Politički identitet Srbije u globalnom i regionalnom kontekstu
Political Identity of Serbia in the Gobal and Regional Context
Contributor(s): Vesna Knežević-Predić (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Media studies, Civil Society, Communication studies, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu
- Page Count: 376
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: English, Serbian
Političar i politički identitet
Političar i politički identitet
(Politicians and Political Identity)
- Author(s):Čedomir Čupić, Milica S. Joković Pantelić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Political Philosophy
- Page Range:11-23
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:identity; personal identity; collective identity; consistency; predictability; singularity; political identity; professional identity; responsibility; identification
- Summary/Abstract:There is no personality without identity. Not only that identity is the most essential characteristic of personality, but every other identity is also based on personal identity. Personal identity is a set of an individual’s significant features. Personal identity requires certain consistency, predictability and uniqueness. Yet it is those three characteristics that are hardly adjustable to political life. Not many politicians are able to carry them and effectuate them. Politicians and politics are more comfortable with collective identities. For them it both a chance and an alibi to compensate the lack of willingness to maintain personal identity in a way in which such an identity requires. It is a form of hiding and losing of ‘I’ into ‘us’. Politicians in that way relieve themselves of individual responsibility, but also the responsibility of the office they hold. Politicians have a great mismatch of professional and political identity, especially having in mind that politicians cannot stick to the logic of profession, nor to rely on consciousness. It is an example how professional identity is used and misused in politics. Political identity is often tested between the change in personality and change of personality. Politicians are often prone to change of personality, but unable for a change in personality. In crisis situations, they are also able to reject personal identity and to scarify it for the interests of a group or organization they belong to. Politicians lose difference between identity and identification, i.e. they are most often prone to quickly adjust to new circumstances and then to identify even with opinions, views or orientations to which they have never previously belonged. In other words, when it comes to identity, politicians are more prone to adjusting than to personal autonomy.
Skupštinski govori i nove demokratske vrednosti
Skupštinski govori i nove demokratske vrednosti
(Parliament Speech and Newe Democratic Values)
- Author(s):Dobrivoje Stanojević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Politics and communication, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:25-35
- No. of Pages:11
Da li je populizam neizbežan sastojak politike u Srbiji?
Da li je populizam neizbežan sastojak politike u Srbiji?
(Is Populism an Inevitable Constituent of Politics in Serbia)
- Author(s):Zoran Stojiljković, Dušan Spasojević, Jelena Lončar
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Media studies, Political psychology, Politics and communication
- Page Range:37-50
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:populism; Serbia; institutionalisation of political parties; social capital; trust
- Summary/Abstract:Populism is a growing phenomenon in contemporary politics. Populist parties, that once occupied the margins of the political scene, are increasingly gaining importance and visibility. On the other hand, this trend is getting its special shape in Eastern Europe in the form of the Hungarian party Fidesz and its leader Viktor Orban, who has already been in power for the last six years with undiminished share of populist policies. Similar characteristics (to a lesser extent) can be seen in the cases of other countries, such as Serbia, Poland or Macedonia. The initial aim of this paper is to consider the concept of populism and to offer a definition, that would be rooted in a theoretically highly developed field of populism research in Western Europe, but which would also reflect new trends in transitional democracies. The second aim of our paper is to analyze the social and institutional characteristics of the transitional Serbia and answer the question of whether these features encourage populist behavior of political actors. Basic dimensions of the analysis are the institutionalization of party systems on the one hand, and on the other hand, the analysis of social capital and opportunities for citizens to influence political processes to a significant extent.
Dualna priroda srpskog nacionalnog identiteta
Dualna priroda srpskog nacionalnog identiteta
(Dual Nature of Serbian National Identity)
- Author(s):Dejan Jovanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Political Philosophy, Nationalism Studies
- Page Range:51-60
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:Different theories define the notion of nation and national identity in various ways. The common ground is that a nation is a community within which an individual possesses consciousness of its participation, sense of common values, historical memories and political will. In addition, nation and state are strongly connected. Some authors, most notably Hobsbawm, consider the modern nation inseparable from the state, and that the existence of state precedes the birth of a nation. There is a clear difference between what he calls „a proto nation“ and the modern nation. That difference is based on the role of the state. We consider Hobsbawm’s theoretical frame as a suitable one for research of the Serbian nation due to, at least, two reasons. The first reason is based on his political thought by which the Serbian nation is viewed with criticism, hence we consider it to be the barrier to any kind of author bias regarding this subject. Second reason we base on the fact that he actually has researched the nature of the Serbian nation. In addition to that, we find his theoretical frame suitable for explaining the dual nature of the Serbian nation. Thus said, the research question of the paper is: What is the base of the Serbian national identity? It is necessary to analyze the nature of proto-nation of the Serbs which originates form the middle ages. At the same time we would analyze the ideas of Serbian nation building during the enlightenment period. In that way we will be able to form a thesis of a dual nature of Serbian national identity, and to form a model as well. Using that model we will be able to explain the historical development of the Serbian nation and nation-state.
