Cyrillo-Methodian Studies. 1 Cover Image
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Кирило-Методиевски студии. Кн. 1
Cyrillo-Methodian Studies. 1

Contributor(s): Angel Davidov (Editor), Petar Dinekov (Editor), Ivan Dujchev (Editor), Dora Mircheva (Editor), Svetlina Nikolova (Editor), Donka Petkanova (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature
ISSN: 0205-2253
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Founders of Slavic writing and literature; Cyril and Methodius Research Centre; Activities of Cyril and Methodius; Cyril and Methodius studies
Summary/Abstract: Underscoring the great significance of the research of the remarkable work of enlightenment by the founders of Slavic writing and literature, the Praesidium of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences submitted a suggestion with the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Bulgaria to set up a special Cyril and Methodius Research Centre with the Academy. The Bureau of the Council of Ministers (by virtue of decree No7 of 11th February 1980) decided to establish it on 1st March 1980. “The Cyril and Methodius Research Centre with the Praesidium of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is a research organization, a juridical person, seated in Sofia and the purposes of its activities is the following: research work, popularization and propaganda work in Bulgaria and abroad and also the coordination of research work, related to the activities of Cyril and Methodius.” The establishment of a special Cyril and Methodius Research Centre does not mean a unification of the institutes and centres dealing with Cyril and Methodius studies, but only a coordination of their activities. The centre will carry out its own independent research. The coordination will be achieved in accordance with the principles of work adopted by the Academy and will affect also centres that are not in it. In point of fact, this will be attained by a Research-Coordination Council, to be formed by representatives of all scientific organizations (institution, departments and commissions) within whose scope fall studies on the Cyril and Methodius problems. The Cyril and Methodius Research Centre will be in contact also with institutions and scholars abroad, working in the sphere of Cyril and Methodius studies. Here the question is not only to give help to research activities, but also of a close co-operation in working out research problems, the solution of tasks in common and of scientific papers. The centre will arrange meetings and symposia to be attended by foreign experts too, and will assist the participation of Bulgarian scholars in congresses and conferences abroad.

  • Page Count: 215
  • Publication Year: 1984
  • Language: Bulgarian, Old Bulgarian
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