From Victimhood to Citizenship Cover Image
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From Victimhood to Citizenship
From Victimhood to Citizenship

The Path of Roma Integration. A Debate

Contributor(s): Will Guy (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Civil Society, Inter-Ethnic Relations, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation, Sociology of Law
Published by: Kossuth Kiadó Zt.
Keywords: gyipsies; roma integration;
Summary/Abstract: The three essays we are presenting here for discussion may prove contentious in some readers’ eyes. they trigger a fundamental discussion on the self-image of the roma activists, and the goals they should be pursuing in the future. they sow seeds of doubt as to whether the roma movement is on the right track, and they are doing this, moreover, at a time when the eu commission, the eu member states are tasked with developing action plans for roma inclusion. nicolae Gheorghe welcomes the development options created by the eu’s initiative. he writes: ‘For the first time in history, roma have prospects of reflecting and playing an active part in bringing about social change. the role of roma opinion-makers is to suggest new approaches, focusing on integration rather than on being victims.’ But then, in the course of his argument, he calls for a moratorium: no more payments from the eu before a new strategy has emerged – an ethically grounded action scenario

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-963-097-566-7
  • Page Count: 204
  • Publication Year: 2013
  • Language: English
The Price of Roma Integration

The Price of Roma Integration
(The Price of Roma Integration)

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Choices to be made and Prices to be Paid: Potential Roles and Consequences in Roma Activism and Policy-making

Choices to be made and Prices to be Paid: Potential Roles and Consequences in Roma Activism and Policy-making
(Choices to be made and Prices to be Paid: Potential Roles and Consequences in Roma Activism and Policy-making)

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Integration and the Politicisation of Roma Identity

Integration and the Politicisation of Roma Identity
(Integration and the Politicisation of Roma Identity)

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Workshop Debates

Workshop Debates
(Workshop Debates)

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Values, Leadership, Power

Values, Leadership, Power
(Values, Leadership, Power)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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