Podizanje kapaciteta institucija - kreiranje zajedničkog lokalnog ombudsmana za više opština
Podizanje kapaciteta institucija - kreiranje zajedničkog lokalnog ombudsmana za više opština
(Upgrading Institutional Capacities - Creation of Mutual Local Ombudsman for Multiple Municipalities)
- Author(s):Snežana S. Đorđević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Civil Law, Politics and law
- Page Range:63-80
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:local ombudsman; local administration; justice availability; protection of citizens interests; ombudsman network
- Summary/Abstract:This article deals with the possibility to increase the number of citizens of Serbia that can get a chance to use services of local ombudsman. It often turns out in practice that this institution is the only protector for citizens from local administration. Serbia introduced local ombudsman as institute by law (2002) and the law in 2007 stipulated the possibility that two or more municipalities establish mutual ombudsman. However, this process of founding mutual ombudsman in practice was burden with a number of problems. Mostly, the existing ombudsman acts as a kind of help for citizens in neighboring municipalities (citizens alone find way to this ombudsman) instead of establishing legitimate body as it is regulated by law. In order to solve these practical problems, and to give all citizens of Serbia equal chance to protect their interest from local administration, three researches had been implemented (Bačka Topola, Kragujevac and Vranje with a number of smaller neighboring municipalities). These three cities, with their different and specific circumstances, were good base for creation of two models. In future, all cities and municipalities can choose between these models, based on their specific needs.
Značaj upravljanja ljudskim resursima u podizanju upravljačkih kapaciteta javne uprave u Srbiji
Značaj upravljanja ljudskim resursima u podizanju upravljačkih kapaciteta javne uprave u Srbiji
(The Importance of Human Resource Managemenet in Raising Capacity of the Public Administration in Serbia)
- Author(s):Dejan Milenković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Government/Political systems
- Page Range:81-98
- No. of Pages:18
- Summary/Abstract:Human resource management (HRM) subsystem within the system of public administration represents one of the cornerstones of its successful reform. Over the last few decades, worldwide dominant managerial approach to public administration (New Public Management), which insists solely on its economical values (the so-called „three e approach“ – economics, efficiency and effectiveness) demanded significant adaptations in terms of its managing function and structure, as well as the HRM. Transfer of private corporation management to public administration required creation of a new human resource management subsystem. This important link in the reform chain has yet to be implemented in the Republic of Serbia, while the possible ways and goals remain mostly indefinite. In order to create successful HRM system within the public administration it is however necessary to take the specifics of managerial organization into account. Some of its specificity, from the system theory point of view, limit the direct transfer of HRM principles from the private sector to the public administration. This is why it is possible to claim, within organizational sciences framework, that public administration HRM is, in fact, a subgroup of HRM which, as a consequence of administrative organization specificity, is subsequently becoming ever more detached from it.
