Alone in virtue. The "New Turkish" ideology in Turkey's foreign policy
Alone in virtue. The "New Turkish" ideology in Turkey's foreign policy
Author(s): Szymon Ananicz
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economic policy, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Developing nations
Published by: OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia
Keywords: Turkey;AKP;AKP Government;the Middle East; EU-Turkey relations;Turkish foreign policy;
Summary/Abstract: Once the West’s ally, Turkey has been an ever more problematic partner in recent years. The Turkish leadership no longer views the alliance with the European Union and membership in NATO as based on shared values; rather, it is now merely a cherry-picked and shaky community of interests. Turkey is also increasingly alienated politically in the Middle East. In the aftermath of the Arab Spring and the regional developments which followed, Ankara has lost much of the influence it had built in region in previous years.
Turkey’s growing international isolation is a consequence of the country ever more fully subordinating its foreign policy to the ideology of the ruling AKP. The world vision offered by that ideology does not square with the diagnoses of Turkey’s partners. The objectives it sets for Turkish foreign policy are incompatible with its partners’ expectations. Moreover, a foreign policy rooted in ideology is less flexible and less capable of adjusting to current international dynamics.
Series: OSW Point of View
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-62936-56-4
- Page Count: 44
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: English