Regional Relations, Local Specificities. Ethnographic Writings from the Land. Cover Image
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Táji kapcsolatok, helyi sajátosságok. Néprajzi írások a jászok és a kunok földjéről.
Regional Relations, Local Specificities. Ethnographic Writings from the Land.

Author(s): Gábor Barna
Subject(s): History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Ethnohistory, Local History / Microhistory, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
ISSN: 1585-3144
Published by: Lucidus Kiadó
Keywords: Hungarian ethnography; Hungarian Great Plain; Religious culture;
Summary/Abstract: The town of Kunszentmárton, the author’s birthplace, has become an organic part of the life and culture of Nagykunság (Big Cumania), Körös-völgy (Körös Valley), Tiszazug and the Southern Great Plain over the past three hundred years since its repopulation from the Jászság. Similar observations can be made about the other Jassic, Big Cumanian and Small Cumanian settlements: their day-to-day activities have been going on in a context of intricate relations. The essays selected for this volume represent, on the one hand, the extensive network of relations of the settlements and micro-regions of the Jászság and Big Cumania, while on the other, they present certain aspects of the – intersecting – everyday lives and unique local cultures of Big Cumania, Small Cumania, Tiszazug and the Körös Valley.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-963-9465-94-7
  • Page Count: 308
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Hungarian
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