Toward the unobvious. Miscellaneous texts Cover Image
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Toward the unobvious. Miscellaneous texts

Author(s): Filip Mazurkiewicz
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Teodor Parnicki; Stefan Szymutko; Ryszard Nycz; Poetics of experience; masculinity; pornography
Summary/Abstract: The volume comprises indeed twelve miscellaneous texts representing various research idioms ranging from hermeneutics through intertextuality all the way to deconstruction and poststructural reading, as well as various themes which include: two texts each, devoted to the works of Teodor Parnicki and Witold Gombrowicz, pop culture-related problems (plastic survery and pornography), cultural and political issues (the problem of Polish socialism), the dialogues of the author with his masters within the framework of literary studies (Ryszard Legutko and Stefan Szymutko), and finally the questions of19-century Polish masculinity and the considerations about the condition of the contemporary university in Poland. According to the author, the most important texts are the ones which refer to Parnicki, who is presented as a writer of existence, as a writer of reality – a reality which is always too complex and unbearable ultra vires. Another important group of texts are the ones which discuss Gombrowicz. The interpretations of one of Gombrowicz’s stories that is presented here (Zdarzenia na brygu Banbury) and the final dramatic work of the writer (Operetka) are original: Gombrowicz is placed in the space of a debate between the work andthe text, where Gombrowicz becomes the supporter of the text, thus preventing the reader from making an interpretative move, as well as a reading of Operetka as a dramatic work about some new masculinity (known as atopical masculinity) which is possible in a somehow different way, presented on the basis of references to A la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust. These two aspects heretofore were never researched. The texts which this publication contains present such modes of reading which emphasise the unobvious and the complexity of the phenomena that are described. There are also texts in which the author attempts to take a quasi oblique look into the existing state of research and the state of reflection concerning the questions which are engaged here.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-983-2
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-982-5
  • Page Count: 238
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Polish
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