Tehnološke i demokratske inovacije - komplementarni ili suprotni procesi
Tehnološke i demokratske inovacije - komplementarni ili suprotni procesi
(Technological and Democratic Innovations - Complementary or Opposite Processes)
- Author(s):Ivana Damnjanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Political behavior, Politics and society
- Page Range:99-110
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:Research of innovation was famously introduced into economic theory by Schumpeter, at the beginning of 20th century. In his view, innovation was the main driving force of economic growth. Today, the research of innovation and its various aspects is the subject of many disciplines – economic theory, management, science, technology and society studies – and the focus is mostly on techn ological and rarely on organizational innovations. Recently, the research of innovation took hold in political science as well, through the concept of democratic innovation – „institutions that have been specifically designed to increase and deepen citizen participation in the political decision-making process“. Too often, researchers in the field of social science, including political science, begin from the explicit or implicit assumption of technological determinism – a notion that technological change decisively influences social change. More optimistic authors have frequently (and mostly unjustly) glorified every new technology as a bearer of new, democratizing changes. The idea of mutual formation of technological and social processes, including innovations, would, it seems, provide a more appropriate theoretical framework for research of the relationship between technological innovations and democratic processes. This paper aims to, starting from these assumptions, explore the relationship between technological and democratic innovation, and determine whether technological innovations in the modern world contribute to finding new methods and channels for citizen’s participation, thus improving the quality of democracy, or they lead to new forms of exclusion and inequality, decreasing in that way the democratic potential of societies.
Formalno i neformalno obrazovanje o internetu i individualno integrisanje intereneta u privatne, poslovne i političke aktivnosti
Formalno i neformalno obrazovanje o internetu i individualno integrisanje intereneta u privatne, poslovne i političke aktivnosti
(Formal and Informal Education about Internet and Personal Integration of Internet in Private, Business and Political Activities)
- Author(s):Nebojša Mrđa
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Media studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:111-121
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Internet; learning; informing; communication; management
- Summary/Abstract:The Internet is a public, global, decentralized system for data transfer and can be used as a cognitive, information and communication tool. Internet must be the subject of study because it is changing and because it is increasingly evident in various areas of society. Learning more about how the Internet works and how can be used will allow better understanding of the future development of the Internet, which will probably happen. Internet brings to researchers in the social sciences, two new things: the first relates to the inclusion of the Internet in the research process and the second, more important, to change the subject of research due to the widespread use of the Internet and other information technologies. Knowledge of Internet and technology opportunities that it provides is prerequisite for the design about role of Internet activity in the overall activities of individuals and organizations. Internet activities can be: substitute, supplement and complement to existing activities. Since most individuals and organizations engaged in multiple activities, this means that it is necessary for each of them separately to decide on how to use it. The main characteristic of the information society is that people are mostly dealing with the information using new information technologies. Mass use of computers and the Internet has led to important consequences for all human activities. In large organizations, employees are increasingly divided between those who make decisions based on information processing, and those who work under the direction. Most of today’s participants in business and educational activities during their formal education is very little taught about the Internet or have studied only the technical aspects. Each Internet user must independently decide how to use it and must understand the opportunities and threats arising from the mass use of new information technologies.
Lekcije grčke evro krize
Lekcije grčke evro krize
(Lessons of the Greek Euro Crisis)
- Author(s):Branko Vasiljević, Ljubomir Šubara
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Political economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:125-135
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Economic and monetary union, eurozone; democratic legitimacy; Greek crisis; crisis of confidence; exit from the eurozone
- Summary/Abstract:From the financial agony of Greece some important democratic lessons could be nferred. On the level of the Economic and Monetary Union they are related to the crisis f the democratic legitimacy of institutions and the crisis of confidence. At the national level, democratic legitimacy of the institutions that make the „European“ decisions has to be confirmed. European Union was created by political elites, but its limits are of social nature. The same lesson is important for Serbia’s integration path towards the European Union as well as for its democratic institutions.
Ljudska prava migranata u vreme krize
Ljudska prava migranata u vreme krize
(Human Rights of Migrants in Republic of Serbia in Time of Crisis)
- Author(s):Dejan Pavlović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Migration Studies
- Page Range:137-147
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:Treatment of the refugees and asylum seekers can become be a challenge for any state, particularly for fragile states with relatively weak economies and insufficient institutional capacities. The war in Syria caused a significant flow of refugees and asylum seekers from that region, which stirred the foundations of humanity across Europe, indicating that EU could become fortress like. There are alarming trends in border controls and prison-like treatment of the illegal migrants. The detention centers offer poor living conditions and there is wide spread malpractice of expulsion of asylum seekers without proper asylum procedures or in disrespect of the non-refoulmant principle of the public international law. Republic of Serbia is in a complex situation that requiring careful monitoring of external and internal migration flows. There is already a significant number of refugees and Internally displaced peoples (IDPs) as a legacy from the conflicts related to the dissolution of Yugoslavia. The general socio-economic situation is fragile and not helpful for the formulation of a clear and coherent migration policy. The management of migrations in Serbia is also an issue within the process of the EU accession, under Chapter 24 (Justice, Freedom and Security). The key human rights issues in the context of migrations are the reception conditions for the asylum seekers, in particular, those belonging to the vulnerable groups, and collective rejections without due process.
