Jews in Timișoara… and All Over the World. Essays from the History of Hungarian-Jewish (Jewish-Hungarian) Symbiosis Cover Image
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Zsidók Temesvárott ...és széles e világban. Esszék a magyar-zsidó (zsidó-magyar) szimbiózis történetéből
Jews in Timișoara… and All Over the World. Essays from the History of Hungarian-Jewish (Jewish-Hungarian) Symbiosis

Author(s): Béla Borsi-Kálmán
Contributor(s): Tamás Gusztáv Filep (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Jewish studies, Studies of Literature, Modern Age, 18th Century, 19th Century, History of Antisemitism
ISSN: 1585-3144
Published by: Lucidus Kiadó
Keywords: Hungary; Jewry; Anti-Semitism ; Hungarian literature; Essay; Timișoara; Hungarian history;
Summary/Abstract: Béla Borsi-Kálmán, professor of the Eastern Europe Department of Eötvös Loránd University, has studied the problematics of Hungarian nation formation and national conscience for many years. Within that, he has been mainly investigating the way how the adaptation of the French-type nation-state model took place in the peculiar East-Central European socio-historical and mental context, and how the inherent deficiencies of the former affected the relations of Hungarians with other peoples and nations of the region (especially with Romanians). His research has increasingly convinced him that the key to understanding this intricate system of relations is the group of phenomena that he calls “aristocratic civilianization” (after Bertalan Szemere, Zsigmond Kemény and Zoltán Tóth) that has fundamentally determined our “national character” ever since, and which explains, among others, the successful social integration and nearly perfect Magyarization of the Jewry of Hungary at the end of the 19th century. And perhaps one day it will be the systematic implementation of this “approach” that will bring about the “pacification” of the various segments of the Hungarian nation-body and will allow for the termination and mental surpassing of the disheartening lack of unity at present.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-963-9465-85-5
  • Page Count: 304
  • Publication Year: 2014
  • Language: Hungarian
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