Yugoslav Foreign Policy 1950-1961 Cover Image
  • Price: 52.50 €

Spoljna politika Jugoslavije 1950-1961.
Yugoslav Foreign Policy 1950-1961

Contributor(s): Slobodan Selinić (Editor), Radmila Radić (Editor), Dragan Bogetić (Editor), Dragomir Bondžić (Editor), Aleksandar Životić (Editor), Vladimir Lj. Cvetković (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Diplomatic history, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, International relations/trade, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Cold-War History
Published by: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije
Keywords: Balkan Pact; Yugoslavia; Josip Broz Tito; Khruschev; Belgrade Declaration; Cominform; Cold War; Non-Aligned Movement
Summary/Abstract: The collection of paper consists of 34 articles written by Serbian, Russian, Bulgarian, Israeli, Greek, Finish, Czech, Montenegrin, Croatian and Slovenian historians about different aspects of the foreign policy of the socialist Yugoslavia in the period between 1950 and 1961. In the focus of the researchers’ interests were the issues of the normalization of the relations between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union and its allies after the confrontation which lasted from 1948 to 1953, the opening of Yugoslavia towards Western world, the way of the creation of the new concept of Yugoslav foreign policy based on the bloc non-alignment concept and the participation of Yugoslavia in the creation of the Balkan Pact with Greece and Turkey (1953-1954).

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-7005-058-7
  • Page Count: 627
  • Publication Year: 2008
  • Language: English, Russian, Serbian


  • Price: 5.00 €
Drugi jugoslovensko-sovjetski sukob

Drugi jugoslovensko-sovjetski sukob
(The Second Yugoslav-Soviet Conflict)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Нaчалний период нормализации советско югославских отношений (1953–1954 гг.)

Нaчалний период нормализации советско югославских отношений (1953–1954 гг.)
(The initial period of the normalization of Soviet-Yugoslav relations (1953-1954))

  • Price: 6.00 €
The Yugoslav State Visit to the Soviet Union, June 1956

The Yugoslav State Visit to the Soviet Union, June 1956
(The Yugoslav State Visit to the Soviet Union, June 1956)

  • Price: 6.00 €
България и съветско-югославското „сближаване” 1953–1958 г.

България и съветско-югославското „сближаване” 1953–1958 г.
(1953-1958 Bulgaria and the Soviet-Yugoslav 'convergence')

  • Price: 6.00 €
Советско-югославские отношения и внутренополитическая ситуaция в венгрии в условиях кризиса 1956 г.

Советско-югославские отношения и внутренополитическая ситуaция в венгрии в условиях кризиса 1956 г.
(Relations between Yugoslavia and USSR in Case of Internal Crisis in Hungary 1956)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Obnavljanje jugoslovensko-mađarskih odnosa 1953–1954. godine

Obnavljanje jugoslovensko-mađarskih odnosa 1953–1954. godine
(Yugoslav-Hungarian Reconciliation 1953–1954)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslavija i odjek beogradske deklaracije u susednim „informbiroovskim” zemljama

Jugoslavija i odjek beogradske deklaracije u susednim „informbiroovskim” zemljama
(Yugoslavia and Reflection of the Belgrade Declaration in Neighbouring „Cominform” Countries)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Informbiroovska emigracija u jugoslovensko- čehoslovačkim odnosima

Informbiroovska emigracija u jugoslovensko- čehoslovačkim odnosima
(The Cominformist Emigration in Yugoslav-Czechoslovak Relations)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jedan ibeovski diplomata u Beogradu

Jedan ibeovski diplomata u Beogradu
(A Cominform Diplomat in Belgrade:)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslavija i NATO 1951–1958.

Jugoslavija i NATO 1951–1958.
(Relations between Yugoslavia and NATO 1951–1958)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslavija i projekti kolektivne bezbjednosti 1950–1960.

Jugoslavija i projekti kolektivne bezbjednosti 1950–1960.
(Yugoslavia and Collective Security Projects 1950–1960)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslavija i SAD u svetlu hladnoratovskih kriza 1956. godine

Jugoslavija i SAD u svetlu hladnoratovskih kriza 1956. godine
(Yugoslavia and the USA in the Light of Cold War Crises in 1956.)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslavija u američkoj vojnopolitičkoj strategiji odbrane zapada od SSSR-a 1950–1954.