Male države u svetu regiona i izazovi multipolarizacije međunarodnih odnosa početkom 21. veka
Male države u svetu regiona i izazovi multipolarizacije međunarodnih odnosa početkom 21. veka
(Small States in a World of Regions and the Challenges of Multipolarization of International Relations at the Beginning of the 21st Century)
- Author(s):Marko Kovačević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:149-170
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:International Relations; multipolarity; regional security; discourse; agency; Serbia; European Union; Russia; China; Azerbaijan
- Summary/Abstract:In academic discussions and political dicourse on multipolarity at the beginning of the 21st century, great and emerging powers are perceived as major subjects of change, as well as the users of a transorming regionalized international system of states. On the other hand, small states have been sidelined in considering of the initial phase of the process of redistribution of economic power and the effects that the resulting political status-seeking may have in an altered international system. By dominantly focusing on structural effects of power distribution, IR research fails to provide for a more nuanced understanding of state agency and dynamics that is constituted by many, more or less important, ‘pawns of international politics’ or able Lilliputians − with their positions and roles in the processes of globalization and internationalization under different political, economic and security regionalisms. Drawing from the literatures on theories of IR, small states and regional security, this paper proceeds in two directions. Firstly, by considering various meanings of multipolarity – from its materiality, to its ideational and discoursive structure – it is possible to position states vis-a-vis what meaning of this concept is dominant in their political discourses. Secondly, in the context of a wider European regionalism, and post-Yugoslav and Caucasus regions more specifically, dimensions and characters of the relations of China and Russia with the small states in the two regions are explored. On the example of Serbia and Azerbaijan and shaping of their foreign policies in relations with the European Union, Russia, and China, an assessmnet of the extent and constraints of the agency of small states in international context is provided.
Srbija 1914. i 2014. - sličnosti izazova
Srbija 1914. i 2014. - sličnosti izazova
(Serbia in 1914 and 2014 - Similarities of Challenges)
- Author(s):Radmila Nakarada
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Political history, Social history
- Page Range:173-180
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper our point of departure is the following hypothesis: from the standpoint of the Great power relations toward Serbia, and her peripheral position there are similarities between the period prior to the breaking out of the First World War and the present. Similarities in the perceptions of Great powers is reflected in the acceptance of inequalities between states expressed either in the divisions between the masters and vassals, or enlightened states, with a mission to spread cosmopolitan order, and the objects of emancipatory projects. Balkan/Serbia is reproached that it never behaves in a sufficiently responsible manner having in mind that subordination/accepting an externally defined model of modernization was expected. Serbia then and now is a periphery of Europe. That position has not been transcended in spite of radical changes of the political, ideological and economic order. Peripheral status persists although Serbia circled from capitalism to socialism and back to capitalism. Setting aside the viewpoints that seek an explanation for the persistency of limited sovereignty and the peripheral status of Serbia in inherent Balkan features, we will attempt to point to some lasting structural suppositions that link the period of the First World War and the present.
Serbia and International Law at the Crossroads of Centuries - Serbian Approach to International Law until the Beginning of the First World War
Serbia and International Law at the Crossroads of Centuries - Serbian Approach to International Law until the Beginning of the First World War
(Serbia and International Law at the Crossroads of Centuries - Serbian Approach to International Law until the Beginning of the First World War)
- Author(s):Vesna Knežević-Predić, Janja Simentić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):History of Law, International Law, Politics and law
- Page Range:181-201
- No. of Pages:21
- Summary/Abstract:In this article the authors focus on the historical analysis of the position of Serbia towards international law of the XIX century. The research encompasses a broad period of time, spanning from 1830 to the beginning of the First World War, in order to cover the distinct legal status of Serbia – both as a vassal of the Ottoman Empire and as an independent State. The research has proven that Serbia has taken a stance on international law in an indirect manner even before it gained independence – through the Ottoman Empire. In order to provide a closer insight into Serbia’s indirect approach towards internationallaw, the authors will point to the institutes that came into being before the change of Serbia’s international legal status. This part of the research will address the following issues: regime of capitulations, establishment of consular relations with third countries and treaties applicable to Serbia as a vassal of the Ottoman Empire. In the second −central part of the research, the authors will comment upon Serbia’s direct approach to international law, which Serbia developed by becoming a party to international treaties on its own behalf, especially in the field of international law of armed conflict. In that respect, 1864 Geneva Convention and 1899 and 1907 Hague Conventions are of paramount importance. Having in mind that Serbia was accepted as a party to the Geneva Convention even before gaining independence, it is important to note that Serbia’ s direct approach temporally precedes the change of its legal status. Another pivotal issue for Serbia’s direct link with international law were the Hague Conventions. Serbia did not only become their signatory state but was also included in the making of the mentioned conventions. Therefore, the authors will provide an in depth analysis of Serbian participation, activities and contributions to the Hague peace conferences. It will be concluded that in spite of its newly changed international status, Serbia was fast in adapting to the international legal environment. Serbia was aware of the need to become an active part of the international community and wisely used its resources to engage in international legal processes.
