Stranger here, Stranger there. Anthropological Research of Cultural Identity of Guest Workers Cover Image
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Stranac ovde, stranac tamo. Antropološko istraživanje kulturnog identiteta gastarbajtera
Stranger here, Stranger there. Anthropological Research of Cultural Identity of Guest Workers

Author(s): Dragana Antonijević
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences
Published by: Srpski genealoški centar
Keywords: Serbs; Migrations;Anthropological Overview;
Summary/Abstract: Half a century after first guest workers went to countries in the Western Europe to work there, it is a good occasion to make a summary and refocus research on this complex phenomenon, which had various and diverse consequences both in the countries of origin and the immigration countries, respectively. Anthropological approach to the migrations underscores both the structure and the activity, it examines macro-social outcomes, and also strategies and decisions on micro-social level, as well as social ties and relations within which individuals behave. Peculiarity of the anthropological "micro approach” lies in its "bottom-up” frame of reference, since it focuses on individual and group experiences of migrants and their families. Anthropologists aim to make their research empirical and ethnographically contextualized. Anthropology is interested in the questions of who, how and why emigrates, it aims to understand through experience ethnography what it means to "be a migrant”, the meanings ascribed to it by the migrants themselves, how they interpret and constitute their identity, how they make sense of the conditions of their existence, as well as social and cultural changes resulting from convergence of different migrant environments and cultural values.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-83679-97-3
  • Page Count: 355
  • Publication Year: 2013
  • Language: Serbian
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