Икономическата цена на корупцията
The Economic Price of Corruption

Contributor(s): Lyudmila Videnova (Editor), Georgi Prohaski (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Център за изследване на демокрацията
Summary/Abstract: In his introduction to the book, the director of the Center for Economic Development Georgi Prohazki writes: "Bulgarian society is now faced with the problem of discovering the mechanisms which will rally the energy of citizens, NGOs, business and the state administration in the fight against corruption." Clearly, Coalition 2000 is such a mechanism which has united representatives of the nongovernmental sector and state institutions. Besides analyses by Paolo Mauro, Robert Klitgaard, Daniel Kaufman, etc., the reader also contains analyses by Bulgarian authors. In his publication Prof. Georgi Petrov looks at state interference in the economy and the problem of "corruption".

  • Print-ISBN-10: 954-477-070-4
  • Page Count: 122
  • Publication Year: 1999
  • Language: Bulgarian
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