Uticaj Prvog svetskog rata na nastanak nauke o međunarodnim odnosima: između mita i stvarnosti
Uticaj Prvog svetskog rata na nastanak nauke o međunarodnim odnosima: između mita i stvarnosti
(Influence of the Fist World War on the Genesis of International Relations Science: Between Myth and Reality)
- Author(s):Dragan R. Simić, Dragan Živojinović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, History and theory of political science, Comparative politics
- Page Range:203-218
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this paper is the impact of the First World War on the emergence of the science of international relations. It is an attempt to confront once widely accepted hypothesis about the First World War being the most important social cause for the inception of the discipline, with the new, increasingly popular hypothesis that the roots can actually be tracked back to the 19th century. In the first part of the paper, the authors deal with the conventional history of discipline, namely the establishment of the Woodrow Wilson Chair of International Politics at the University of Aberystwyth in Wales in the spring of 1919 and the First World War as the main social cause. The second part lays down criticism of the idea that the First World War was of crucial importance for the development of the science of international relations as an independent academic discipline. Special attention is given to the thesis of global transformation in the nineteenth century and theorists who support this hypothesis.
Rat koji je trebalo da okonča sve ratove - mir evropskoj nauci između 1918. i 1939. godine
Rat koji je trebalo da okonča sve ratove - mir evropskoj nauci između 1918. i 1939. godine
(The War that was Supposed to End all Wars: Peace in The European Science Between 1918 and 1945)
- Author(s):Goran Tepšić, Nemanja Džuverović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Politics and society, History and theory of political science, Geopolitics
- Page Range:219-235
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:First World War; peace science; The Hague Conferences; peace education; international relations; pacifism; Einstein and Freud
- Summary/Abstract:This essay is a review of the most important European peace science initiatives in the period between the two world wars, including their precursors from the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. In the first part, the authors give an analysis of peace proposals suggested by the prominent pacifists, scientists and politicians of that time, who were deeply influenced by their experiences of the First World War. This section covers the analysis of international (peace education and the science of international relations) and national peace science projects, including both the First World War victorious (United Kingdom, France, etc.) and defeated powers (Austria and Germany). In the second and final part, authors come to the conclusions about correlations of the First World War and development of the peace science, about purposefulness of the respective interwar peace initiatives, and also offer an explanation regarding the alleged failure of those initiatives to prevent the Second World War.
Kriza ekonomske globalizacije: pouke iz 1914. godine
Kriza ekonomske globalizacije: pouke iz 1914. godine
(The Crisis of Economic Globalization: Lessons from 1914)
- Author(s):Aleksandar Milošević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Supranational / Global Economy, Globalization
- Page Range:237-251
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:economic globalization; the crisis; the First World War; trade; capital flows; migration; economic interdependence; financialization
- Summary/Abstract:Contrary to the popular belief, economic globalization is not a contempo rary phenomenon. This paper will explore the nature and dimensions of the first modern globalization and analyze its similarity to the present time. The growth of trade and financial relations, labor migration and technological progress are commonly cited elements of globalization that has experienced its rapid rise in the second half of the 19th and early 20th century. The integration of financial markets and monetary stability based primarily on the cooperation of central banks (and the existence of the gold standard) have contributed to the strengthening of economic interdependence among countries. However, World War I marked the beginning of the Great Reversal, a period of opposite, deglobalisation trends − financial disintegration and the growth of commercial self-sufficiency, which lasted until the end of the Second World War. The paper will seek to answer the question whether another Great Reversal is possible (and how likely is it), ie. whether contemporary economic globalization is „unusual, unstable, complicated and unreliable“ as Keynes described the economic organization of the Western world in the period before the First World War (Keynes 1919). The nature and characteristics of current trade and capital flows, international migration and technology transfer, as well as the impact of production chains on economic interdependence of countries will be analyzed. Financialisation of the modern economy and its negative effects: the growth of economic inequality, the creation of precarity and crisis-proneness suggest that, paradoxically, the dramatic strenghtening of economic globalization leads to its crisis.
