Информационни технологии срещу корупцията
Information Technologies Against Corruption

Contributor(s): Dinka Dinkova (Editor), Plamen Mateev (Editor), Georgi Apostolov (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Център за изследване на демокрацията
Summary/Abstract: The reader is the latest edition of anti-corruption series of Coalition 2000 to which CSD serves as Secretariat. The reader is published by one of the Coalition 2000's founding organizations - Applied Research and Communication Fund. It addresses the role of Information Technologies (IT) in public sector reform. It focuses on "the information age" and addresses the need for a comprehensive administrative reform agenda integrated with use of IT. The authors discuss some critical issues that emerge in the process of administrative reform. They provide evidence and figures suggesting that government and public sector organizations are ill-prepared for "the information age". In fact, many existing organizational structures, hierarchies and procedures in government were designed for a different era. IT, together with greater transparency, flatter organizational structures, and simpler procedures can help tackle some of the maladies of government. When used strategically IT can reduce red-tape, improve the quality of citizen-government interface, and increase transparency and public accountability. The reader offers the following definitions : -what it means to "reinvent government in the information age"; -what new models emerge when explaining the success and failure of any reform effort; -practical guidelines on how to improve the process of reform; -international case studies analyzing different aspects of technology-assisted public sector reform. The message to the Bulgarian reader is that electronic networks make government services and operations much more transparent, but they can also lead to new forms of corruption. Such immediate consequences should be considered in the development of administrative reform strategies aimed at combating corruption in Bulgaria.

  • Print-ISBN-10: 954-477-072-0
  • Page Count: 133
  • Publication Year: 2001
  • Language: Bulgarian
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