CSD-Report 14 - Българският износ на оръжие: оценка на контролния механизъм върху експорта на малки оръжия и леко въоръжение (Bulgarian version)
CSD-Report 14 - Weapons under Scrutiny: Implementing Arms Export Controls and Combating Small Arms Proliferation in Bulgaria (Bulgarian version)

Author(s): Philip Gounev, Emil Tsenkov, Bernardo Mariani, Larry Attree
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, National Economy, Sociology, Economic policy, Security and defense, Military policy, Applied Sociology, Evaluation research, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Център за изследване на демокрацията
Summary/Abstract: The report concludes that despite the evolution of Bulgaria’s arms export controls and its relatively clean record, compared to most of the 1990s, there is still room for improvement. The best approach to tackling all the issues raised in this report is through stricter implementation of the new export control mechanism adopted in 2002. The report is divided into five parts. Part one provides an analysis of the social and economic reasons that have contributed to the reluctance among Bulgarian politicians to strengthen arms controls. It describes the transformation of the defense industry in the post-Communist transition period, as well as its current state. Part two provides an analytical description of Bulgaria’s arms control mechanism. Part three examines the factors contributing to illegal arms exports from Bulgaria and offers some data from recent cases. Part four focuses on the potential social, economic, and political effects of stronger arms controls. The last section offers a number of recommendations for the improvement of the export-control system.

  • Print-ISBN-10: 954-477-116-6
  • Page Count: 120
  • Publication Year: 2004
  • Language: Bulgarian
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