Lingvistika Milke Ivić
The Linguistics of Milka Ivić
Contributor(s): Milorad Radovanović (Editor), Predrag Piper (Editor)
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, South Slavic Languages
Published by: Biblioteka XX vek
Summary/Abstract: Besides the editors, Predrag Piper and Milorad Radovanović, this collection of sholarly articles also fetures: Dragoljub Petrovic, Zuzana Topolinjska, Sasmina Grković-Major, Aleksandar Mladenović, Darinka Gortan-Premk, Rajna Dragićević, Sofija Miloradović and Milena Marković. The editors write in their preface: ”There are bodies of sholarly work so diverse and multi-faceted that they can hardly be grasped by a single person, so large that they can hardly be graded by a single hand, but whose overall significance would nevertheless remain insufficiently visible and rcognized if no attempt were made to introduce them, at least competently and in general features, in a single place. The open schoarly and scientific opus of Milka Ivić belongs among such bodies of sholarship. In this book, her own collaborators, almost all of whom were, at one time or another, her students, write about directions, outcomes, and echoes of her researches… In addition to being motivated by sholarly needs, this book is also en expression of gratitude, love, and respect felt by disciples, collaborators, and friends of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts member, Milka Ivić.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-7562-075-4
- Page Count: 351
- Publication Year: 2008
- Language: Serbian
Tri pitanja Milki Ivić
Tri pitanja Milki Ivić
(Three questions to Milka Ivić)
- Author(s):Milorad Radovanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:5-19
- No. of Pages:15
- Price: 4.50 €
Delo za budućnost
Delo za budućnost
(Opus for the Future)
- Author(s):Dragoljub Petrović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:21-27
- No. of Pages:7
- Price: 4.50 €
Tri decenije istraživanja o jeziku i lingvistici
Tri decenije istraživanja o jeziku i lingvistici
(Three Decades of Research on Language and Linguistics)
- Author(s):Predrag Piper
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:29-42
- No. of Pages:13
- Price: 4.50 €
Četvrt veka druženja
Četvrt veka druženja
(Quarter-century Friendship)
- Author(s):Zuzana Topolińska
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:43-48
- No. of Pages:6
- Price: 4.50 €
Istorija (opšte) lingvistike
Istorija (opšte) lingvistike
(History of (General) Linguistics)
- Author(s):Milorad Radovanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:49-60
- No. of Pages:12
- Price: 4.50 €
Lingvistički ogledi: teorijski uvidi i njihova primena
Lingvistički ogledi: teorijski uvidi i njihova primena
(Essays in Linguistics: Theoretical Insights and their Application)
- Author(s):Predrag Piper
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:61-80
- No. of Pages:20
- Price: 4.50 €
Tipološka slavistička problematika
Tipološka slavistička problematika
(Typological Slavic Studies)
- Author(s):Jasmina Grkovic-Major
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:81-96
- No. of Pages:16
- Price: 4.50 €
Istorija jezika
Istorija jezika
(History of Language)
- Author(s):Aleksandar Mladenović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:97-104
- No. of Pages:8
- Price: 4.50 €
O standardnom jeziku i njegovim varijantama
O standardnom jeziku i njegovim varijantama
(Standard Language and its Variants)
- Author(s):Dragoljub Petrović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:105-122
- No. of Pages:18
- Price: 4.50 €
Sintaksa rečenice
Sintaksa rečenice
(Syntax of Sentences)
- Author(s):Vladislava Ružić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:123-143
- No. of Pages:21
- Price: 4.50 €
Sintaksa padeža
Sintaksa padeža
(Syntax of Cases)
- Author(s):Ivana Antonić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:145-181
- No. of Pages:37
- Price: 4.50 €
Sintaksa glagola
Sintaksa glagola
(Syntax of the Verb)
- Author(s):Sreto Tanasić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:183-203
- No. of Pages:21
- Price: 4.50 €
Morfološke kategorija
Morfološke kategorija
(Morphological Category)
- Author(s):Egon Fekete
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:205-217
- No. of Pages:13
- Price: 4.50 €
Istorija reči
Istorija reči
(History of Words)
- Author(s):Darinka Gortan-Premk
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:219-231
- No. of Pages:13
- Price: 4.50 €
Leksička semantika
Leksička semantika
(Lexical Semantics)
- Author(s):Rajna Dragićević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, Semantics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:233-253
- No. of Pages:21
- Price: 4.50 €
U naučnoj kritici
U naučnoj kritici
(In the Scientific Criticism)
- Author(s):Sofija Miloradović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:255-282
- No. of Pages:28
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Milorad Radovanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:283-293
- No. of Pages:11
- Price: 4.50 €
Bibliografija Milke ivić
Bibliografija Milke ivić
(Bibliography Milka Ivić)
- Author(s):Milena Marković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Applied Linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:295-348
- No. of Pages:54
- Price: 4.50 €