Srbija i upotreba pravosudnog rešavanja međunarodnih sporova od 1914. do 2015. godine: vek neuspeha
Srbija i upotreba pravosudnog rešavanja međunarodnih sporova od 1914. do 2015. godine: vek neuspeha
(Serbia's Use of Judical Settlement of International Disputes (1914-2015): The Century of Failures)
- Author(s):Miloš Hrnjaz
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):International Law, International relations/trade, Politics and law
- Page Range:253-270
- No. of Pages:18
- Summary/Abstract:States, as primary subjects of international law, can seek solutions for their disputes by peaceful means of their own choice. Therefore, a decision to bring a case against some other state before an international court is always a political one. In this article, the author focuses on the cases raised by Serbia (as an independent state or as a constituent element of some of the former states) before different international courts. The main argument of this paper is that Serbia in these instances either did not succeed to prove the jurisdiction of the court or failed to win any of the important cases. Additionally, the author reviews the political context in which the decisions to use judicial settlement of international disputes in these cases were brought. The main conclusion is that the desire to win a concrete case was not the only or sometimes even primary motive for raising the case. However, it seems that the political goals of Serbia in most of those cases were not accomplished either. In the first part of the paper, Serbia’s answer to the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum justbefore the First World War is analyzed. Following that, the author analyzes the Serbian Loans case before the Permanent Court of International Justice (between the French Republic and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes). The rest of the paper is focused on the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice: Genocide cases (Bosnia and Herzegovina vs. Serbia and Montenegro and Croatia vs. Serbia), the cases concerning the Legality of the use of force (in these cases Serbia made an application against ten NATO member countries following the 1999 intervention) and the Advisory Opinion on the Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo (General Assembly of the United Nations made a request for this Advisory Opinion but only after a strong diplomatic initiative by Serbia). The general conclusion of the paper is that the lessons learnt from these cases Serbia could use in some potential future situations when facing the dilemma whether to use judicial settlement of international disputes or not.
Između "zabijanja noža u leđa" i "nacionalne katastrofe": Prvi svetski rat kao determinanta spoljne politike Srbije prema Bugarskoj
Između "zabijanja noža u leđa" i "nacionalne katastrofe": Prvi svetski rat kao determinanta spoljne politike Srbije prema Bugarskoj
(The First World War as a Historical Determinant of Serbia's Foreign Policy Towards Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Milan Krstić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919)
- Page Range:271-288
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Foreign policy; Determinants; World War I (The First World War); Serbia; Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:This paper addresses the legacy of the First World War as a factor which determines foreign policy of the Republic of Serbia towards the Republic of Bulgaria. Findings of our analysis are showing that there are various material and non-material aspect of the First World War legacy, which are influencing Serbia’s foreign policy towards Bulgaria. As material determinants this paper extracts: a) Inter-state boundary; b) Bulgarian national minority. Non-material determinants addressed in this paper are: a) Serbian “stab in the back” perception; b) Bulgarian “Second national catastrophe” perception; c) Legacy of Bulgarian war crimes in south and east Serbia. This paper as well compares and categorizes the influence of the mentioned aspects on contemporary Serbian foreign policy towards Bulgaria.
