
Regionálne iniciatívy v strednej Európe roku 2005 – od tematickej profilácie ku komplementarite postojov?
Regionálne iniciatívy v strednej Európe roku 2005 – od tematickej profilácie ku komplementarite postojov?
(Regional Initiatives in Central Europe in 2005 – from Topical Specialization to Complementarity of Approaches?)
- Author(s):Tomáš Strážay
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Geography, Regional studies, International relations/trade
- Page Range:79-87
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; Central Europe; region; initiatives; 2005; Visegrad; V4; Ukraine;
- Summary/Abstract:In 2005, the development in the most significant groupings in Central Europe – the Visegrad Four (V4), Central European Initiative (CEI) and Regional Partnership (RP) – fully reflected the 2004 accession of the eight states of Central and Eastern Europe to the European Union. Thus, the new member states had, for the first time in history, the opportunity to participate actively in the EU policies whilst the EU itself became the most important tool of their own foreign policy. 2005 was also the year of increasing topical specialization of the regional groupings as far as the regional priorities are concerned (especially V4 and RP). While V4 countries focused on the countries of the EU Eastern neighborhood, especially on the Ukraine and Belarus, RP’s priorities remained in the Western Balkans. The main goals of the Central European Initiative are rather general due to its internal heterogeneity, considering the fact that its members are countries of Eastern as well as South-East Europe.
Vzťahy s Ukrajinou ako priorita zahraničnej politiky SR
Vzťahy s Ukrajinou ako priorita zahraničnej politiky SR
(Relations with Ukraine as Slovakia’s Foreign Policy Priority)
- Author(s):Alexander Duleba
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Energy and Environmental Studies, Economic policy, International relations/trade
- Page Range:91-99
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; international relations; foreign policy; Ukraine; relations; 2005; economy;political agenda;
- Summary/Abstract:2005 was the first year of Slovakia’s implementing its post-integration foreign policy priorities. In March 2004, the Prime Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda, in his speech at the Foreign Policy Review Conference, emphasised that Ukraine and the Western Balkans are of primary importance to the Slovak foreign policy after the EU and NATO accession. In his opinion, Slovakia has the ambition to become a supporter of Ukraine and the countries of the Western Balkans in the EU and NATO as well as to assist them in their reforms and civil society development. The first steps towards the Ukraine were made by the Slovak government in 2004.
Slovenská politika voči západnému Balkánu
Slovenská politika voči západnému Balkánu
(Slovakia’s Policy towards the Western Balkans)
- Author(s):Eliška Sláviková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Geography, Regional studies, International relations/trade, Developing nations, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:101-112
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Slovakia; Western Balkans; policy; SlovakAid; BiH; Macedonia; Albania; Kosovo; Serbia; Croatia; EU;
- Summary/Abstract:Taking a closer look at Slovakia’s activities in the region of the Western Balkans in 2005, one must admit that the Slovak Republic attempted to fulfill its aim to influence the whole region more consistently. It also activated its leverage in those countries of the region where it had been more or less absent until quite recently. Although the paper reflects changes that occurred recently in relations to Bosnia and Herzegovina, to Macedonia and Albania, the Slovak attention remains focused on Serbia and Montenegro and, partly, on Croatia. Aware of the motivation potential of the European Union, the SR became one of the loudest and most persistent advocates of the integration of the Western Balkans countries into the EU and of enforcing particular mechanisms for materialization of such an event. Despite this fact, there are only very few visible initiatives developed at the bilateral level which would more significantly contribute to democratization and transformation of the region (except for Serbia and Montenegro and, eventually, Croatia). The recommendations offered at the end of the article are based on the belief that Slovakia definitely possesses the internal capacity and, at the same time, the duty, given its historical experience, to influence positive processes in all countries of this region. The EU initiatives as well as a great variety of initiatives in the countries of the Western Balkans also leave space for Slovak performance. A precondition for successful fulfilling of our foreign political commitments in the region still remains to be better knowledge of the internal situation and processes in each of the countries in the region as well as the existence of aimed strategies for individual societies based on this knowledge about the internal situation and processes with the common denominator of eventual integration of all Western Balkan countries into the EU.
Pomoc pod značkou SlovakAid
Pomoc pod značkou SlovakAid
(Assistance under the Brand Slovak Aid)
- Author(s):Peter Hulényi
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Developing nations
- Page Range:115-122
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Slovakia; SlovakAid; assistance; 2005; Slovak ODA; CIDA; ADA; Slovak Aid; development assistance;
- Summary/Abstract:Development assistance of the Slovak Republic has been receiving yet more and more attention of expert circles, media and broad public. The question is whether it is caused by the results in this field or by the generally favorable conditions and external circumstances. The answer is partially both. In 2005, Slovak ODA already recorded measurable results. The first projects starting in 2004 under the brand Slovak Aid were brought to an end and new ones started. Thus, the number of projects financed by the Slovak Republic exceeded 100. The development projects have drawn the attention of broader sphere of businesses, nongovernmental as well as governmental institutions. Moreover, the projects draw more attention of the media, as well.
