3rd Network Conference Adaptation and Implementation of the EU -Acquis: an Exchange of Experiences
3rd Network Conference Adaptation and Implementation of the EU -Acquis: an Exchange of Experiences

Contributor(s): Jovan Ćirić (Editor)
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Public Law, Environmental and Energy policy, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation
Published by: Institut za uporedno pravo

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-80059-64-8
  • Page Count: 125
  • Publication Year: 2009
  • Language: English
Translation of the Acquis in Serbia

Translation of the Acquis in Serbia
(Translation of the Acquis in Serbia)

The Pre-Accession Adaptation of the Polish Law to the EU Law

The Pre-Accession Adaptation of the Polish Law to the EU Law
(The Pre-Accession Adaptation of the Polish Law to the EU Law)

Estonia’s Integration in the European Union (EU) - From Accession to the EU to Participation in the Baltic Sea Strategy

Estonia’s Integration in the European Union (EU) - From Accession to the EU to Participation in the Baltic Sea Strategy
(Estonia’s Integration in the European Union (EU) - From Accession to the EU to Participation in the Baltic Sea Strategy)

Legal Aspect of the European Integration of Slovakia: From EC Association to EU Membership

Legal Aspect of the European Integration of Slovakia: From EC Association to EU Membership
(Legal Aspect of the European Integration of Slovakia: From EC Association to EU Membership)

Bailing Out in a Community of Stability – Controversies of the Economic and Monetary Union in Times of Crisis

Bailing Out in a Community of Stability – Controversies of the Economic and Monetary Union in Times of Crisis
(Bailing Out in a Community of Stability – Controversies of the Economic and Monetary Union in Times of Crisis)

Legal Harmonisation with the EU Acquis: Public Procurement as a Challenge for Croatia

Legal Harmonisation with the EU Acquis: Public Procurement as a Challenge for Croatia
(Legal Harmonisation with the EU Acquis: Public Procurement as a Challenge for Croatia)

Development of Environmental Law in the Republic of Slovenia under the Influence of European Legal Rules

Development of Environmental Law in the Republic of Slovenia under the Influence of European Legal Rules
(Development of Environmental Law in the Republic of Slovenia under the Influence of European Legal Rules)

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