Političnost umetnosti: slučaj Srbije
Političnost umetnosti: slučaj Srbije
(Art as Political Practice)
- Author(s):Jelena Đorđević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Politics and society, Sociology of Art
- Page Range:291-304
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:Until the middle of the 20th century, art was considered to be a distinctive, isolated autonomous structure, parallel to other fields of society, such as economy and politics, but in paradoxical relation to the social reality. The so called cultural turn that marked the second part of the last century positioned art at the very core of the social, cultural, economic and political, local and global changes and currents. This questioned the very notion of art that from then until today was replaced by the notion of artistic practices. The notion of autonomy was put under the question and the stress was put on the close relationship between art and politics. In other words, politics became an inherent part of any artistic practice. This turn is not simple and abrupt, so that we can follow its development from high modernism, through postmodernism to contemporary art. This article examines modalities of art/politics relationships focusing on their forms in artistic practices in post-socialist Serbia.
Da li će građansko novinarstvo zameniti profesionalno?
Da li će građansko novinarstvo zameniti profesionalno?
(Will Citizen Journalism Replace Professional Journalism?)
- Author(s):Miroljub Radojković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Media studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:305-314
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Internet; public communication; journalism profession; citizen journalism
- Summary/Abstract:Information and communication technology is causing substancial social changes. One of them is evaporation of professions centered on collecting, saving and disseminating information. These activities are faster and more reliable by the use of IC technology networked into Web 2.0 making men power obsolete. Since the most practiced communication on the internet is conversation, which Castells (2014) calls mass self-communication, the profession of journalism is threaten too. Hand in hand with the media, journalists were privileged to collect, gate keep and publish information of public interest in XX century. Using the digital gadgets citizens of today can, by their own choice, discover, share and publish information which in many cases was neglected by professional journalists. In the same way citizens are able to criticize, supplement and deconstruct information produced by the media and their staff. Therefore, a myth of internet as a technology of freedom of communication rose. At the same time, grows a worry that citizens participating into amateur journalism will make journalism profession disappear. Citizen’s activism in public communication is well established fact. Theory was able to map those practices as: 1) public journalism; 2) participative journalism; 3) interactive journalism and 4) blogosphere. Taken together, these activities are put under the common denominator – „citizen journalism“. Therefore it is important to analyze its advantages and disadvantages in order to give a true prognosis about the future of professional journalism. Because of social changes in information society the general trust in media and journalists decreases all around the world. People have realized that professional journalists are under the pressure of various power centers and believe that only citizen journalists are able to publish information independently. They are free to communicate news and comments regardless if power centers agree or not. Therefore, blogs, forums and discussions on social networks replace mass media use on the mass scale. However, there is far less attentions paid to the risks of citizen journalism visible till now as well. Those are: anonymity of senders, direction to the private interests, plagiarism, deleting and changing of the posts published before, absence of the accountability for the public word, ignoring of ethic and hidden financing. In the long term these bad facets of citizen journalism could bring about the loss of its credibility too. Paradoxically, as more and more citizens will be realizing these shortcomings, mainly by personal experience, they could make a rational choice. They could turn back to the professional journalists and their institutions. If so happens, the profession of journalism will survive
Perspektive preduzetničkog novinarstva u Srbiji
Perspektive preduzetničkog novinarstva u Srbiji
(Perspetitves of Entrepreneurial Journalism in Serbia)
- Author(s):Veselin Kljajić, Marko M. Nedeljković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Media studies
- Page Range:315-327
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:online journalism; entrepreneurial journalism; new media; multimedia content; digital age; entrepreneurship on the Internet
- Summary/Abstract:Numerous problems in the traditional media and the difficult financial situation in which journalists are, increasingly force media professionals to seek new business models to survive in the media sphere. Traditional financing strategies of professional journalism based on the classic advertising is shaken from the roots by the expansion of the Internet and the Social media, therefore, the need to explore new revenue opportunities in the media is more often mentioned in discussions about the future of journalism. Thus, the concept of „entrepreneurial journalism“ often appears in recent years, which basically indicates the need for journalists to act as entrepreneurs, and to run their own media projects on the Web independently or in association with other media professionals. This is particularly important in the case of young journalists, because their careers will more depend on the ability to develop and launch a small, but profitable web projects. Therefore, many universities in the United States have already included courses in entrepreneurial journalism in their study programs, and the number of universities in Western Europe that follow their footsteps is slowly increasing. In Serbia, as in the whole region, this concept is still relatively unknown, so the aim of this study is to emphasize the basic elements of this concept, new journalistic competencies that it entails, but also the perspectives its development in our country.
