The social policy. Considerations about theory and practice Cover Image
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Polityka społeczna. Rozważania o teorii i praktyce
The social policy. Considerations about theory and practice

Author(s): Marian Mitręga, Joanna Lustig, Natalia Stępień-Lampa, Bożena Zasępa, Paweł Grzywna
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Sciences, Public Law
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: social policy; subdisciplines of social policy; the welfare state
Summary/Abstract: The work engages the problems of social policy and its subdisciplines. The social policy in Poland was subject to numerous transformations. Due to the institutional changes which are being constantly introduced, the transformations in the social structure and the technological progress, this process cannot be considered finished. The increasing range of services, new methods of managements, the development of a knowledge‑based society and the more and more closer international collaboration render this activity impossible to be perceived merely in terms of redistributive justice. Due to this, according to the authors, it is legitimate and worthwhile to conduct research in this scholarly field. The considerations that are presented in this work represent two currents of thinking about social policy – social policy as theory and as practice.The monograph constitutes a synthetic guide to the principal research areas of modern social policy. The work consists of sixteen chapters which describe the following problems of social policy: the problem of a definition, the genesis of the social policy and support activities, a model‑based approach, social security, the activities of the third sector, the population‑relatedpolicy, the policy associated with handicapped people, social protection, poverty, educationalpolicy, health‑related policy, the policy of the job market, the housing policy and the familypolicy. The publication is intended for people who are interested in the problems of social policy, political decision‑makers, including especially the representatives of self‑governmentauthorities and also the institutions of the second and third sectors.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3108-9
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3107-2
  • Page Count: 266
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Polish
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