Jugoslavija u američkoj vojnopolitičkoj strategiji odbrane zapada od SSSR-a 1950–1954.
(Yugoslavia in the US Military-Political Strategy of Defence of the West from the USSR 1950–1954)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslavija i Vatikan

Jugoslavija i Vatikan
(Yugoslavia and Vatican)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Velika Britanija i „Slučaj Đilas” 1954.

Velika Britanija i „Slučaj Đilas” 1954.
(Great Britain and the „Djilas Case” 1954)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Britansko-jugoslavenski odnosi od Bagdadskog pakta do sueske krize

Britansko-jugoslavenski odnosi od Bagdadskog pakta do sueske krize
(British-Yugoslav Relations from the Baghdad Pact to the Suez Crisis)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Finnish-Yugoslav relations 1948–1961

Finnish-Yugoslav relations 1948–1961
(Finnish-Yugoslav relations 1948–1961)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslovansko-italijanska meja in vprašanje slovenskega izhoda na morje

Jugoslovansko-italijanska meja in vprašanje slovenskega izhoda na morje
(Yugoslav-Italian border and the issue of Slovenian landlocked)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Nemačka odšteta žrtvama pseudomedicinskih eksperimenata u Jugoslaviji

Nemačka odšteta žrtvama pseudomedicinskih eksperimenata u Jugoslaviji
(German Indemnification for the Victims of Pseudo-Medical Experiments in Yugoslavia)

  • Price: 6.00 €
U senci gvozdene zavese.

U senci gvozdene zavese.
(In the Iron Curtain Shadow.)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Uloga muzičkog folklora u spoljnoj politici Socijalističke Jugoslavije 1950–1952.

Uloga muzičkog folklora u spoljnoj politici Socijalističke Jugoslavije 1950–1952.
(The Role of Musical Folklore in Socialist Yugoslavia’s Foreign Policy 1950–1952)

  • Price: 6.00 €
„Pošteni posrednik”. Jugoslavija između starih i novih spoljnopolitičkih partnerstava sredinom pedesetih godina

„Pošteni posrednik”. Jugoslavija između starih i novih spoljnopolitičkih partnerstava sredinom pedesetih godina
(„The Honest Broker”. Yugoslavia between Old and New Commitments in the mid-1950s)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Israel and Yugoslavia between East and West

Israel and Yugoslavia between East and West
(Israel and Yugoslavia between East and West)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslavija i Bliski istok (1945–1956)

Jugoslavija i Bliski istok (1945–1956)
(Yugoslavia and the Middle East (1945–1956))

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslavija i zemlje Magreba 1956–1958.

Jugoslavija i zemlje Magreba 1956–1958.
(Yugoslavia and the Maghreb Countries 1956–1958)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Otkrivanje Afrike

Otkrivanje Afrike
(Discovering Africa)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslavija i Azija (1947–1953)

Jugoslavija i Azija (1947–1953)
(Yugoslavia and Asia (1947–1953))

  • Price: 6.00 €
The Foreign Policy of Yugoslavia 1953–1958 as Published in the Greek Daily Press.

The Foreign Policy of Yugoslavia 1953–1958 as Published in the Greek Daily Press.
(The Foreign Policy of Yugoslavia 1953–1958 as Published in the Greek Daily Press.)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Stipendisti iz Indije i Burme u Jugoslaviji 1951–1955.

Stipendisti iz Indije i Burme u Jugoslaviji 1951–1955.
(Scholars from India and Burma in Yugoslavia 1951–1955)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Tito i Balkanski pakt

Tito i Balkanski pakt
(Tito and the Balkan Pact)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Bulgaria and the Balkan Pact (1953–1954)

Bulgaria and the Balkan Pact (1953–1954)
(Bulgaria and the Balkan Pact (1953–1954))

  • Price: 6.00 €
Jugoslovensko-italijanski odnosi i stvaranje Balkanskog pakta 1953. godine

Jugoslovensko-italijanski odnosi i stvaranje Balkanskog pakta 1953. godine
(Yugoslav-Italian Relations and Creation of the Balkan Pact in 1953)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Nekoliko pitanja jugoslovensko-turske saradnje

Nekoliko pitanja jugoslovensko-turske saradnje
(Some Issues of Yugoslav-Turkish Cooperation)

  • Price: 6.00 €
Podaci o autorima

Podaci o autorima
(Notes about authors)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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