Reforma politika obrazovanja i socijalnog uključivanja u procesu evropskih integracija kao pretpostavke socijalnog razvoja Srbije
Reforma politika obrazovanja i socijalnog uključivanja u procesu evropskih integracija kao pretpostavke socijalnog razvoja Srbije
(Reforms of Policies in the Areas of Education and Social Inclusion in the Process of European Integrations as Prerequisites of Social Development in Serbia)
- Author(s):Ana Čekeravac, Mira Lakićević, Natalija D. Perišić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Social development, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
- Page Range:331-348
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:social development; social indicators; education; social inclusion; reforms; Serbia; the European Union
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyzes the reform effects of policies in the areas of education and social inclusion in Serbia. Reforms in these public policy areas have been conducted largely under the influence of European and regional trends in the context of the expected integration of Serbia into the European Union. Harmonization of the education system and social inclusion programs in Serbia with education and social integration in Europe, requires the modernization of the national framework, without neglecting its tradition, and taking into account the previous comparative and national achievements. Education and social inclusion are important prerequisities of social development and social position of citizens of Serbia and fundamental research objective of this paper is the analysis of their mutual influence. Therefore, the paper is structured as follows: in the first part, important indicators of social development of Serbia in the period 2011−2015 with special emphasis on the intersection of education and social inclusion in the national and regional context are analyzed. In the second and third part, the European trends followed by national reforms in the areas of education and social inclusion, respectively, are presented.
Deinstitucionalizacija osoba sa intelektualnim i mentalnim teškoćama između ljudskih prava i ustanova socijalne zaštite
Deinstitucionalizacija osoba sa intelektualnim i mentalnim teškoćama između ljudskih prava i ustanova socijalne zaštite
(Deinstitutionalization of People with Intellectual and Mental Disabilities Between Human Rights and Social Protection Institutions)
- Author(s):Dragana Stanković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Social differentiation, Social Norms / Social Control, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
- Page Range:349-362
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:persons with intellectual and mental disabilities; deinstitutionalization; community-based service; human rights; social protection system
- Summary/Abstract:Democratic changes at the beginning of new century marked the new reform directions in the social welfare system with aim to overcome the problems inherited from the previous period − the extreme centralization of the system, high rates of institutionalization, lack of community-based services and the passive position of the beneficiaries in the social welfare system. Therefore, the recognition of deinstitutionalization as one of the basic directions of social welfare reform coincided with these changes. EU integration process of the Republic of Serbia has further enforced and accelerated the incorporation of international standards into national legislation, creating a legal framework for combating discrimination and respect for human rights of people with intellectual and mental disabilities. However, as the medical model of disability was the dominant paradigm for a long time and deeply rooted into social protection system, professionals and policy for persons with disabilities, the positioning from institutional toward care and protection in community has been going on very slow. Despite the existence of formal commitment to transform the system, the process of deinstitutionalization of people with intellectual and mental disabilities in Serbia has not been performed in accordance with the basic requirements which are essential for the success of the process and exercise of the rights of these people. This paper analyzes the extent to which current organization of social protection system is in accordance with the basic principles of deinstitutionalization that are prerequisites for the realization of the rights of the people with intellectual and mental disabilities in accordance with international and national standards.
Demografske promene i porodična politika
Demografske promene i porodična politika
(Demographic Changes and Family Policy)
- Author(s):Marina Pantelić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Family and social welfare, Demography and human biology, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:363-375
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:child; family; demographic changes; family policy
- Summary/Abstract:Demographic challenges are becoming priority in political agendas in the 21st century. With a birth rate well below the replacement level for several decades, increasing divorce rates and the increasing number of single parent families, along with greater life expectancy and the growing number of dependent elderly people, family structure is continuously changing. As a result of current demographic changes taking place in the industrialized world, family policies have become a central issue in European countries. Changes in family structures are creating new challenges that should be taken into account in defining family policies and their subsequent implementation. In some countries there is a similarity in terms of these policies and their objectives, while others have specific solutions in this area. The diversity of family patterns requires „modernization“ of family-support policies, which means that the family policy should become more effective in reconciling different objectives. They need to adapt to new forms of family life and meet the needs of „non-standard“ families. The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of demographic changes on the family structure and relationships, as well as to outline the most relevant family policies in Europe and make recommendations for their development, implementation and evaluation.