Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Sofia, 22–27 August 2011. Volume I, Plenary Papers Cover Image
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Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Sofia, 22–27 August 2011. Volume I, Plenary Papers
Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Sofia, 22–27 August 2011. Volume I, Plenary Papers

Contributor(s): Iliya Georgiev Iliev (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Diplomatic history, Economic history, Ethnohistory, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Military history, Political history, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries, 13th to 14th Centuries, 15th Century
Published by: Фондация "Българско историческо наследство"
Summary/Abstract: The main theme of the congress, Byzantium without borders, aims at exploring the role of this great empire in the medieval world and its undiminished contemporary significance. Th e Congress program was designed so as to encourage the presentation of research in both traditional and novel areas. Th e participants’ contributions were arranged in seven plenary sessions and more than eighty associated round tables and panels of free communications, displaying an amazing variety of directions of research. All papers, submitted to the Organizing Committee in time, were published in advance and so we have now a fine collection of three volumes, containing the plenary papers, the abstracts of papers for the round-table discussions, as well as the free-communication abstracts.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-954-8536-03-5
  • Page Count: 615
  • Publication Year: 2011
  • Language: English, French, Russian, German
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Le dialogue byzantino-bulgare
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Les congrès internationaux des études byzantines face à la conjoncture historique
(The international congresses of Byzantine studies in the face of the historical conjuncture)

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Entre deux congrès

Entre deux congrès
(Between two congresses)

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(Travel and traffic routes in Byzantium)

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The Black Sea in the International Trade of the XIVth and XVth Centuries

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The Role of the West Black Sea Ports in Navigation and Commerce, 13th–15th Centuries
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Enfer et paradis à Byzance
(Hell and paradise in Byzantium)

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La représentation de l’espace et du temps a Byzance et les raisons qui en conditionnent la forme

La représentation de l’espace et du temps a Byzance et les raisons qui en conditionnent la forme
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