Корупцията в 100 отговора
Corruption in a 100 Answers Manual

Author(s): Georgi Boyadzhiev, Emil Tsenkov, Krasimir Dobrev
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Център за изследване на демокрацията
Summary/Abstract: On October 23, 2000, Civil Link Foundation and the Union of Bulgarian Journalists co-organized a journalists seminar "Investigative Journalism Against Corruption: the New Bulgarian and European Legislature" in Plovdiv within the framework of Coalition 2000 anti-corruption projects. Mr. Georgi Boyadzhiev, attorney at law, presented the new publication of Civil Link Foundation/Coalition 2000 - "Corruption in a 100 Answers" Manual. This is the first guide dedicated to the most frequently asked questions on corruption and anti-corruption. The hundred answers to those questions are classified in five sections: • Definitions, • Temida against Corruption, • Corruption in a Larger Context, • Corruption in Bulgaria, and • Anti-corruption. What is the legal definition for corruption, can a bribe-giver avoid indictment, what is the price of global corruption in the world, who fights corruption world-wide, etc. are some of the questions answered for the readers. The guide is published by Civil Link Foundation, a Coalition 2000's partner, and is supported financially by USAID. Its authors are Georgi Boyadzhiev, head of department, Special Investigation Service, Dr. Emil Tsenkov, Senior Fellow, the Center for the Study of Democracy, and Krassimir Dobrev, journalist, Sega Daily.

  • Print-ISBN-10: 954-477-088-7
  • Page Count: 73
  • Publication Year: 2000
  • Language: Bulgarian
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