Conversations with Judith Butler: Proceedings from the Seminar “Crisis of the Subject,” held in Ohrid 11-14th May 2000 Cover Image
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Разговори со Џудит Батлер: Записи од семинарот „Криза на субјектот“ одржан во Охрид 11-13 Мај 2000
Conversations with Judith Butler: Proceedings from the Seminar “Crisis of the Subject,” held in Ohrid 11-14th May 2000

Author(s): Judith Butler, Katerina Kolozova, Žarko Trajanoski
Subject(s): Anthropology, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Sociology, Culture and social structure , Psychoanalysis, Theory of Literature
Published by: Институтот за општествени и хуманистички науки – Скопје
Keywords: Crisis of the Subject; Subject; Real; gender; feminism; queer theory;
Summary/Abstract: The book contains the discussions and three of the papers (by Judith Butler, Katerina Kolozova, and Zarko Trajanoski) that were presented at the Seminar “Crisis of the Subject.” The transcripts are not authorized by Judith Butler.

  • Print-ISBN-10: 9989-136-50-5
  • Page Count: 97
  • Publication Year: 2007
  • Language: Macedonian
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