Captives of Evil: Legacy of Hannah Arendt Cover Image
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Zatočenici zla: zaveštanje Hane Arent
Captives of Evil: Legacy of Hannah Arendt

Contributor(s): Obrad Savić (Editor), Gordana Daša Duhaček (Editor)
Subject(s): Philosophy, Jewish studies, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Law and Transitional Justice, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, History of Antisemitism
Published by: Beogradski krug
Keywords: totalitarianism; freedom, responsibility; banality of evil; guilty; political; anti-Semitism; human rights; public realm; authority;
Summary/Abstract: Hannah Arendt was one of the foremost political thinkers of the twentieth century. This collection examines the themes of her multi-faceted work, from her theory of totalitarianism, revolution as a ‘new beginning’, conception of freedom, responsibility, guilty, and her controversial idea of the ‘banality of evil’. Each chapter examines the political, philosophical, and historical concerns which shaped Arendt’s thought, and which promoted her to become one of the most unapologetic champions of the modern political life in the Western traditions.

  • Print-ISBN-10: 86-82299-52-6
  • Page Count: 556
  • Publication Year: 2002
  • Language: Serbian
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