Enquiry on the Balkans. Report presented to the Directors of the Carnegie Foundation Cover Image
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Enquête dans les Balkans. Rapport présenté aux Directeurs de la Dotation Carnegie
Enquiry on the Balkans. Report presented to the Directors of the Carnegie Foundation

Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): History, Military history, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919)
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Keywords: Balkan-Wars; Nicolas Murray Butler;Baron d'Estournelles de Constant;Carnegie Foundation;
Summary/Abstract: This 2008 Edition os CEEOL is a Digsimile Edition of the 1914 Report of the Carnegie Foundation. The circumstances which attended the Balkan wars of 1912 and 1913 were of such character as to fix upon them the attention of the civilized world. The conflicting reports as to what actually occurred before and during these wars, together with the persistent rumors often supported by specific and detailed statements as to violations of the laws of war by the several combatants, made it important that an impartial and exhaustive examination should be made of this entire episode in contemporary history. The purpose of such an impartial examination by an independent authority was to inform public opinion and to make plain just what is or may be involved in an international war carried on under modern conditions. If the minds of men can be turned even for a short time away from passion, from race antagonism and from national aggrandizement to a contemplation of the individual and national losses due to war and to the shocking horrors which modern warfare entails, a step and by no means a short one, will have been taken toward the substitution of justice for force in the settlement of international differences. It was with this motive and for this purpose that the Division of Intercourse and Education of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace constituted in July, 1913, an International Commission of Inquiry to study the recent Balkan wars and to visit the actual scenes where fighting had taken place and the territory which had been devastated. The presidency of this International Commission of Inquiry was entrusted to Baron d'Estournelles de Constant, Senator of France, who had represented his country at the First and Second Hague Conferences of 1899 and of 1907, and who as President Fondateur of the Conciliation Internationale, has labored so long and so effectively to bring the various nations of the world into closer and more sympathetic relations. With Baron d'Estournelles de Constant there were associated men of the highest standing, representing different nationalities, who were able to bring to this important task large experience and broad sympathy. The result of the work of the International Commission of Inquiry is contained in their report. This report, which has been written without prejudice and without partisanship, is respectfully commended to the attention of the governments, the people and the press of the civilized world. To those who so generously participated in its preparation as members of the International Commission of Inquiry, the Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace offer an expression of grateful thanks. Nicholas Murray Butler, Acting Director. (February 22, 1914)

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-3-946993-10-0
  • Page Count: 571
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: French
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