SARIO ako subjekt zahraničnoekonomickej politiky SR
SARIO ako subjekt zahraničnoekonomickej politiky SR
(SARIO as a Subject to the Foreign Economic Policy of SR)
- Author(s):Tomáš Taraba
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Economic policy, International relations/trade
- Page Range:123-131
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; SARIO; economic policy; foreign economic policy;
- Summary/Abstract:The importance of the foreign economic policy of state grows with the importance assigned to the direct foreign investments (DFI) within it. Decreasing of the capital under-dimension within transforming economies significantly is realized mainly through the influx of the DFI, which is why the primary aim of the foreign economic policy of market economies is based on creation of an environment which is in favor of the investments and support of influx of the DFI to the economy. A country which does not assign sufficient importance to such investments usually does not have an outstanding foreign economic policy. An undeniably positive correlation between the influx of the DFI and a growth of production of gross domestic fixed capital as a precondition for stable and sustainable economic growth contributed to the situation when also the countries remarkable for their relation to the DFI as well as to the isolation tendencies in the 1990s left the given path. Together with Bulgaria and Romania, Slovakia is definitely one of them. A membership of the country in the World Trade Organization, in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, NATO and, primarily, in the European Union is the most basic precondition for competitiveness of Slovakia in the “struggle” for the DFI with neighboring countries. A cost structure of the production, level of wages, the infrastructure equipment, the qualification level of inhabitants, sufficient offer of completed industrial parks, an administratively flexible policy of providing the investors with individual state assistance and pro-investment macro-economic environment of the country belong to the main objective criteria positively affecting localization decisions of the investors about investments in the country and they can also be considered to be important determinants of execution of a successful pro investment policy.
Názory verejnosti na vybrané témy zahraničnej politiky
Názory verejnosti na vybrané témy zahraničnej politiky
(Public Opinion on Selected Foreign Policy Issues)
- Author(s):Oľga Gyárfášová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Evaluation research, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:133-147
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; foreign policy; issues; public opinion; UN;EU; EU enlargement;
- Summary/Abstract:While in 2004 Slovakia achieved its integration aims in terms of European Union and NATO membership, the year 2005 brought about new challenging tasks for both political elites and the general public to be accomplished, i.e. taking action as a member country by implementing the policy effectively. The position of Slovakia was strengthened not only by its EU and NATO membership but also by a number of events such as the Bush-Putin summit held in February 2005 in Bratislava, an increased activity of Slovak diplomacy and NGOs in maintaining stability and developing democracy in other countries as well as Slovakia’s becoming an elected member of UN Security Council, which contributed to the process of gaining a better position internationally.
Chronológia dôležitých zahraničnopolitických udalostí v roku 2005
Chronológia dôležitých zahraničnopolitických udalostí v roku 2005
(Chronology of the Important Foreign Policy Issues in 2005)
- Author(s):Daniela Richterová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:151-165
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; foreign policy; events; chronology;
Zoznam zmlúv uzavretých Slovenskou republikou v roku 2005
Zoznam zmlúv uzavretých Slovenskou republikou v roku 2005
(List of Treaties Concluded between Slovakia and Other Countries in 2005)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, International Law, International relations/trade
- Page Range:167-176
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; foreign policy; treaties; list;
Prehľad vybraných dokumentov a materiálov vlády SR v roku 2005
Prehľad vybraných dokumentov a materiálov vlády SR v roku 2005
(Select Documents and Materials of the Government of the SR in 2005)
- Author(s):Tomáš Sivíček
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade
- Page Range:177-190
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; foreign policy; documents; government;
Štruktúra orgánov štátnej správy pôsobiacich v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a európskych záležitostí
Štruktúra orgánov štátnej správy pôsobiacich v oblasti medzinárodných vzťahov a európskych záležitostí
(Structure of the State Administration Authorities Acting in International Affairs and European Affairs)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Public Administration, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade
- Page Range:191-199
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; foreign policy; state administration; authorities; structure; International Affairs; European affairs;
Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov krajín EÚ, NATO a niektorých ďalších krajín
Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov krajín EÚ, NATO a niektorých ďalších krajín
(List of the Embassies of the EU, NATO countries and Some Other Countries)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:200-205
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; embassy; list;
Zoznam konzulátov v Slovenskej republike
Zoznam konzulátov v Slovenskej republike
(List of Consulates in the Slovak Republic)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:207-208
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; consulate; list;
Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov Slovenskej republiky, stálych misií, generálnych konzulátov a slovenských inštitútov
Zoznam zastupiteľských úradov Slovenskej republiky, stálych misií, generálnych konzulátov a slovenských inštitútov
(List of the Embassies of the Slovak Republic, Permanent Missions, Consulates General, Slovak Institutes Abroad)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:209-216
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; embassy; consulate; missions; Slovak Institutes; abroad; list;
Zoznam konzulárnych úradov Slovenskej republiky vedených honorárnymi konzulmi
Zoznam konzulárnych úradov Slovenskej republiky vedených honorárnymi konzulmi
(List of the Consulates of the Slovak Republic headed by the Honorary Consuls)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade
- Page Range:217-222
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; consulate; honorary consuls; list;
Počty príslušníkov Ozbrojených síl Slovenskej republiky v súčasných misiách na podporu mieru
Počty príslušníkov Ozbrojených síl Slovenskej republiky v súčasných misiách na podporu mieru
(Numbers of the members of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic in Peace Missions)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:223-223
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:Slovakia; 2005; foreign policy; armed forces; peace missions; numbers;